Former NSA Ambassador John Bolton joins Chuck Todd to discuss election 2020 and his latest Washington Post op-ed criticizing Republicans for 'coddling' President Trump. Aired on 11/12/2020.
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#JohnBolton #DonaldTrump #MSNBC
John Bolton: Republicans ‘Shouldn’t Care What Donald Trump Thinks’ | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Bolton is Correct! Enough of this Crazy/ his lying. HE IS NO KING! HE LOST!!!!!!!! WE DANCED IN THE STREETS!!!
@Adam Martineau
Wait a second, you called me a “lib” as in liberal. No sir, I’m as red as can be. LOL #Americafirst
@Jasmany Foch right sure you are
@Jasmany Foch hydroelectric…what
@Lana Kahl no 77 million of us dont
With no masks. hypocrites
If you could reason with Trump supporters, they wouldn’t be Trump supporters.
@My Dude
If you didn’t hate anyone you wouldn’t be a republican .
@josh moore
If you support trump, yes, and or delusional, amoral, totally selfish, with a penchant for cruelty.
Or to be fair merely extremely gullible, and misinformed.
@Liberty Steel Lysol Martini
To the uninformed, the Earth “seems” flat.
@RJCHOICE you know me so well.
Explain how Republicans care about the country. They care about looting the country for the rich and corporations- that’s it.
Yep. Crony capitalism, Reaganomics.
When you’re down and out, your employees are too sick to work, too poor to matter, too beneath you to understand, there is… *CORPORATE WELFARE!* May all your billionaire dreams come true even during a pandemic. Remember, being broke and dead is for LOSERS!
I think that’s what you were doing in all the riots.
@Liberty Steel those riots were nothing more that the lowlifes taking advantage of peacfull demonstrations and using them to do what lowlifes do. I support the blacklifes matter to the fullest extent. Those riots are not the same thing and most of them are trump supporters . Who then as well as now are causing trouble for nothing . No evidence baseless claims by the worse president in history and by all means a discracefull embarracment to this country. He knows he is facing indictments after office.He lost……….
old men being racist, shameful and heartless
Trump’s enablers need to be adult enough to give him sound advise on conceding the election and do the right thing for the country because clearly he doesn’t care!!
This election was to close! Recount votes and verify every single one!
He’ll just fire them and replace them with yes men. Because if you go against anything Trump says, you’re fired.
And he clearly lost ! End of story !
The Stache apparently doesn’t realize magaville demands undying loyalty to their orange savior.
Why didn’t Bolton testify at the impeachment hearings and maybe we wouldn’t be here
@Will Ganness Nope just you
@MB Trump stop being a sore loser
@B woodward stupid comment
@Road To Millions your a road to nowhere!
@B woodward His time is up! Tic tic tic
The “National Interest” is in No Way a concern of the current Republican party.
They are making that obvious.
Unfortunately the MAGA heads has been recruited by Trump in the guise of a pretend Republican.
Should he have taken his own advice…..we wouldn’t be here!
Not defending them, but Republican politicians don’t fear trump, they fear his ignorant, venom and death-threat spewing rabid supporters.
@Soul Crewblue So?
Didn’t know the dems supported him.
@Kathy Wilde According to you and CNN.
@Liberty Steel I said catch up…..fbi and cia investigations discovered the far right nutjobs were planted directly to riot and incite violence at protests then blame it on the others as usual. Traitors and morons to continue to see yourself as better than your fellow citizens when you are really just pos. The orange turd has just given you permission to show you’re just like him.. sad
Trump and his goons are not Republicans. They Hijacked the true Republicans party. That’s why they have the channel called “Republicans against Donald Trump”
All these republican senators are blocking AID for the PEOPLE !! Make No Mistake… They have/are Crippling this country…
Pelosi blocked it for over 6 months what drugs you on dude. Just because you belong to the new socialist party at least be a person of intercity and don’t lie.
@R K Fact : Mitch McConnell has over 600 bills sitting on his desk that he has purposely kept them off the senate floor . He’s the biggest obstructionist in American history .
@R K
well for some reason the ” republicans” made seat gains in the house and just have a simple run off in GA in Jan,.
You hypocrite! Nancy Pelosi has nothing to do with a hold-up of aid? You are intellectually and morally dishonest.
“We the people” don’t care what the republican party do, or say.
Horrible party, republicans
I’d be honored if some fellow concerned citizens would take a quick listen to my acoustic piano & vocal YT performance of DANCING IN THE DARK by Bruce Springsteen in tribute to the United States of America and our next President, Joseph R. Biden. Peace and everybody stay safe.
You will when you are looking for another place to ruin besides America. Problem is, nobody else wants you either.
@Liberty Steel did your third grade teacher tell you that?
Republicans don’t have a shred of credibility.
No! John Bolton’s Mustache, the Boltstache, is all the credibility any Republican can handle! DO NOT question the credibility of the Boltstache!
@Max Covfefe I stand corrected sir, that’s the exception ! One simply can’t argue with the credibility of the “Boltstache”……
i’m a former Republican…a “never Trumper”. The GOP is letting him totally trash the party. in standing by their man, Republicans have sold their collective soul.
@MB Trump I like soarly
@MB Trump not worth my time dear. I have Joy to share elsewhere… so this is the last I will respond to you. EVERY credible agency. In the world! It is Done. Wake up. What you Sow you will reap. Be on the right side of History. As a Child of God you are better than trolling for someone who does not care about you , your country, the office of President, only his own reign of Ungodly ugliness. God bless your choice. I pray you learn Amazing Grace!

