Former national security adviser John Bolton claims the White House blocked his Twitter account after he resigned. #CNN #News
John Bolton: White House blocked my Twitter account

Former national security adviser John Bolton claims the White House blocked his Twitter account after he resigned. #CNN #News
I wish our elected representatives would worry about doing the right thing and not about whether or not their decisions will get them reelected.
We can only hope, wish, pray and dream.
BarneyJake – I wish I had a Pony that could Fly. And when he Farted, Cherry Popsicles came out for all my Friends. Which one of us will get their wish first?
Even Britain’s awful Tories showed more backbone when they voted against Brexit, against Boris Johnson, and continue to call their leader of their own party a dangerous moron who’s unfit to lead the party. When even the Tories – normally a heartless group who think poor people make wonderful servants – start showing they’ve more moral backbone than your surrendered, cowardly, complicit Republicans…
That’s why we need term limits. But how would we get term limits? From the people in congress to vote themselves out of a job at the end of their term. Trump will be named a saint by the Vatican and win 9 Super Bowls as quarterback of the Browns before THAT ever happens.
Walrus Bellhop Now THAT’S funny!
He doesn’t need his Twitter account to testify.
@No Name Makes no sense!
Kind of bullshit since he signed non disclosure agreement.
He cant profit from a book unless the whitehouse signs off on it.
So that means the whitehouse has a copy.
@Dildo Baggins You should read up on Nixon, bub.
This is Nixon 2.0.
Yeah well, if the Democrats aren’t going to subpoena him, then they don’t really care. Politically, he would be the nail in the coffin and without him, this may fail. Polls are showing that fewer Americans want impeachment than a week ago. Either they aren’t listening or they can’t understand what is being said.
If Bolton was a Patriot he would ignore the White House and Testify.
@Darren Danger Its Mueller time …… hahahahaha
@Casey Mattison Trump draft dodged five times
@TheFangseeker how 0ld was 0bummer during that War?
@Casey Mattison I dunno how old whoever your talking about was, but Trump was old enough, and made fun of John Macain for being a prisoner during war time.
The whistle blower is a CIA agent. It would compromise the agents safety , if the agents identity is revealed to the public. Sorry… National Safety First…. Period.
We all know who it is now though. His name and picture have been online for weeks. No news channels have publicly said that’s the guy but best believe if that wasn’t the whistleblower that person would sue every website that published his name and picture. It’s him and it’s a shame that he has basically already been outed.
There’s been bunch of whistles blowing in the last two weeks.
If he doesn’t testify let’s boycott his book!!
Bolton is a coward, trying to sell his book. If he was a man, he would have gone to hearing. Another coward like Trump who avoided the draft because he had money.
@Morgoth The First And they are all cowards who when called by their country ran and hide, especially rich kids like Trump.
@Morgoth The First but, only the rich was able to run.
@Bill Pii as well as many of the Democrats running. Biden and Sanders to name two.
OK, then, we are RELATIVE saints trying to save this country from a warmed-over naziism.
When your morals don’t align with the defending the Constitution, then your morals aren’t worth the trump I just left in the toilet.
Jim Truscott, you are STUPID beyond belief, but then, you are a trumper. Figures.
Super Tramp. Thanks for your testimony to your failures and your confession of my victory ( tho I would not call it that. Pointing out the malignant strategies of the left is a victory for those who had not previously seen them as such. but now do. Thanks for your part in helping out by falling into every trap set for you. It’s a significant aid to getting out the truth.
Super Tramp Stands by her original statement after devolving into total incoherence. Scary.
Jim Truscott you have to have made a point before you can claim anything. You actually this thick or are you falling victim to believing you’re so clever that people have followed you thought processes even though you have failed to express them? ‘Pointing out the strategies’ name one strategy from your previous responses you’ve actually pointed out with dome kind of substance to it. Seriously. I’m not interested in weak little pedantic hollow arguments. Put some meat on the bone, because presently the vast majority of people seeing this exchange who aren’t you likely think your more daft than you’re are currently convinced of yourself.
