John Bolton, who previously served as President Trump's National Security Advisor, called on the president to "let the full transition process proceed" so President-elect Joe Biden could begin to receive important information for his transition, even if he has not conceded. Aired on 11/13/2020.
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About Katy Tur: Katy Tur is an NBC News Correspondent and anchor of the 2 p.m. ET hour of “MSNBC Live.” A dogged journalist, Tur emerged as a breakout broadcaster in 2016 while covering the entirety of the Trump campaign across all platforms for NBC News and MSNBC.
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#JohnBolton #DonaldTrump #MSNBC
John Bolton Encourages Trump To 'Let The Full Transition Process Proceed' | Katy Tur | MSNBC
Republicans are encouraging the mentally ill malignant narcissist they picked to leave? How quaint.
disclosure now
“If you can’t cheat, then you ain’t Democrat” – Joe Biden
Considering the apparent mental illness of the people responding to your comment, they’re all in the same boat.
His staffers are waiting for him to emotionally come to terms with his loss. It’s like he’s a six year old who wasn’t picked for the school play.
@Jock Young obvious authoritarian behavior. It’s their way, or nothing.
@Dave Don’t confuse Democrats with Republicans, take it from Bolton here.
January 20th 2021, if Trump refuse to hand over power, charge the SOB with treason against the u.s. government.
Come January 20th 2021 Trump will still be in the White House and the majority of liberal males will still be BISEXUAL and or HOMOSEXUAL
@The Tweatles
And when he isn’t, will you just move on to the next lie?
He’s got plenty of other actions backing up that charge
@Landon’s Channel True, At the heart of Trump’s plans for governance , is the plot he was involved with. By building a wall, he was attempting to make the people prisoners, covering his tracks by pretending to build a wall. Autocratic role is to take complete control over the population of the USA . I have been posting on this for over 3 years, each time he brought it into full view.I felt prompted to try to get people to see what he’s up to.
I watched a program where this subject was discussed. It turns out that the official way it probably will be handled is that the Secret Service will “escort” the toddler out of the W.H. in a way that won’t embarrass him. The commentator said that the Secret Service works for the President of the United States. On January 20th, that will be Joe Biden. I hope that happens. Honestly. It will disgust more and more Republicans who will say to themselves … “how could I even listen to this clown?”
Squeezing out as much money as he can while he’s still “President”. What a loser. Hope NY State puts him under the jail!
And throw away the warden and the keys.
@Jock Young Jock Dave is a bawbag mate guy needs a good kick in the stains
Trump supporters
@The Tweatles This must be a secret too; because evn trump adminstration didn’t report this. This is how rumors get started. Biden won – trump lost. Let’s move on.
@Lakshmi G Trump will be re-elected… wait for it
How would Trump have behaved if Obama had told him outright I will never allow you in here
Same,thing I said..
Right! Matter fact how would they have acted? I bet they wouldve sent somebody in then
I espect we would see more of Obama too
On second thought if Biden knew this Obama could have moved out a week earlier and Biden and Dr could have moved in just for a week before the new guy for a severe EARLIER PAYBACK
Joe Biden is toast
It must be hard to transition from the white house to a prison cell.
patrick Let’s find out, shall we?
You ever see a movie with Harvey Keitel called Bad Lieutenant? If Trump owes that money to the Russian mob he could end up like Harvey did in that movie.
Not so sure, you’ll have a bunch of dudes carrying you, if neccessary
@The Tweatles no William ,, drumph is going away
Trump And His Cronies Want To Take America Down Just Because Of Their Overwhelming Losses At The Polls.
Joe Biden and the pathetic Democrats are finished
@The Tweatles you are still a sucker,loser
In Russia, it’s called a ‘pogrom.’ Ivan The Terrible did it, when he destroyed Moscow from within when he heard Mongol hordes were approaching. Apparently, Trump takes direction from Ivan’s legacy.
@The Tweatles You’re a dope and a dupe.
I can’t work out why people voted for him.
Before trump is done, he’ll do as much damage as he can.
So many fraudulent Biden votes being tossed out
@ruth depew I just reported him and had it removed.
