On Tuesday, the president commuted the prison sentence of fmr Ill. Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who was impeached and removed from office in 2009 on corruption charges, and pardoned former NYC police commissioner Bernard Kerik. Aired on 2/19/20.
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Joe: Trump Numbing Everyone To Future Pardons | Morning Joe | MSNBC
He is behaving like a 16th century king.
45 is much more a mobster than king although he is a royal arsehole.
The orange punktator that just can’t laugh.
And he should be treated like a 16 century king and remove his head and bury him with all his minions
And he has the perfect 16th century flag waving bible bashing moron subjects. The USA is truly grotesque to have elected that and all that goes with it. It’s like you’re all mentally unwell.
Of course. He’s also signaling his henchmen: “Stay strong. I’ll spring you.”
God Know Brains Here.
And he doesn’t have to numb his voters, because we all know they won’t care if he pardons Stone. Flynn, and Manafort right now not at the end of the year. People on MSNBC and CNN hair will be on fire for a week, few Trump voters will see this and none will care what center/left media thinks, in fact they take their queue from Joe and take the opposite position. Clarifying what is criminal for any government official (Presidents on down) should be the next amendment added to the Constitution. Congress will have to pass the laws with some President signing them, but it should be made clear the job of the President does not include making money as he wishes from the office or giving certain people special treatment because of money or personal relationships, and such behavior can be criminalized as a form of obstruction of justice or bribery.
Kick him out of office & the country!
Hang on, the American people only elected him three years ago. Something really fundamental and basic is wrong with a country as dysfunctional as the USA.
He told us what he was at the republican convention in 2016 when he said “I alone can fix it”.
Donald Trump: “Fixing (insert topic) will be easy. I know more than the experts!”
Also Donald Trump: “Who knew that (insert topic) would be so complicated?”
A bad and evil man. Destructive to the ideals of the USA. Anti American and anti Constitution. We have got to get him out of office, and soon.
James Dunn
Surjan Dogra
@Computer User – Заткнись, Коммуняка Троль
El Chapo: “I want to donate lots of dirty money to Trump so I can be Pardon Too!!!”
@juan hernandez just joking but never really know with the politicians of today. They’ll corrupt if you ask me, why don’t someone tell them all to go home or jail one? When it comes to voting I won’t be a part of it, I don’t want to be one to choose from all these corrupt lying cheating stealing critters. The only one appears to be decent is a socialist
that’s sad when the socialist is more respected. Wish y’all luck with choosing one.
El chapo Guzman want to pay for his wall if he get pardoning.
Kim Kardashian has also ask tRump for his release in jail.
Said the person whose party sold AK 47’s to the Mexican drug cartels that got a lot of
people killed including a US border agent. You recall “Fast & Furious”? Uh oh.
@Sierra Guru l hear you sky screamer
Trump honors criminals and dishonors warriors like McCain. Pure Evil.
I call them Trumplickins.
McCain… one of the Keating 5? Lol you’re a joke. TRUMP 2020
I truly wish my fellow Republicans would clear their eyes of the fog that this man leaves.
Sad sad times in our United States of America.
Could just switch parties.
Padding the pockets and egocrats.
@FAKE JESUS Venezuela is not a democratic socialist country!
Say goodbye to democracy and hello to dictatorship. All of this is written. Jacob’s trouble time and the birthing pains. Repeant!
Gotham city, Roger’s the Joker, where’s Batman?
@Jean-Claude Arsenault oz’s story is not a comic it’s a horror tale from the dark ages. 1 complete genocide and 1 partial with lots of slavery. But it’s still better than the USAs
@Nevyn of OZ 1973 what is oz, I’m from Canada, and my mother tongue is french, I live 100% in french.
What does oz, in your name have to do with this Post?
@Jean-Claude Arsenault Google where it is I am not your teacher
All dressed up like that, more like the Riddler
Hind sight is “2020” vote to save your country!
Dictatorships don’t need elections.
Yesterday’s pardons were a preview of coming attractions. Soon, he’ll be pardoning Stone, Flynn, and Manafort.
Such an NPC, you literally regurgitated, word for word what Joe force fed you, without any statement of facts or credibility whatsoever. What’s worse is that despite the lack of fact or rationality, you proceeded to make your idiotic statement as facts. You need to leave your echo chamber.
Stone, Flynn, and Manafort didn’t do anything wrong but they know stuff so they had to be shut down by the crooked democrats. Get a clue!
When is America going to get it ? Trump is going for full government take over!!! Hello !!!
johnny walker That’s not how we do it here, comrade.
James Jarrard : Not going to, he already has. He has demanded congress allocate funds for a statue of himself built & burnished with gold. It faces East to welcome the rising sun & rotates through the day facing West to bid farewell to the setting sun. All citizens are to fall on their faces on approaching Trump or else you could find yourself 6″ shorter.
