First Lady Melania Trump hit back at Stanford Law professor Pamela Karlan, who mentioned Trump's son Barron at Wednesday's hearing before apologizing. Joe Scarborough shares his thoughts. Aired on 12/05/19.
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Joe Scarborough: Melania Has Sat By As Trump WH Launched Attacks | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Oh, I get it. Putting other people’s children in cages is just FINE, but referring to one of Dump’s kids is evil? Let’s put Baron in a cage, see if he lasts 3 minutes. Melania is a fake cow. The biggest bully in the world is the biggest hypocrite in the world and she’s supposed to be working against on-line bullying? What a pathetic joke.
@Timothy Kozlowski Your supposed to be complaining about Hillary get your facts straight at your next klan meeting, you look foolish.
This is how low America has sunk. Her husband’s cruel and evil remarks have hurt a lot of innocent people.
@Timothy Kozlowski Kozlowski, yeah that’s not an immigrant name at all. Did they put your family in cages when they arrived, hypocrite? No? Then shut your mouth.
Moe, totally agree with you.
@Timothy Kozlowski filthy dirty disgusting russian troll
strongman trump can turn his back on cohen, stone, manafort, sondland, but when civilized world leader speak about him he run away crying to get comforted by his cultists, what a symbole for u.s.a
@Dave the french canadian trump is and always will be a wannabe “tough guy”… like most bully’s he crumbles when someone stands up to him
If he gets re-elected, you watch, he’ll spring all his cohorts with pardons!
@Karen Fitzpatrick We’ll have to make sure that doesn’t happen. VOTE! EVERYONE should VOTE!
Melania, doesn’t care about caged or dead kids when they are someone else’s kids.
I don’t believe that. I do think she is not allowed to protest much against her husband’s actions. Trump would punish her severely if she stood up to him, especially publicly. I don’t pity her though, in her abuse, she chose to marry him! We need to focus on “divorcing” him from the Presidency, reuniting our Country and getting humanitarian legislation pushed through to return the children to their mothers at the border!
Letha Lauenborg nope cages were when your boy Obama was president! Go back and look at the tape sweetie. Your fake news media was in such a hurry to blame trump they didn’t bother to research the pictures ! Like you and your Democrap trolls whatever the fake news reports you believe! You are pathetic!
Notal Ael no you need to fact check pictures of kids in cages were from OBAMA it’s fact go look at fake news cnn tape you’ll see! Lol democraps are pathetic
@Lisa Riggs
We’re talking about the now!!!!!! Not yester year. Dam!!!!!
Melania worked while she was under a Visa why isn’t she being deported.
@Noble’One not big mike
@andromidius English isn’t one of them!
@Timothy Kozlowski her English is terrible i ask through her whole do each what the duck is she saying. Hahahah
@everything irie trump thinks he can. He is delusional
All the things they said about Michelle Obama and their children! Hypocrites!
Nina Lisa She was. Not a politician, not a celebrity. Yep, smile
What things.
@davematt2002 your Mother Stunt Queen.
@Notal Ael one person said one thing
Trump and his entire family are all Demonic plain and Simple, and all who support this Evil family are nothing less then Zombie.
@Ed Miller He’s really doing his best to come up to that standard.
@Ed Miller The bible doesnt belong anywhere near politics. Thats what got us in the dumpster fire. God doesnt exist
@Ed Miller Leave the bible out of this.
It’s a big reason for the mess right now.
But yes,
Cadet Bone Spurs is an “evil upon the land” etc…
@Zues Toots 7oo. 0
Just because Baron’s name was used didn’t disrespect him.
Then there’s Donald’s multiple attacks on handicap people, Mexican judges, “s-hole” countries, attacking Gold Star families, assigning a deragatory nick name to all of his opponents, pushing his way to front of photo op line, paying off prostitutes, ripping off contractors, constant lies, cheating on three wives, etc. etc.
If Melania is really outraged by bad behaviour why has she not divorced yet & removed Baron from obvious bad role model ?
Cheers to you, Theodore.
Melaria got an Einstein visa for posing nude..
She ain’t no Einstein!! Wonder how that was approved? Cash changing hands, perhaps?
@Door Spook I. Do. Too.
Monday Morning why don’t u report them lol
Someone should check and see if there is such as a Einstein visa if sounds suspicious mmm
Deport mail order bride “soviet melania”, her parents and her anchor baby too!
