Joe Scarborough Talks Similarities Between Truman and Biden’s Transition To the Presidency | MSNBC

Joe Scarborough, author of "Saving Freedom: Truman, The Cold War, and the Fight for Western Civilization" and host of MSNBC’s "Morning Joe", discusses the similarities between President Truman and President-Elect Biden’s transition to the Presidency, and how Joe Biden can bridge a gap between parties. Scarborough says, “Joe Biden will be the first President this century that really understands not only the United States Senate and Washington D.C. but really understands the give and take of the legislative process.” » Subscribe to MSNBC:

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Joe Scarborough Talks Similarities Between Truman and Biden’s Transition To the Presidency | MSNBC

Joe Scarborough Talks Similarities Between Truman and Biden’s Transition To the Presidency | MSNBC


    1. The tortoise (I know it’s not a turtle) that Charles Darwin obtained from the Galapagos Is (1831 – 1836 voyage of HMS Beagle) is still alive in London zoo, to this day, last time I heard of it anyway? Some of the longest living creatures on this blue marble? Some parrots have the same long lifespan, what are we doing wrong?

    2. @LadyJAtheist : Well, you basically only have 2 democratic areas in Kentucky ( Lexington & Louisville ). They don’t need to gerrymander.

  1. As long as Moscow Mitch is there in Senate America is not going to move forward. He is a Roadblocker. DiaperDon is just a Baby compare to him. That’s why Georgians need to vote for two more Democrats senators.

    1. @Richie Tattersall and they’ll keep losing since the cult leader destroyed the Rep. party and it will take a while for them to recover from the orange monster they created.

    2. The only way we’ll move forward is to remove the roadblocks (McConnell:Graham). VOTE BLUE in GA election … January 5th, 2021 … do NOT allow Senate to do to Biden what they did to Obama … their objective is heinous!!!
      Be Smart – Stay Healthy. 🙏☺️💙😷

    3. LET’S UNITE IN OUR EFFORTS to make the incoming administration make the outgoing administration PAY FOR THEIR DAMNED CRIMES FOR ONCE! and this includes mcconnell, graham and the rest of trump’s criminal enablers.
      i’m damned tired of the gangster GOP corrupting the functions of OUR govt. they lie, they cheat, they betray their words, they’re underhanded, opportunistic and despicable. its goddamned time they start paying for their crimes too.

    1. @immortal scurds sorry it upsets you but the republicans have become the biggest crybabies IN HISTORY… easily worse than dems in 16

    2. … man, ain’t that the truth! never let it be said a trump cultist ever turned down the opportunity to help spread a good trump lie. they just keep right on spreading lies regardless of the evidence to the contrary. truth, honesty and integrity mean nothing to these sad, delusional people.
      LET’S UNITE IN OUR EFFORTS to make the incoming administration make the outgoing administration PAY FOR THEIR DAMNED CRIMES FOR ONCE! and this includes mcconnell, graham and the rest of trump’s criminal enablers.
      i’m damned tired of the gangster GOP corrupting the functions of OUR govt. they lie, they cheat, they betray their words, they’re underhanded, opportunistic and despicable. its goddamned time they start paying for their crimes too.

    1. Then why are all the corporations funding the Democrats now? Why are you watching corporate media? Why is Amazon and Walmart making record profits during COVID while small businesses are forced to close? Why is Biden filling his cabinet with corporate shills? The Democrats are the new Republicans of old and vice versa.

  2. My African American family worked for Truman
    As a under writer and in the GSA
    America is a good Country with good people

    1. Yes we are loving caring people but the ugly is only for the tip top to now about any country with power gets use to bulling and they all will the only thing is got to weigh out the ugly when china because #1 just think what they will do

  3. Biden with his experience could be the best President America ever had. He has to be to deal with the mess Trump has left.

    1. @Russ Bow This is far deeper then that and if the Republicans keep the SENATE Mitch will make it almost impossible to be properly dealt with look at how the stimulus package is going.

    2. @Mae Gary Do you have any idea what is in the house bill?
      Does Joe tell you Mitch should bring it to the floor?
      Do you remember anything about Harry Reid?

    1. Deanne Albrecht,
      True enough. Republicans tried to sell out the country to a dictator wannabe. They’ve forever given up any claim to the moral high ground.

    2. LET’S UNITE IN OUR EFFORTS to make the incoming administration make the outgoing administration PAY FOR THEIR DAMNED CRIMES FOR ONCE! and this includes mcconnell, graham and the rest of trump’s criminal enablers.
      i’m damned tired of the gangster GOP corrupting the functions of OUR govt. they lie, they cheat, they betray their words, they’re underhanded, opportunistic and despicable. its goddamned time they start paying for their crimes too.

    1. @Mae Gary in america your education depends on your zip code. As long as schools are funded by real estates taxes the schools will suffer big differences. Why is it that a PhD is different from one university to another, well if you want education for all change all the rules benifiting the wealthiest.

    2. @T. D. Boschee It’s like you’ve been reading my mind . For the past few days I’ve been reading studies on ‘smooth brain ‘. Trump fits the biology to a T .

    1. As a Christian I am so glad that he will no longer have a platform to spread , hate and discrimination. Mr Pence – should be on his knees asking God for forgiveness and misleading people .

  4. Mitch McConnell helped make Trump,McConnell needs to go away to,there should be a law about how many years you can serve,an he is way past his time

    1. If the Republicans lose the Senate, they won’t need to blame someone that someone will be Mitch McConnell
      He might not become minority leader

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