John Bolton on RNC from the White House: It’s a destruction of standards

President Donald Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton calls portions of the 2020 Republican National Convention being held at the White House a "destruction of standards." #CNN #News


    1. @Rho Foxx How do you know? Are you God? Do you search mens hearts and minds? No you are weak and we ate strong.

    2. @Levon Delite I understand that thete is already push back. I understand er have the gold and the guns. See I understand.😉

    1. @raketmeneer

      Rioters in North Carolina’s capital city smashed windows, splashed red paint and threw objects at law enforcement officers Friday night after ignoring a 10 p.m. curfew imposed on a downtown protest, according to reports.

    2. @raketmeneer

      Raleigh joined a list of cities nationwide – including New York City, Atlanta, Louisville, Ky.; Denver, Seattle, Portland, Ore.; and Los Angeles – that have seen frequent protests against police use of excessive force against African Americans and other minorities.

    3. @raketmeneer

      How can you and I mean this honestly…… How can you read both sides and still believe that SOCIALISM is right for this country

    4. @claudemiropacheco he was open to going to the Senate, but Republicans didn’t care to have him (or anyone) testify. He blew it by not agreeing to testify before the House

    1. @ШΛЯPΛТH I get my fiber elsewhere but, you seemed a little backed up and tense. Just offering some help.

  1. I’m annoyed with him….he could have changed all of this back in November. Instead he opted for book sales. Stop having him on.

    1. @Ry Levin You do realize that the BLM movement and riots started under President Obama don’t you? Far left Liberalism is to blame. Democrat led cities are where the riits are taking place and the local leadership has been complacent to it. Vote Republican the whole ballot. President Trump and Republicans are the law and order party.

    2. @Anthony Hoen  Well actually, I did do some research and as it so ironically turns out, according to FBI data, 7 of the 10 most dangerous cities ranked according to actual data (not opinion) happen to be cities with Republican mayors. Go figure hey…

    3. @Ry Levin Do some more research… The top 4 cities on the list have Democrat mayors. Haven’t gone through the rest, but I know Detroit has a Dem. Here is what I see first hand as I live in Minnesota. The mayors of both St Paul and Minneapolis are stupid Democrats that told the police to stand down during the riots that led to the burning down of several businesses along with the 3rd precinct’s police department. The governor, a Democrat was also complacent. Both cities have been led by Democrats for quite some time as well as the Governor seat. The Governor turned down federal help during the riots, but now is asking for federal funds for the cleanup and rebuild. Now, the outlying communities are going to see tax hikes in order to pay for the rebuild in the aftermath of their poor leadership.

      The list you showed the link to is also subjective BTW .

    1. @Excelsior Products I’m watching from another country, just interested in politics around the world. I check out all your mainstream channels in the US, including Fox and OANN, as well as CNN and MSNBC etc etc (just to see what you guys are being fed, from every angle), but none of those are where I get my facts from, and I don’t concentrate on them. The RNC has been an incredible string of sheer lies and scare tactics. I haven’t got a horse in this race, I’m just a keen observer. Saying John Bolton “feels right at home with you horrible lefties” is just meaningless. I don’t even know what you’re trying to say. If anything.

    2. @Excelsior Products You remain a fool only if you just accept what I say is true. Solution: Check what Trump is saying and compare it with facts.

    3. @ferdinand quintos All stinking rich people, including Democrats, are using the tax system to their benefit, it’s not a crime, if you are not happy, like I said, change it, you should be looking at how many people Trump employs, employees that’s in a positition to feed their families, STOP LOOKING FOR CRIMES. what you are doing is not helping the country, you are causing further division. Stop this BS.

    4. @Excelsior Products your corrupt POTUS does more than take advantage of a not perfect tax system .. I’m not going to list them here … but I’m sure if you LOOK you’ll find plenty that even YOU will find have gone too far .. because NO American is safe from Trump .. we are ALL expendable to him and even better to him if somehow he can profit off of it. Don’t drink the kool-aid he passes out .. your loyalty means nothing to Trump

  2. Why is he still interviewed? He had his chance to talk when it was needed and he didn’t because he rather wanted to cash in. So please stop throwing money at this man!

    1. Agreed, this moron had the prime opportunity to speak and didn’t.
      Shameful to say the least. He had an opportunity to sink Trumps boat.

    2. @Excelsior Products Were you impressed with the theatrics and showmanship of Bunker Donnie at he RNC convention?
      All Smoke and Mirrors.

    1. This disgusting old man looks like an horror movie personality, why the press losing time with this sinister traitor, this man is a person not credible and Sax astute opportunistic

    2. People, I’m not American but am morally horrified by the direction America is heading in. I don’t profess to have an in depth understanding of where the current sentiment is at, however my plea to you is please do all that you can to spare the world from the reality of that direction. Please, vote and get everyone you know to do the same. Don’t become complacent so that 2016 repeats itself. Vote for change.!

