Joe: What Does President Donald Trump See In Going To New Mexico? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

President Donald Trump, looking to put New Mexico in play in 2020, sought to win over Hispanic voters at a rally here Monday. The president made a rally pitch for Hispanic voters in a state he lost by 8 points in 2016: 'Nobody loves the Hispanics more,' he said. Aired on 9/17/2019.
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Joe: What Does President Donald Trump See In Going To New Mexico? | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. Yes, the very obvious rent a crowd behind him didn’t look over-enthusiastic. They didn’t even seem to be listening to him. They were too busy watching for instructions when to cheer etc.

    2. @Logan McLean Besides the deficit?????? Economics not your strong point then? Besides the deficit or otherwise, it’s still not the best economy, and it’s headed for recession, fast.

    3. You’re right, they did get paid. The one’s who won’t believe it is his base. Their brainless. Now they go for the ‘Fake fox’ news. That’s a fact

    1. His lies smell bad , Trump looks and sounds like a psycho escapee from Chickentown. This man has belittled the office of President

  1. Everything hes saying is crap…..i have noticed almost 200 bucks missing from my pay check since he became president… yearly taxes have gotton soooo much worse….hes the one stealing money

    1. @Nyla Baby says:
      “I live in Texas where we have lower taxes and a no state income tax.”
      Not for long.
      When the fracking run out of gas(literally), the state also goes bust.

      It’s commonly known that oil, gas producing country, states, are ranked about the average third world countries, (such as sub-Saharan African nations) without oil, gas revenue.

    2. @allgoo19 lol this coming from someone not from Texas, my dad and my kids father works in the oil and gas industries, stop watching CNN its making you look stupid.

    3. @Nyla Baby says:
      “lol Republican states are too poor lol that’s a laugh smh”
      “Midterms: Poorest states have Republican legislatures, and richest have Democratic ones”

      lol that’s a laugh smh
      Look Ma! how ignorant I am!!!

      And this,
      Texas at 30th, not bad at the time.

      Look at the bottom, N. Dakota at 50th.
      ND had a fracking run for a while then it ran out.

      Future of Texas?

    1. Why didn’t the Trumptillian,
      use the Journal Pavilion,
      as it holds 5,000 more,
      but maybe he wasn’t sure,
      it would have seated his virtual “million”.

    1. @JamieLan2011 all beta orouke had to do was yell I’m taking your ar15s and ar15s sales go thru the roof
      it’s the ART OF THE DEAL plain and simple
      Democrats have been using fear mongering words since they got started in 1619 the birth of our nation
      if wasn’t for Democrats we won’t have slavery

    2. @FTW666 COVFEFE No, Trump was never a Democrat, neither is he now, a Republican. He’s whatever is most convenient to receive the significance and recognition he craves.

      As for the rest of your comment, bringing up the history of democrats and republicans back when America was a completely different place holds practically little relevance to today’s condition. But I get that you need to make references to the Republican party back when they were still the party of Lincoln (back when they still had principles). Because now, they’re quite simply the *Republicunts* , party of Donald Trump.

    1. The American TV stations should not give him air time, and let the unAmerican Saudi/Aussia Fox TV network show his unAmerican true colors !

    1. @The Truth Any extra security that is required at a rally has to be paid for by the committee to reelect. the RNC also has to pay for travel costs and any other costs associated with setting up the venue. You are acting as if no President has ever campaigned before for reelection. When a President uses Air Force One for official Presidential business, it is paid for my tax payers. When Air Force One is used for campaign purposes, the reelection committee gets sent a bill for the travel costs.

    2. @Pelt Down Posse
      Oh you poor ignorant man. The faiths were not so kind to you and your family. Dumber than sin and probably just as ugly.

    3. @Steve Pasquarella secret service is being paid for by the taxpayers, they CANNOT be paid for by the RNC or any campaign funds. We provide the president with secret service and pay for Air Force One

    4. @Steve Pasquarella this president campaign every day since he has been in office, instead of doing his job, no wonder why he has not 1 accomplishment under his belt, he is too busy trying to undue president Obama’s legacy which we know cannot be undone

    1. @ale84 Obstruction of justice is a crime and the Mueller Report documents ten instances of Trump committing that felony. Of course, Trump will remain innocent until proven guilty in a court of law but judging on how Trump has reacted to investigation, most would guess Trump is guilty as sin.

    1. Don’t just blame the orange messenger. Criticize also the brainless lemmings who cheer and are enthralled to his every empty words.

    1. @Greg Russo The real question should be what Trump has done since he took office? A big fat ZERO. placing judges is not an accomplishment, he inherited Obama’s economy

    1. @Summer Raines John 3:16 actually reads: ““For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.”

    1. I know… all I see is projection. Um, who was just trying to get rid of healthcare? who in effected raised your taxes? He’s the biggest con man around.

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