Is the Vice President less corrupt than the “President”?
Hard to say…
Would have to ask Mother…
: Antypas most likely not
No, neither is his secretary of state, secretary of the treasury, secretary of education, his daughter, his son, his son in law and now it appears his secretary of energy. The orange swamp runs deep.
Pence is a follower, just watch how many Republicans come forward for next election.
Yusuf Ginnah I love the “Mother” comment!!!!! So true!!!!
This Joke “president” is so petty and pathetic. His “intellect” hasn’t improved, probably, since he was five years old.
but he knows “all the best words..!!”
@Robert Harden – and FOX is a paragon of fact..????????????????????? get a life you weirdo
Rick Simpson So as a fifth grader,but not a smart one, you praise your smarter peers ! Nice of you !
We Believe, if trump is so innocent, why did he refuse to allow the top witnesses with first-hand knowledge to testify. They keep talking about the witnesses with second-hand knowledge.Hypocrites!!!
Why doesn’t he share his “explosive” information with us. We don’t care about your Twitter account being locked! We want answers!
Answers to what? Running the country.
Donald Trump is the best president in America history.
That his feelings were hurt and Trump said this and that. But only acts on few things he actually says.
Whatever, the day he was fired, the DNC has approached him to coach and prep weird information to create hysteria.
YES!!! Tell us how we can get Trump.
Bolton doesn’t have to testify. He could call a press hearing and just make his statement.
@Rainy Cat Oh no not a Laura Fox show!! Do you really think she is a truth teller? If so you are a gullible twit. Learn the difference between Entertainers and journalist idiot
If Rainy Cat is a Trump supporter, he/she IS a gullible twit. If Trump tells his supporters the sky is green, they’ll believe it.
Beacause that’s to easy🧐 he’s building a Atomic Bomb 💣 for his buddy king Trump to blow up all of the king’s horses and all the king’s men, so they will never be able to put Trump together again 😝
@Faith Rada Beyond carrying more weight, there are legal ramifications should Bolton lie to Congress. Ask Cohen, Manafort or/and Stone.
Testifying under oath and on record is more substantial…
He could do America a favor and testify instead of teasing his book on Twitter.
Somebody needs to have the
“We-need-a-favour-though…” chat with him…
He acts as if he’s an American and all that, he’s trying to make a buck, no better than Trump, plz don’t buy his blood book.
Everyone is better than trump
Viola Berry I agree,he owes the country and not this administration or his pocket!!! People will still buy his book though.
Of course he’s not willing to testify. His new book, “A Warning” just came out and he feels that’s enough.
Makes no sense that the VP moves up when the president is impeached.
This one shouldnt, he’s just as guilty/complicit
So when Nixon was impeached, the VP was replaced first and the original vp caught a felony because he was also corrupt. THEN Nixon resigned because he knew once the VP caught that felony, he was next. He was pardoned when he resigned.
So really the same could happen here OR Nancy Pelosi becomes president. She is the next in line .
Bolton not a criminal? His duty is to testify! Otherwise guilty by association.
I will NOT give one rusty penny for John Bolton’s book if he won’t testify.
Me either.
Bolton is a traitor, he does not care about America
Jocelin Felimard so picking him showed Trumps incompetence?
He only cares about how many wars he can start & how many of our young people he can see die in his wars
just like 45
“A President is impeachable if he attempts to subvert the Constitution.” – James Madison
M Trump did and still does
Like ?
M CNN fake news has tried and failed
Please show us the subversion of the Constitution. Then we will teach you why Schiff broke 230 years of the way Impeachment is supposed to be handled. NOT by him…He used his power to subvert democracy. Notice the “inquisition” was mostly one sided. Questions graveled down by Hile Schiff. Wait until the 9th…I see Guantanamo filling up…
Wish they would hurry up and block traitor Trump’s twitter account!
No– we need his accounts for legal proof of his state of mind and constant lies that prove he is the most incompetent person to ever rise, illegally, to the position which he currently is destroying.