Former U.S. national security advisor John Bolton weighs in on Trump's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and relations with Canada.
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john bolton is “inadequate” as a decent person lol ; who the heck cares what He thinks?
@Ruthieal Not saying I agree with these actions but the former two were one time military actions not leading to a protracted conflict and the latter was an assassination. Neither of these event lead to a protracted violent military engagement that cost significant American blood and treasure. I get your point though but one off military action is not the same as a war.
@Capitalist Pig Iran declared war against American troops in Iraq and then launched missiles. Thus, a war.
@Susie X He started an Iran provacation – which led to a war. Iran attacked American bases in Iraq, thus a war.
@Ruthieal Although Trump ordered the extra judicial execution of a high ranking Iranian official IN IRAQ, this did not lead to a new war because he didnt start the war in Iraq and we are all still there.
@Lone Wolf Do you’re own research! Knowledge is power and you my need a work out.
who the hell cares what bolton says,
Is Trump wonderful and has he acted well?
Betrayal is not a virtue
Sometimes it is.
@Bryan Ouellet You’re extremely short-sighted, a sure sign of a tiny IQ.?
@Crabby Crab Pot, meet kettle.
@Crabby Crab <~~~Myopic Mollusk
@toastedbagels He sat around waiting for miracles.
John bolton believes the only way to properly socially distance is if we move our entire mikitary to another continent.
United States Mikitary, the strongest in the world.
You do realize Trump is bringing the soldiers home.
@Midnightrambler3760 – Right! Bolton is a super hawk and has sour grapes because Trump gave him the, “You’re fired” message.
Bolton is a war mongering hawk. Tell me if thats a more telling character flaw.
@Nick Smith great evidence
@Trantor Moscartolo Still doubling down on your idiocy, are ya?
@Lone Wolf You really show a low self esteem and zero humility
Have you not figured out that the conversation is over?
@Trantor Moscartolo You running away when faced with logic is an act of arrogance. You figure to try to take on someone who doesn’t have a brain or backbone now. Now come on back with something else I can chuckle about.
Im still trying to figure out how they got the caramel into the caramilk bar
John Bolton also told OCPW whistle blower on Syrian gas attacks, Ian Henderson,that knows where his kids live.
@Michael The Grayzone who got it from somewhere else maybe the Nation or the Drudge Report!
I call John Bolton’s opinion as irrelevant
I 2nd that!
Got to give that John Bolton credit for being a snake.
Is he on a flight log somewhere? Sure is acting like it.
Bolton would rather we die quickly through unnecessary wars.
I think he’s upset because he didn’t get the bomb Iran
Bolton is a war criminal. Why are you even sharing his opinion. He should be in jail with Bush and the rest of them.
Because he can be used as a prop for now. We can disregard him after November.
Lol and Trump.
Bolton is war criminal from the Bush era ? Then what sort of moron would actually hire him to be national security advisor to begin with.?
@Darrel the same kind of moron you are.
Bolton and Henry Kissinger should be sharing the same cell. I get the feeling that the first one of the two to leave this world will reserve a priority seat in Hell, for the other.
Bolton is still buthurt that be couldn’t instigate a war with Iran.
Have a box of tissue ready for the election result!
On my channel there are interesting short humorous standups. Thank you. Sorry.
Why is this news in Canada, who cares what John Bolton the “war mongerer” thinks???
Mike, when I saw this video in my recommendations, I was going to post your exact same comment. Bolton is a disgruntled war hawk who is pissed off that Trump didnt continue the tradition of the last few presidents and start a new war while in office. Trump is many things, but no one can accuse him to date of being in bed with war profiteers and the military industrial complex. Bolton is a cretin.
Because Canada is thier son .
Its news in Canada and around the world because an unstable USA, is a global problem. IE Russia is sitting on the border of the Ukraine, China last week moved troops to the Indian border, and who knows what Kim the nut bar is planning, not to mention terrorists. (internal and external).
Mike Dice Why was the supposed “corona virus” in China, almost a year ago, news in Canada? Think before you speak, nimrod! Unless it hurts your little PeeWee brain too much. In that case let adults speak Sonny!!!
Why the quotation marks around “war monger”?
Bolton’s mad that Trump is stopping the indefinite wars that Bolton started and administered.
Bolton doesn’t like trump is that he fired him and that Trump is not becoming a lying politician
@George Friesen Not liking Bolton doesn’t make Trump honest. Even Nixon looks like a nun, compared to that lying orange fraudster.
On my channel there are interesting short humorous standups. Thank you. Sorry.
Why the hell is this guy’s opinion relevant?
No idea? Honestly the reason why he’s relevant is because he disagrees with Trump
@Dean Jones pretty much
Doesn’t John Bolton have another fake war to try to start? Or maybe a Civil War reenactment with that moustache of his?
Right?!? Like wheres ur musket cornel bolton haha
Just another hit piece. Shameful
Who cares about Bolton’s opinion? The Rats killed thousands of elders by bringing them back into nursing homes while infected. Whine to Cuomo the criminal instead.
the trumpvirus says what?
On my channel there are interesting short humorous standups. Thank you. Sorry.
Why the hell would anyone care about John ‘Warmonger’ Bolton says about Covid?