Joe: Trump’s ‘Being Made A Fool Of Every Day By The Leader Of North Korea’ | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Trump continues to say he has no problem with North Korea’s ongoing series of missile tests, even as the regime may be building submarine capable of launching nuclear missiles. Joe Scarborough: ‘he’s made America far less safe because of his love letters with Kim Jong Un.’
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Joe: Trump's 'Being Made A Fool Of Every Day By The Leader Of North Korea' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Joe: Trump's 'Being Made A Fool Of Every Day By The Leader Of North Korea' | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Can we have a “Skip” option when you play clips of Trump talking. I find it best to avoid listening to that bloviating gas bag’s inane ramblings. My brain cells can only take so much damage.

    1. “that bloviating gas bag’s inane ramblings” — every time you turn around that bloated lard pile shows up to spout his gibberish. He’s like coarse sandpaper on an eyeball.

    1. @DDKaraokeOutlaw let’s not forget Russia gave him the golden shower award. The video will come out after he is ousted from the white house, when he is of no use to Putin

  2. The rainforests are burning down and lunatics are playing with nuclear weapons. Enjoy life while you can, kids.

    1. @Johnny Blade it’s not the msm,, it’s the man’s own words,, on video,, the only thing fake about it is the fake president

    2. The woman and the man guilty of zināʾ (for fornication or adultery),- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.

      — Qur’an, Sura 24 (An-Nur), ayat 2[24]

    3. Yes he does a great job of making himself look like a fool. I must say it is one of the things that he does very professionally he knows how to do this well

    1. miapdx I wish I could let you read it. A gorgeous letter. You would love it. No one gets more beautiful letter than me.

    2. Trump is such a dope head. He’s so easily manipulated by people. I don’t know he became so successful in business unless he was stiffing people and ripping them off like a conman he is. He lies left and right without any shame. Tells you he’s been doing this his whole life. Self promoting. Get rid of this phony clown.

  3. Well.. to be clear.. 45 needs no help looking FOOLISH.. he does a bang up job on his own EVERY DAY … !! But yeah.. everyone can see that North Korea .. along with everyone else is laughing at this ridiculous FOOL of a “president” .. * ugh .. I hate referring to him as president, because THAT he is NOT * He is an impostor .. illegitimately installed by the interference of the Russians and the cheating of the republican party.

    1. @mary ellen olson
      How about “Self proclaimed KingDon of Israel and Nth Korea,
      The Chosen ONE! To be the second coming of GOD!
      I bet that there are Dead Bed Bugs under The Chosen Ones BED that have more active Brain Cells than him!

    2. The woman and the man guilty of zināʾ (for fornication or adultery),- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.

      — Qur’an, Sura 24 (An-Nur), ayat 2[24]

    3. We’re not all laughing. Some of us are highly concerned, even somewhat afraid now of the leadership of the West – including ours in the UK. I am an old geezer and it saddens me that there are two generations of humanity that are innured to the idea that this fiasco is somehow reasonable of normal.

    1. @pbruc brooks what do you know about history? If you observed the past 50 years youd know why trump is in the whitehouse. You dont know anything about history. Particularly political history.

    2. @Cher Chu Hai Kieu Could it be he is destroying the Chinese capitalist society. Turning China into the communist country it truely is.

  4. Day after day
    Alone on a hill
    The man with the foolish grin
    Is keeping perfectly still
    But nobody wants to know him
    They can see that he’s just a fool
    And he never gives an answer
    But the fool on the hill
    Sees the sun going down
    And the eyes in his head
    See the world spinning ’round

    1. @guitar man Well I am tired of it we try to be PEACEKEEPERS everybody thinks WE ARE BULLIES. Let them settle it. When it’s on our shore we killed all

    1. With a seperate bedroom with Gold toilet and other interior decoration from his Flotus his designer and like his Trump Tower and live happy with each others😂

    1. @Johnny Blade pathetic brainwashed trumper, my heart goes out to your circle of friends who have to listen to you

    2. The woman and the man guilty of zināʾ (for fornication or adultery),- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.

      — Qur’an, Sura 24 (An-Nur), ayat 2[24]

    3. Wolff street, nonsense, utter and ridiculous blathering stupidity, all religious crap is crazy, as are those who follow it

  5. *Little Donny Fail-Fail doesn’t need North Korea to make him look like a fool. He does fine all by himself.*

    1. @edward cunha Why do facist racist nazi’s always use that phrase on someone with differing views, could it be you are actually looking in the TV set and you are seeing 20 that want to be president.

    2. At the end of his 2nd term, historians will look at his accomplishments and wonder why America ever voted for an elected politician to be president. Historians will marvel how Trump single handedly handled China. How China’s robust economy before Trump turned into a depression for China, how Trump’s tariffs turned Chinas manufacturing into empty buildings. Historians will wonder why an opiod issue that was killing millions under the previous president was curtailed under Trump, how building a wall was helping county and city budgets and how these cities and counties were able for the first time to provide better pay for teachers, school districts were able to have a smaller student teacher ratio, how students were graduating at higher rates and reading, writing and math skills were at a 12th grade level, how roads and infrastructure were being fixed. Historians were seeing that the extra 100 plus billions spent on illegal immigration each year is now going into these counties and cities and being used on much needed items. Historians are wondering why the housing crisis is going away under Trumps administration. Historians will wonder why Americans ever accepted the water provided by Democrats in Flint, why Americans accepted Democrats and their gun free zones, especially when shootings in Chicago, Baltimore and others areas increased. Historians will wonder and have no understanding why Americans are Americans.

    1. Every morning when I get up I hope to read that Drumpf has succumbed to a heart attack! Feed him more hamberders please!

    2. Honest to god, every day I tell my roommate 3 things. Fun fact, some news of the day, and ‘what stupid thing trump has done today’.
      I usually save the fun fact last for a morale booster.

    1. So they are testing their short range missals for their sub, maybe under water launch systems and building a sub to hold them, everything is OK.

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