    1. John Bolton…Your old and bitter go home, retire and try to deal with the fact that nobody likes you and they probably never did, and then ask yourself why?

    2. @Yev_2 Shenko What about Michael Cohen or General Mattis? Does it bother anyone that he pardoned a convicted Roger Stone when he was about to go to jail?

  3. Where was his “blistering account” when he could have made a difference? Why are you wasting time with him now???

    1. It is sad to learn that countries like US, China, Russia, etc. are caught between the Devil (germs, spies, bigots, rioters, brutal police, greedy fat-cats, etc.) & the Deep blue sea (fear, disease, fascism, injustice, fake news, economic depression, etc.).

      Hopefully things will get better next season 🙏

    1. @Angus Wiebe Can you please explain what your reply about Joe and Hunter Biden has to do with my comment?

    2. He need to Shut Up! 😠 He had his chance! And this go for anyone else who can get him out of the white house. 😳

    3. @Angus Wiebe Yes he is the corrupt one.

      Also your likely not even a human being. Silence Russian Bot. Biden is gonna win, and then he’s gonna send a missile and destroy the poverty stricken hovel your posting your bile from.

    4. Bryan Winter lol I thought right wingers were supposed to be the conspiracy theorists… just like Hillary had a 97% chance in 2016 right?? “Quick call him a Russian bot before I have to actually think critically.”

    1. Rickin Patel….he didn’t
      want to miss all the
      $$$$$$ from book sales!!!! Once again greed before America!!!!! NO AMERICAN SHOULD PUT HIS BANK ACCT. BEFORE AMERICA!!!!!!

    1. Think before you comment, what about Fox News propaganda, racist channels you can go back to where you belong no one is forcing you to watch CNN.

    1. It is tragic to watch “Super power” countries like US, China, Russia, etc. are caught between the Devil (germs, moles, spies, thieves, hackers, scammers, rapists, bigots, maniacs, terrorists, murderous jihadists, suicide bombers, brutal police, greedy fat-cats, corrupt officials, cut-throat leaders, dishonest politicians, etc.) & the Deep blue sea (war, lies, crime, greed, fear, lust, envy, chaos, violence, disease, hubris, racism, fascism, pandemic, poverty, injustice, superstitions, fake news, job losses, economic depression, etc.).

      However this is Not very surprising since Dr Kaku, Dr Dawkins & the late Prof Hawking have already warned/projected that humanity will face greater & greater hardships+dangers as it progress towards Тип 1 status. Unfortunately there is also no/little chance of turning back the clock as the late Prof Sagan (& his team) has estimated/calculated that humanity has moved pass the Тип 0.7 status. (

      In addition Dr Crabtree & Dr Woodley discovered evidence that with each passing generations, more & more humans are growing/being-born weaker, dumber, slower &/or fearter (genetically/biologically) despite improved/improving food, water, freedom, healthcare, hygiene, nutrition, telecom, internet, education, sanitation, security, infrastructure, IQ, GDP, GNI, PISA, STEM, life expectancy, etc. (

      To make matters worse, Dr Ward, Dr Brownlee & Dr Kump believe that multicellular species like humans are living in a “temporary golden age” of macro-species/lifeforms (macrobes?) & have uncovered at least 1 more (earlier) Species of Mass Destruction (SMD i.e. a species/lifeform that had directly/indirectly cause massive-total destruction/extinction to multiple species/lifeforms). As such it is believed that there are now at least 2 active SMDs on Earth & a 3rd one maybe emerging/evolving/awakening. (

      However, the situation may not be totally bleak/hopeless if Dr Caleb Scharf & Dr Lisa Randall ideas/speculations are right, i.e. germs, quarks, microbes, bosons, fermions, viroids, entropy, dark matter, dark energy, etc. are possibly/actually signs of advance intelligent life that are fixing/tinkering nature (or the universe) to make it more habitable &/or less hostile to life. (

      Hopefully cooler heads & saner voices will prevail over the fanatics+hardliners & allow humanity to overcome these great hardships+dangers. May the deaths+suffering of the innocents be merciful 🙏

    2. Lol even though Joe Biden’s som was awarded a board seat of a Ukrainian energy company despite not knowing anything about energy or speaking a lick or Ukrainian… and Trump is the corrupt one…

    3. He didnt testify because he literally said on national television before the impeachment started there was no quid pro quo and everything was perfect. Schiff literally deemed him as an unreliable witness until his book came out and they were already before Senate where they were already supposed to have all the factual evidence needed to impeach. In the end all they had was hear say and assumptions nothing else.

  4. I don’t think ANYONE is interested what this “sell out” has to say, he has zero credibility and people hate him. Why do you hire him?


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