The Morning Joe panel recaps Tuesday's Democratic debate in Iowa and why Democrats have to focus on Trump rather than on one another. Aired on 01/15/20.
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Joe Scarborough: Dems Must Take Donald Trump On In The Political Battlefield | Morning Joe | MSNBC
From the man who brought you “toilets flushing 10-15 times”, “nuke the hurricanes”, “wind mills that go wurr-wurr-wurr”, “bing bing, bong bong”, “hamberders”, “409k”, and “rake your forest”…now brings you “War with Iran”.
When can we wake up from this NIGHTMARE……………………………AS AMERICA CRIES. The spineless men like RAND PAUL, MOSCOW MITCH….LADY LINDSEY.
@Jim Yarbrough lmao!!!
Changed the spelling of little to liddle’ and discovered the cure for cancer.
Brian Walsh but you’re forgetting the funniest of all “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”
what a knee slapper
*_You are not well, get some help._*
They actually believe that he has hair.
@Lyn W in these dark times we gotta laugh at him, he’s a joke and you should lighten up, life’s too short as it is.
@Flower Son lies seem to fit with him PERFECTLY like his phone call.
@Josie Schulz Funny how you do see the same familiar faces behind me across America.
@melissa saint be ready for him to take this as his own.
Hehehe omg man
What is wrong with this fool people wake up this is not a joke something is wrong with this man. I don’t know what is wrong but something is wrong.
Not one thing, everything is wrong!
Something is wrong with you, I DonT kNoW whAT iT ïS tHoüGH
Narcissistic personality disorder and a sociopath nature. Easy to spot.
@karmpuscookie how dare you call our president a pysophath he’s done good so far
In a contest of wits trump is unarmed
Lol lol
I always heard the saying: I refuse to fight a battle of wits with an unarmed person. Trump is the guy that brings a knife to a gun fight and swears it’s a AK-47, the biggest best greatest one.
It’s hilarious, he’s such a buffoon, but he keeps winning. Insults, accusations, lies, conspiracies, he’s still winning.
He’s successful, you say he’s failing.
I guess if you say so,
@Byron Tudor I didnt say he was failing, I think he lacks a moral compass, I think he’s a coward and a crook.
@Byron Tudor He’s only winning to a loser like you.
When Trump supporters see his bald head at the rally’s the say it’s fake news
@Mr Foldgers tellme please. What on earth makes you support trump as it baffles me
@Mick Reynolds doesnt make any difference at all. It’s just funny that trump is so vain
2020 for president Trump’s. This is our

@Alice Mwah Peah May be your prayers sir but luckily for america the majority are praying for the opposite.
If Trump killed one of his supporters loved ones in front of them they would say Obama made him do it.
Please somebody tell me what is wrong with that man, and is he really POTUS? Really?
Well, not actually.
He is second in command to Putin.
Narcissism, dementia and decades long abuse of stimulants.
Old lightbulbs… beautiful head of hair… put this man in the loony bin.
Trump’s light bulb burnt out along time ago.
Having never come close to a Physics Class in school, Trump is clueless to the fact that heat is the graveyard of energy.
That’s his campaign speech for bald people and those that are afraid of my dark.
My incandescent bulbs were lucky to last 3 months. I’ve got LEDs that over 7 years old and still burning.
A carefully crafted statement in an attempt to achieve cult status. No-one can guess how dangerous Donald Trump really is.
What are these Republicans talking about I live in the US for two years I thought you guys were crazy but this is off the charts
@Matthew Huszarik Just because I’m not a soviet sanders supporter doesn’t make me a non-democrat. Don’t vote in socialists.
Aliens I am not particularly a Sanders supporter, but only the ignorant call him a socialist. You need to learn what a socialist is before you start accusing someone of being one. Sander has not once suggested that all American corporations should be nationalized as a real socialist would. Advocating for the Federal government to do what it does better than private enterprise isn’t socialism it is social democracy. What Sanders proposes is to have the federal government take over healthcare and secondary education. It can’t be realistically disputed that the government does do both much better in regards to an entire nations health and education. The data and statistics are overwhelmingly in favor of federal government.