His plan is to blame it on Biden so he could say I told you so
lots of damage
@replouiegohmert reveals US Army (CIA?) team raid on Scytl server facility in Frankfurt, Germany to recover “extremely compelling” data detailing vote switching.
Seriously, Oompa Loompa could give up the PDB. It’s not like he reads it.
Seriously, Oompa Loompa
I read that the last time Trump had the briefing was a month and a half ago!
You know you’re in trouble when John Bolton is a voice of reason.
Bolton put those on Biden
EVERYONE knows Democrats are Anti-American Pro-LGBTQ
@The Tweatles – Pro- LGBQT is not Anti-American. Poor logic. LGBQT people are as American as all other American people.
@The Tweatles Go away, troll. I’ve seen your comments elsewhere. They’re not working.
tRump can either walk out or be dragged out of the WH, America doesn’t care as long as he is *gone!*
too bad biden isnt president-elect until the december
womp womp
@Jock Young “The AP has called the Presidential race for Joe Biden. See more on Google.
Trump will go with 0 problem when the time comes.
What’s your rush?
The news meda cheated Biden’s win. They really hurt him more then thry helped him. It’s a shame That all the people who voted him in voted all Red.
The Republicans got the biggest win. And that’s going too weaken
Biden’s power
.how sad. It’s gonna be the pipers time too
Play their tunes.
@saffron wetter The Election Fraud was MASSIVE!
@replouiegohmert reveals US Army (CIA?) team raid on Scytl server facility in Frankfurt, Germany to recover “extremely compelling” data detailing vote switching.
@No Smoke none of that matters anymore
if there wasnt any recounts or on-going litigation beyond the 13th the election would basically be over
but until recounts and litigation has stopped the election process is ongoing
It has never been a question of if Biden really won.. Trump knows he lost, he can’t change it. .He is just grifting more money from his gullible followers on his way out.
Frugal, it is a scam for fundraising. What does a CONMAN mean????
But shouldn’t we have a 2nd election? We don’t sensitive Donnie to have his feelings hurt, do we?
Trump, “I’ve already done a tremendous damage to our country in recent years”.
And that’s how it’s going to be until US Marshals drag trump out of the WH.
They are going to have to Hog Tie him and carry him out!!
dude trump lost Biden won. people need to get that through their heads. Jesus.
Better give them to Biden because Trump doesn’t read the security briefs anyway. Someone has to do the job and Trump isn’t willing
Sarsi Emanuel
yes !
isn’t it interesting and extremely telling – that dt & cronies are spending SO SO much time on rechecking the validity of the whole voting process…
but absolutely no time …having worked on or figured out a beautiful new much promised Healthcarecare plan to put into place…
and a covid 19 stimulus package to tide people over
Those same American people that dt professes always !! and at every unpaid for rally… that he loves SO much
What a complete crock

‘ bald faced ‘ liar
So beyond time…to get rid
@Katherine Raven – Yes. He promised a beautiful healthcare plan “in 2 weeks” and those were several “in 2 weeks” ago. He also promised a vaccine before the elections and that didn’t happen either. Pfizer is the leading candidate and Pence tried to credit the Trump administration but Pfizer shot him down. Pfizer didn’t join Operation Warp Speed when it comes to developing a vaccine. Trump is so full of empty promises and I wonder why his fans don’t see it.
Trump want the power and wealth but not the work.
After four years of national security nightmares. Trump realizes how little time he has to execute maximum destruction.
Just a heads up to you #CCP Bots
@replouiegohmert reveals US Army (CIA?) team raid on Scytl server facility in Frankfurt, Germany to recover “extremely compelling” data detailing vote switching.
Well. SOMEBODY has to listen to the security briefings, because Trump certainly is not. And now we don’t even have a Defense Secretary to pick up the slack.
Declassify STATE SECRETS?? NO!
@Lady Luck • No! Don’t change them until 12:01 pm ET, on Jan. 20, 2020. You don’t want Trump to be able to know them.
Trump is Mad, upset, firing people in his administration.
Trump only cares about himself. The country is at risk.
Just give the keys to Biden, already. Obviously, Trump has no interest in doing the job.
Job?! There’s a job??