@Laura Lafauve Sorry to tell you Laura, but any sentence that includes the words ‘Americans’ and ‘thinking’ is an exaggeration, an impossibility. And that is the very reason why people like Bump are now running the country. The best way to quickly make my point is via a short, amusing clip:
@Randy Cleveland are you kidding????? This man is no businessman!!! Businessman dont go bankrupt 5 times…ESPECIALLY with a casino!!!! Wake up!!!! Get your brain out of the fog.
Randy Cleveland That’s what he wants you to believe. He is profiting off of al his properties. Do you recall in 2016 he refused to attend the last GOP debate announcing he was going to hold a rally for Vets& raise $6 mil. He was going to give $1 mil personally After a week he took the $6 mil & pocketed it. Finally he was harassed about the donations & he claimed he had already given the monv
Banana Republic USA!
Shameful but effective! Any means to be reelected!
Is he freeing any poor people. Family people who’s families have been destroyed because of bad laws. This president is all about money. Not people.
@spliffsperlunk First look up SRCA. Grassley and Durbin reintroduced the SRCA again in October 2017 which eventually got renamed as the first step act
@juan hernandez “The “First Step Act,” developed by Kushner and a bipartisan group of lawmakers, is designed to improve rehabilitation programs for former prisoners and give judges more discretion in sentencing offenders for nonviolent crime, particularly drug offenders.”
spliffsperlunk you’re a LIAR he has not.
Nameless Progressive Clone you are a liar!
When the Dems take back the Senate and White House, there will be new laws restricting the power of the executive branch.
@Maria Romero No, your worst nightmare.
Get your Xanax and tissues ready.
That’s going to be a long wait then, they’ve screwed themselves on election day for many years.
America for all its past sins is getting its comeuppance. The last 200+ years they cheated & robbed the natives. Enslaved blacks, interned Japanese Americans. Meddled in Asia & the middle-east, overthrowing elected Govt. propping up dictators, killing heads of states they had gripes with. All this for short term power & monetary advantage. The worm has turned & the wheel of fortune no longer favors you. The chickens are home to roost. We are a huge step beyond. Like in the book of Daniel the king sees the writing on the wall. “You have been weighed in the scales of justice & found wanting”. So America ungird your loins, drop your pants and get ready for the remedy. It’s going to be long, hot, bitter ENEMA
“A man without character or ethical compass will never find his way,” We were warned from the Senate floor. “There is nothing more corrosive to a democracy than the idea that there is no truth…. Truth matters, right matters, but so does decency. Decency matters.” TRUMP does not reflect who we are.”
He may not reflect who we are as a people but he has certainly got his FOOT ON AMERICA’S THROAT!!! AND RIGHT NOW.. THEY CANT DO JACK AND THATS VERY SAD FOR THE FREE WORLD!!!
WARN came from Madeleine Albright way back, in an interview with Christiniane Amanpour way back, when rumors that trump might run for potus……….
gizmo Beautifully said. Ignore the brain dead, nay-saying trolls.
And The Idiots On The Left Do…BRAIN DEAD.
The overt, in your face, “CRIMES ARE US” right party politics is sick. Any right wing lemming who thinks this is all okay is just as sick.
And Dem constituents sitting on the couch is what?
Dawn Oceanside They are committing crimes and getting pardons from the corrupt President? Wow. I didn’t hear that. Are Trump Party Lemmings sitting on the couch getting pardons too? My apologies. I thought he was just focusing on the crooks like him.
Europe: GO VOTE HIM OUT!!!!!!!! He is turning the US into a new Russia! GO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Stephen Duquette I think the corrupt orange monster will stop at nothing. Hopefully his cholesterol levels do him in soon.
Bernie will turn the US into his Motherland… Russia. TRUMP 2020
@SoHo Bernie isn’t the one taking loans from Russia. Bernie didn’t have secret meetings with Putin behind closed doors. Bernie didn’t stand with Putin in Helsiinki, siding with Putin over his own Intelligence community.
@Donna Willams Trump didn’t take loans from Russia. Do your research. Trump threatened to sue NBC for those ridiculous claims. Trump is the President, he can meet with whomever whenever and doesn’t have to tell you. But Obama sends Iran $1.4B in cash and you’re ok with that

? Maybe Putin knows more about his region than WE do. Imagine that? Why would we be in a position to know more unless we’re over there meddling in other countries? Bernie, however, took his Honeymoon to Russia and described the Greatness of that country. Does that not strike you as WEIRD?!?! It’s ok though cuz it’s Bernie and he’s there for the people 

. Bernie, the multi-millionaire, is there for the Poor Folk
. Gimmie a break. I’mma share a little sage advice from my fellow Atliens… Get Up, Get Out, and Go Get Something. Quit looking for Hand Outs and go forge your own path. A man ain’t a man unless he can stand on his own 2 and make a way; even when it looks like there is no way. TRUMP 2020
Trump said he was going to drain the swamp,
not pardon the swamp!
The Head Con- Artist saving other criminals… go figure