@Matthew Huszarik Money and power corrupt the best of us. The democratic party is no exception. Its the way we structure our economy that causes corruption and inequality in our government. A very few hold 90% of the wealth in our country therefore we are a banana republic now. Corporations have bought all branches of our government.
White evangelicals don’t really know Jesus
This is the man who just killed A PLANE FULL of people. Getting laughs and roaring applause. Scary.
@Jim Yarbrough No point. Re-election is almost guaranteed for him.
@Godfrey Daniel yet if the roles were reversed would you be saying the same thing?
@9000ck OK so Trump kills Soleimani and they shoot down a plane full of civilians? This after they said their beef was with Trump not civilians. That justification doesn’t fly here because it involves people not involved in war. I am sure you wouldn’t agree if roles were reversed.
Thomas Akers dumb as rocks really
Talking about his hair. That means he doesnt have any real hair.
That thing on his head is an alien parasite, bent on global domination. But it’s dumber than a sack full of hammers so we should have been safe. Idiocracy in action.
He invented a new lightbulb Wow
Jim Yarbrough jokes ? you for real? he means everything he is saying, and those idiots clapping like he invented something new. Is this you want for an other 4 years ? omg What did you do to elect this clown. ohh I understand he wanted to change and make a difference. You all thought he knows what he’s doing..
Wel we all see what is happening here , he is treating your country like one of his bankrupt business. May God bless you all your going to need it.
Feel like I’m living in Gotham City.
that is spot on.
@David Heller Have you never read comics? How do you not understand this analogy? Just trolling?
Trump did live in Gotham City. It’s a nickname for NYC.
Heyyyyy I’m fat Man
Is he bragging about being less energy efficient, and wasting water? …….WTF
stdesy: As if he has ever gone shopping. The housekeeper orders it in, and lord help her if she ever runs out of something he wants.
Patriot Spring: The basic science is clear cut. The only “scientists” who “disagree” about the existence of Global Warming are in the pay of Exxon or some other fossil fuel company. Follow the money.
stdesy: The carnivore diet? Your diet now has to match your politics?! Thanks for letting me know I should be voting Republican. Real smart of you. Don’t worry. I’ll probably live long enough to dance on your grave, but meanwhile you have to live with the fact that you are creating new Donald Trump voters. FU
stdesy: Oh, yes, and you actually DO have a higher risk of dying of colon cancer. Serves you right. Of course, no studies have actually been done on the carnivore diet, because it’s too new, but don’t let facts get in the way of your hate.
It really showed up that he’s a 5yrs.old child in Kindergarten playground playing with children..

Josie Schulz
And Trump was the playground bully.
Yeah, but he keeps winning.
When Hillary called Trump supporters “the deplorables”, I was horrified. I was wrong.
You are aware now…please help us set this whole situation right again!!!
Join the club!!
This is truly unbelievable. It’s like watching an SNL skit
It’s so easy to run as a GOP president. All you have to do is to talk BS and the seals are clapping.
Reminds me of a cult
Ripple Waters almost as good as when he emulated his real self calling his own daughter a pig
Trump calls his hair beautiful and they cheer, how much more delusional can you get.
Trump supporters looks fool! Coco…
The law needs to remove this pos traitor and murder.
Everyone in the world is laughing at this Unmitigated Embarrassment except his Cult followers
@chris leonard
I don’t see any democratic candidates fixing any of the problems you’re referring to though man
@Vlad Impaler I agree they are not jolly lol. But they do think trump is a joke. Same as most of the world.
chris leonard You might be right. But he serves a purpose right now in America.
The crowd behind him comes straight from the wrestling extravaganza across the street.
From your moms
All I know and NO ONE is talking about this…in Congress there is a topic about bringing back the draft if we ever go to war. I WANT EVERY BOY AND GIRL THERE TO GET DRAFTED FIRST…and laugh when their bodybags come home
This crazy man talking about his hair he is so crazy
Annie Parker , Exactly . What man ? Any Man ? But ecspecially a man 70 plus years old braggs about how beautiful his hair is ? To that i say WTF.
WITHOUT TRUMP, RECESSION TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!