White House chief of staff Mark Meadows brushed off questions Wednesday about Trump's allegations of voter fraud, and the Morning Joe panel discusses why it's time for Republicans to let the country move forward with the incoming administration. Aired on 11/19/2020.
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#GOP #VoterFraud #MSNBC
Joe Scarborough: It Is Time For GOP To Start Moving Forward | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The Republican Party is a failed party.
@omar jaramillo
Really?? Well functioning??
They are all cowards! Trumps little soldiers, who don’t have the gutts to stop him from trying to destroy our democracy on his way out the door!! Its absolutely unbelievable and they should all be so ashamed!
@William H Music 2020
What does that even have to do with this? Nothing!!
What is wrong with all of you Trump lovers?? All of the things you just said about President Elect Joe Biden and his running mate
are true of Donald Trump and you all know it!! I truly don’t get it!! SMH!!
@Terry Strayer I believe we currently have a run off of the top 2 candidates if one of them doesn’t get 50% of the vote. At least in some states.
@William H Music 2020 TROLL
Trump is trying so hard to serve a second term
but the truth is that he’s trying to avoid serving time in prison.
@sean k yes, we’ll all keep our eyes on Wayne County.
But… that looks abundant to you? You really believe they’ll throw out enough Democratic votes to hand Trump the election?
@21rgr12 Biden cant pardon anybody for states crimes only federal crimes
@daheat0627 Trump GOP had their chance for 4yrs to provide evidence of Obama Biden Hillary corruption, they produced nothing. Trump administration 215 criminal indictments. Obama administration 0
ron Hold on Tight the GREAT AMERICAN RESET is coming up. No one can stop what’s coming. Trump2020

Obama the media’s darling. That POS should be in jail right now
trump is not only a failure as a president, but also a failure as a businessman, husband, father, and human being.
@Paul Wyatt I knew he was a terrible person when I laid eyes on him in “98
All lives matter Trump . Do one thing for the people of the US, just work with the Biden team to get control of COVID. Redeem yourself self.
You know nothing about him. Just smoking that cnn pbs črack.
@Walter White ok Heisenberg, stop sampling you product. Rudy Giuliani is an old hack, the judges are laughing at him behind his back.
@mark griff

the whole world is seeing what it is, Trump’s desperation, total BS 

Everyday, I dislike Trump and his cronies even more.
@Lisa Kelzer Daddy Trump lolol
………..thats a dumb comment since Rudy Gulliani is sending Biden to jail.
I am Walter White the King of Facts. Proof is Facts. Trump 2020!!
P.S. I know this is not the time but……”I told you so”
Every day I like Biden more.
@Walter White
Fukin Amazing.
Trump gets impeached by an Anonymous person.
Yet they claim 1200 signed affidavit’s of voter fraud is no evidence!
@Dokus360 The democrat party is controlled by and organized crime syndicate. Look at the evidence that Sydney Powell and Rudy Giuliani have brought forward and it’s only the beginning. They have a lot more evidence and many witnesses coming forward who signed affidavits. The reps for the Dominion software company have left town. Their offices are closed. This software came from Venezuela. It is used to rig elections.
You don’t have to worry about Donald Trump leaving the country no other country wants him
@Walter White…yo king of facts, how’s your Napoleon gig?
@Walter White Just a heads up there bub, but if Rudy was withholding evidence from a judge, when asked by said judge for evidence, disbarment is the least of his problems.
Russia and China does
@Abalada Slovenia , Poland and Hungary are very “Trumpisch” That’s true. We all hope that the USA is on another level now and a positive model for the world again. Europe needs a good and honest partner. A partner not on the level of its problem child. Hmm….we love America here, you know, and we need a partner not on the level of Slovenia.
In fact, some of them want their money, and he’s unable to pay. He doesn’t want to face those people, they don’t have bankruptcy as a way out.
The Trumpies need to learn that they can’t win with Democracy. The American people will NEVER install a fascist strong-man leader.
@Mr mojo Risin hiw many of them support Biden . Trump has never had majority support by Americans or approval rating in his 4yrs. Nearly every president before him had iver 50% support during some if their terms Trump never has. People who dont vote whether by nail ir in person have no exuse for not being heard thats how democracy works, what if but if diesnt matter Trump lost by 6million votes thats more votes than the total of many states. fact Trump doesnt have Americas support so he lost the end
zidge1751 you should write Enjoy the next 8 year with President Joe
jorge diaz Yeah fair enough Jorge, you just proved that my maths isn’t quite right what’s a couple of mill amongst friends , but you are right
Speak only facts Im glad you didn’t correct me on my maths it was a little bit out but happy for America and congratulations
Jer Cap You Republicans freak out man
I do hope Donald Trump & his cronies will be charged for their criminal behavior during this pandemic…
Well Obama funded the Wuhan lab and Biden had millions off China and all are guilty of a fraud the media continue to hide from you ,.. this was the press conference ,. ask yourselves if the media were not lying why won’t thy show you??..listen and learn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpzdoIUYSEk
@alexgamer tv Geeez…why don’t you grow up, you can’t move me with that juvenile insult.
@Steve Miles What do you mean no evidence? You need to explore some news other than the fake news outlets who are nothing more than Biden-apologists.
@Ohh Yeahh; This will be my last reply. You’re clearly an imbecile, or pretending to be an imbecile in an attempt to troll. Either way..you didn’t even address my point! You claim there’s tons of evidence out there, yet Trump’s team haven’t produced any in court.
Trump and his cronies have no shame. The deaths are on their hands.
Don’t u dare look at ur radical leftist demonRAT socialist narcissistic LYING GODFATHER CUOMO!!!
@Whicker Boy New York wont even be able to pay their teacher and police pensions by the end of next year, and their police and teachers will go on strike. and them the domestic terrorists strike! oh dear what will Sleepy Joe do? zzzzzzzzzz
@mark griff Quacks-anonymous
He said he’s a war time president over covid. Cool. Now can we charge him with war crimes?
@Just Say’n Did msnbc or CNN tell you that one lol
He’s biding his time to start a war hoping that will keep him in office.
Why isnt Trump or Rudy being arrested for interfering with the electoral process? It’s ILLEGAL and no one is above the law.
………..thats a dumb comment since Rudy Gulliani is sending Biden to jail.
The truth shall set you free.
Filing lawsuits isn’t a crime or above the law. In fact, it’s using the law to prove there was fraud or that there wasn’t a fraud.. When it’s done we all will know what really happened.
OMG you people are living on another planet lol You seriously need to switch this crap msnbc and msm off lol… Ask yourself why are they not playing you the trump legal teams press conference?? The msm are lying to you ..ffs this is crazy .. I’m not an American and can see how the msm are just playing you for fools ..ok this is th press confrence they don’t want you to know about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpzdoIUYSEk
These are just some of the sworn statements https://roar-assets-auto.rbl.ms/documents/7487/3.%20EXHIBIT%201%20(affidavits)%20(compressed).pdf… two hundred and thirty four pages , given to a respected radio station by the trump team.. and this was just the first batch after four days …do you want more ??
@T Saint When attorneys keep filing lawsuits without evidence they could lose their license to practice law

