Former U.S National Security Advisor John Bolton gives his take on Donald Trump’s claim that the 2020 election was rigged.
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John Bolton is a war monger that is just upset Trump stopped him from starting wars. It should be bipartisan that we don’t listen to that guy on anything, most certainly not his opinion.
John Bolton tried to be the adult in the room, too bad trump doesn’t want adult supervision.
@thejeffinvade In a perfect world Bolton would be handed over to a mob of Iraqis
@Machine Algorithm Alpha ideally.
Him and his corporate overlords need Biden back in so they start dropping bombs again.
True but trump is also a warmonger himself trump has moved the bar back so far with the Republican party that nixon is a way better president than trump all time in America history and he done all that in 4yrs
Bolton should look in the mirror on what a failure he’s been the entire time he works for the government. Jealous. I said that because everything does come down to jealousy. Or was he involved in the fraud
You are making the instantiated assumption that there was in fact fraud.
He’s a war criminal and he’s p.o’d because DJT fired his war mongering backside for trying to start a war with Iran over staged tanker attacks. Unfortunately GW Bush wasn’t as smart and fell for his WMD lie that started the Iraq war which destroyed that country.
@Norman Thomas Not just Bolton: Bob Mueller and Colin Powell too
. They’re all murderers.
Trump is the failure and the jealous one. Acting like a baby
They are were the greatest when he hired them, but the absolute worst and liars when he fired them ? So somebody ruined them ????!!!!

Ya it’s the boss that you follow and the boss that asks you to leave. Get a job.
@Tim Luke get some class and an education!
I’d like to sweep bolton’s mustache with my keyboard.
Next in Line once you’re done
Your silence through his impeachment is your shame.
That’s a fact. Another coward, just like every republican.
Expect a Bolton insult tweet soon
OMG….Donnie ,the Bunker Boy keep lying
He is consistently disgraceful so why would he change now?

produce evidence. No one on the right can, because their claims are false and routed in lies.
Tons of evidence. They will declare Trump the winner.
I’ve never seen such consensus on a comment section before. XD
Well I’m sure Mr Bolton found it equally sickening when the Democrats whined like boo boos when Trump won refresh me how long were they pouting 3+ years comes to mind
Molten Bolton should be the first off the landing craft in the next war. Warmonger pos
Trump literally said that he fired Bolton because “he wasn’t pushing hard enough” in Venezuela and Iran.
Bolten says it’s disgraceful , that’s all I need for a full audit of the election.
stopped @ 1:01, don’t care what he has to say, sort of lost that “right” when he chose not to say anything when he could have, rather wait until he is out of the inner loop and “tell all” in a book, cashing in while he could.
What’s the word? “Greasy”
So the states that have used it for years had fraud, HA!
Trump still has a chance to get to 270 but it’ll take a lot of diet and exercise…YOU’RE FIRED
Haha the system that put him there
I love hearing shits