Kelly Boyce Blaming Obama? Lol comparing Baron and Obama is not the same thing as blaming Obama
Here we go Obama blah blah blah….. Tiring.
@davematt2002 LIAR, Obama is not of the mentality of anything donald trump has anything or had anything to do with.
That’s crazy professor Karlan did not speak ill or disrespect their son.
@Tim Debaney Only a mindless twit would bring up Hitler to a Polish person.
@EagleThank you, for bringing them up because their children were off limits too.
@Kimberly Benson ” he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Do you know who actually said this? Well it was Jesus, and what did he say after that? He said, “now go your way and SIN NO MORE.” What do you think he meant by that and who do think he was he speaking to?
Thank you facts
@Frances Wilson Then why did she apologize for saying it? She even admitted she was wrong for saying it.
She’s just a money-grubbing Russian spy that likes the colour orange.
@Randall Davis Yes, I’m aware. That still doesn’t make her Russian.
@President of the Virgin Islands I never implied otherwise, I’m simply saying that she’s from Slovenia.
@Raven Stark thanks to killary
@President of the Virgin Islands aaahhh a killary sheep far away help peddling her russian agenda
You sound like a Fox conspiritor, go back to your bubble..
What about when Melania wore that jacket with the writing, “I don’t care, do you?” Melania didn’t show authentic concern for those abused border children! They honestly think they are above all of us!
@Timothy Kozlowski Keep moving those goal posts goober.
@Noise Latrine I don’t have to move anything. Booger.
@Noise Latrine Whatever. Brainless twit.
@Timothy Kozlowski Yep facts are your Kryptonite poor baby.
@Noise Latrine Sorry, thst I know the truth and you don’t. Booger.
This country has for decades had outstanding First Ladies, this woman will not be joining that club.
@Lisa Riggs At least Hillary and Michelle served this country proudly unlike melania who does nothing. Bye scamp.
@Lisa Riggs
She’s illegitimate along with dumb Donny. They don’t count.
Michelle Obama was/is the best. I wish she’d run for president. I’d be 1st in line to vote for her.
@Mickey Rosa She does something alright, like posing Naked on the internet!! Shame on her, some kinda first lady!!
Greta Thunberg, the Parkland survivors…all kids. Not to mention the lack of empathy for the children crossing the Mexican border.
Obama’s policy bothers you now?
You mean the kids who are crossing because their parents are illegally trying to enter this country? Or the ones who are unaccompanied, but still entering illegally? Illegal means it is contrary or forbidden by law, especially criminal law. That’s a crime.
My thoughts My View so you must hate how Melania Trump the illegal and her kid got away with it then. Its odd how selective certain people are when it comes to crimes and upholding the law.
America first
@Dave Ponsford You cannot be this stupid.
Te hill with their feelings, when trump mocked the Swiss girl , Melania didn’t step up and told him to stop . Making fun of disabled people was ok with her !!! O well get over it
That’s because a Trump daddy probably beats her to keep her mouth shut
Red Moon Swedish girl not Swiss
Red Moon yep Greta is Swedish, Trump & Melania have no decency
She’s a ding bat. Her husband belittles everyone and not once have she corrected her walking walrus.
Walking walrus is my favourite internet today, you win.
Slavic women are used to giving in to the men in their family. This seems to have suited Trump just fine, with most of his wives. About his first wife Ivana, he once bragged, publicly, that she did whatever he told her to do.
Sloppy trump yes a walrus



Her child is off limits, but everyone else’s is not??? She is just as narcissistic as her husband.
Obviously they’ve all forgotten how Chelsea Clinton and the Obama girls were ridiculed but trump’s little twit needs mommy’s protection? Please…give me a break
@Glenda Chabowski And her useless husband.
@Dane Mart like you give one dam. A party full of imposters
Come on she never said anything about children in cages or her husband’s name calling. Now that KARMA has come around she is upset. Poor little rich B….
@Timothy Kozlowski Back again troll? You’re hurt for melania, Ha ha ha ha ha ha .
@Mickey Rosa Oh, look it’s another troll.
@kitkat75 Its basically against the law for a psychiatrist to judge someone without ever seeing or talking to them.
Let the children go. Meliania lets check your paper this puts your son in the same catagory
It’s the “do as I say, not as I do” administration.
Melania: “Cage da children, but do not mention my son Barron Von Trump”