The will of the people has spoken, But Trump can not believe it and now seeks to destroy the entire democratic system.
………..thats a dumb comment since Rudy Gulliani is sending Biden to jail.
I am Walter White the King of Facts. Proof is Facts. Trump 2020!!
Petee,, I think you mean the liberal stations said he won.
Walter, joeeboyb always reads from a from a teleprompter and he always has to have his boss tell him who’s going to ask questions, that’s because it’s probably all Democrat questions and he can’t and won’t know how to answer them out of the blue. They probably practice before he goes FYI, Trump had the vaccine in the works so now joeeboyb is holding & riding on Trump’s Coat
Tails. Watch Mayor Giuliano on yt for today about what’s going on.
@Monica Rothbeck ………..thats a dumb comment since Rudy Gulliani is sending Biden to jail.
I am Walter White the King of Facts. Proof is Facts. Trump 2020!!
P.S. I know this is not the time but……”I told you so”
Don’t leave Roger Stone out of this. He is, as well as Bannon, talking this up to Trump and encouraging him.
Attn: D. Duck and GOP Sycophants:
When our leaders know clearly that this virus is dangerous and do nothing, is committing murder!
………..thats a dumb comment since Rudy Gulliani is sending Biden to jail.
@Walter White I feel so sorry for you and your uncompassion for people. So sad
@Angela Flagg ………..thats a dumb comment since Rudy Gulliani is sending Biden to jail.
I am Walter White the King of Facts. Proof is Facts. Trump 2020!!
P.S. I know this is not the time but……”I told you so”
Donny is worried a transition will reveal his utter incompetence.
It will be a real eye opener as to the total chaos that has existed within the WH over the past 4 years. If it is anything like the way he runs anything, businesses, casinos, a so called university …….. He doesn’t listen to another living soul, much less take advice or even READ. In the name of all that’s holy, it’s time folks.
The Trump administration should be charged with RICO, as an Ongoing Criminal Enterprise…..
@Bidenequalsfraud 2020 trump is going to prison, just like you and I would if we committed the same crimes. but I understand trump is your god, he’s not a human being like the rest of us. so good luck on that and have a wonderful day.
@Bidenequalsfraud 2020 dude. its over! the have trump on everthing from cheating on his taxes to money landering, you believe whatever you want it on video…and history will decide who’s telling the truth or not, not you….so believe what you want we have facts, sir and nothing you can say will change that. good day
GOP committing crimes against humanity. Crimes against Americans, GET THEM OUT!!!
You are really naive or just plain stupid
………..thats a dumb comment since Rudy Gulliani is sending Biden to jail.
@#j G You can’t win loser. You lost at the ballot box. You lost in court. If you want to lose in the streets it will cost you dearly.
#j G Trump loves the poorly uneducated and you are the exact definition of one. Do you use the same substances that give Trump his delusions?
@Michele Kett All you democrats are total trash we always knew you were garbage because 95 percent of all prisons and mental istitutions are filled with you. San fran we have tens of thousands with many young lazy lowfife demonrats living in the drug infested streets. A year ago right wingers went in and picked up 3 tons of democrat dung on the streets and sidewalks because demonrats running the state could care less. Urine and democrat turd so thick it runs into the LA river when it rains poluting it so bad mammals were dying yet demonrats were worried about one straw found in a turtles nose. The mayor handing out needles that end up in the river Now Seattle is even worse and Oregon. The demonrat scenario is an extreme nightmare in this country. You should all be gassed like hitler did you are all bad eggs at birth. Nothing but useless destructive brainless free loading lazy garbage. Tearing doen history over racism racism but voting for the party of slavery. I can go on for a decade
This sounds like a GOP political self-destruction. American people will never forget the number of lives lost due to GOP intentional delay to allow Biden to start the vaccination plan. This GOP conscious action will reflect in future elections as well.
Bottom line, The people have spoken. We don’t want 45. Get him out of our house.
This is a disgusting display for our children to see.