@Cheryl B A lot of Republicans and Democrats understand and cherish democracy. But by spreading lies, by casting doubt on a clean and fair election, Trump is eroding the system, and Republican leaders towing the line are complicit. If millions are convinced that the election was “stolen”, what respect or loyalty will they have for the new administration?
@aquelpibe~ Whatever respect or loyalty the 20% of eligible voters who voted for trump chooses to have. Just like whatever respect or loyalty the 35% (it is estimated that around 65% of eligible voters voted) that did not vote may or may not have. Just like whatever respect or loyalty someone may have for trump is what they chose or choose to have. Respect, loyalty – like love – is a choice you make. I am choosing to believe our democracy is stronger than whatever may seem to be attacking it. I find it more than a little ironic and more than a little apropos that this is happening in 2020 (20/20 being so-called “perfect” sight)….
@Dana Smith

They DON’T care what Trump thinks. They care what Mitch thinks.
is also the head of the KKK

And I don’t think they are afraid of Trump. They are afraid of his supporters. Fox news spoke the truth about the election, and now Trump and his supporters are wrathful against Fox. If Mitch spoke against Trump, they would consider even him a traitor , and would vote for third party next election.
Who ??
They don’t care what Trump or Mitch think. They care about what the Bubbas think. (Or whatever passes for thought in their numb skulls)
Trump’s more interested in creating chaos and savagery. He has to take revenge.
STOP putting this guy on TV. He deserves no respect. He threw his lot in with Trump and is trying to reinvent himself as a good guy. We need to keep him accountable.
Exactly. He refused to do his part to testify during the Impeachment proceedings all because he hated the democrats for being partisan. Give me a break. The Democrats were furious that Trump was trying to interfere with another election by asking foreign nations to find dirt on his political opponent. That is the very essence of why we have impeachments.
“We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.”
― George Orwell, 1984 VOTE BLUE AMERICA!!!
1984? Here’s the irony, Red is worried about the same thing Blue is. Funny thing is while Orange Man and Beijing Biden are fighting it out, NWO is taking over. lol Quite humorous actually.
@0116Lori The New World Order? Haven’t they been taking over since the beginning of the Freemasons? Can I get an ILLUMINATI up in here? …Just like “Back To The Future” (Michael J. Fox is your spirit animal, amiright?) predicted 9/11??
Enemies of the USA are loving this distraction that Trump is providing!! Scary!
The U.S Masters is currently Trumps top priority.
Putin is so proud.
i know what you means
Even the enemies are discussed with this Fool.
Meanwhile, former allies are wondering what a resumption of relationship with the US will look like now they have seen just how politically dysfunctional, populist and nationalistic the American population has become. They’ll be cautious about entering agreements which could be overturned within 4 years if the current trend toward nationalist isolationism among the public continues.
Trump is now a great danger to the United States, whether it is selling secrets to the highest bidder, creating internal unrest,
Or down right insurrection.
What about the others who do all that?
Already did. Presidential pardon; Trump might as well pardon himself for inventing, manufacturing and overwhelming Covid-19 worldwide.
A website with 4 million views says it all at,
The media has fried your brain
“I don’t think Trump is a Republican, I don’t think Trump is a Conservative” ZING!
Trump is just a POS faiied businessman
Even the republicans threw out their conservatism with the trump party … trump increased the deficit 3.1 trillion in just 4 years …and not a peep out of them … obama increased it 1.5 in 8 years …. but as soon as january 21st the GOP will scream bloody murder over the deficit … and blame it all on the democrats … their usual MO…
The Rethugs are now radical,not conservative anymore.
Trump really a Democrat