Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg spoke to Joe Rogan about how dealing with controversial content on Facebook has "trade-offs all the way down." #CNN #News
Joe Rogan grills Zuckerberg on how Facebook moderates controversial content

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg spoke to Joe Rogan about how dealing with controversial content on Facebook has "trade-offs all the way down." #CNN #News
I’m old enough to remember on how life was so much better before social media became an everyday part of our lives. I really miss those days.
@Luci Feric You first
Me too. I was born in 1970, and I closed my FB account in 2019, and have no other social media, except LinkedIn for work. It’s doable.
Delete your social media accounts and don’t look back. I removed Facebook and Instagram from my life and wow do I feel much better, although I still comment on YouTube lol
Back when humans actually had sun exposure. Now if a person sees sunlight it’s only because their basement window wasn’t blocked off by the blacked out curtains.
Any more questions to lie about .he’s full of it man! He’s .
They can make AI that tracks my every cart so you can sell me stuff but you can’t create AI that finds bots?
1 Jim L Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@NBA1 yet YouTube can’t figure out these “fuk what you saying it here”
comments are bots. They’re on literally every comment. Does anyone actually click them?
Last fight
“What’s good for Facebook is not necessarily good for the world.” How many other companies would be shut down on this criterion?
I notice they didn’t show the part about theHunterBidenLaptop censorship
I’m still getting over CNN showing this
That is literally how every company operates. The objective is to make as much money as possible, obviously doing that means putting the company’s well being before anything, including the world, ergo what is good for the company is not always what is good for the world. This is just how businesses operate, not quite sure what you think you’ve realized but the picture is much much bigger pal
Anybody think cnn could Zuckerberg to sit down with them for 3 hrs ?
Yeah is a bit hypocritical of Joe to judge Facebook when he has the same mind set for his show.
Actually he did “get into this” to judge people. That’s what Facebook was originally for, judging women on campus.
it was called assbook then, not facebook
That’s not true, it was originally designed for data collection. Though I get that you’re possibly making a joke.
He wants a fan base like Elon, which will never happen.
Elon wouldn’t censor stories (especially a story that could affect the presidential election) at the behest of the FBI.
Last fight
Elon isn’t any better. He’s just as bad in his own way
Still waiting for joe to ‘grill’
1 OhNoMyHero Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Once again CNN doesn’t tell the whole story
Surprised he didn’t just explain what DMT is and why weed should be legal to Zuckerberg for 3 hrs.
AI doesn’t recognize sarcasm- just like Mark
Because they’re the same thing
This is classic Zuckerberg misdirection. He’s talking about the trade-offs of using aggressive spam classification settings. The more aggressive the settings on the spam filter, the more likely it is that real content will be erroneously flagged as spam and removed. Technically that’s true but it’s entirely irrelevant if the real trade-off for not using aggressive settings is that the proliferation and circulation of bogus and incendiary content is what drives the most traffic on Facebook. Killing the spam content would mean killing ad revenue and that is the only reason they won’t do it. Period.
@nope I wasn’t a content moderator, I was the one writing exactly the ML algorithms you speak of….
@nope Sophie Zhang (the other whistleblower) was literally my data scientist
Oh, how the little boy is lying. Soo many bots of my facebook pages, or false friend requests.
1 KootFloris Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Mark should be a politician. Can’t believe a word out of his mouth
This gotta be another bot i have seen this comment too many times
i’ve seen this comment three times today lol
Somebody already wrote this comment.
That’s because he’s a hacker thief who stole everything he has. He has no credibility.
selectively muting parts of the clip and edtiting parts out. nice CNN, try not being shady sometimes
1 Shea Crowley Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
he says “the question we should be asking” to shift the narrative into his control
1 tizzy Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
How many people grew up in a neighborhood or high density dwelling and had at least 1 person that was the “nosey body” – that had to know everything going on in the area and everyone’s business… now we have tools to make everyone that person. Thank you Facebook & Twitter
Zuck’s that person.
@Keef Ward 95 % of all Facebook users are now
Good job everyone
I’m very proud of you
keep up the good work 
Thanks (I did nothing)
The only thing that I agree with Zuckerberg, is when he said:”I don’t think”!
1 Mark Grunzweig Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Yeah, you don’t think lol
I can’t believe someone my age has that much money let alone all that power. I know me so it’s scary to think about. What a guy. I’m glad Joe didn’t go easy on him.
1 A Shade of Gray Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Didn’t go easy? Are you a CNN viewer?
I think he really did go easy on him. He didn’t ask him about the election dropboxes that he funded. He didn’t question him about the guy he mentioned he clearly was a Trump hater. He wrote a book about how Trump overused executive orders but doesn’t mention anything about Obama and Biden doing the same thing times pi!
“When I was human..[nervous laugh]”.
– Mark Zuckerberg
The bit about Facebook being told by the FBI to suppress discussion about the Hunter Biden laptop story was BY FAR the most newsworthy part of this interview.
To you maybe…
@Jack Sparrow its illegal for government to interfere in elections remember?
@Sticker Carlson bots don’t have much logic
funny how you left out the part where he said the FBI told him to remove “misinformation” about hunters laptop
@Alex Flynn did you watch the podcast?
That was the most controversial piece in the whole interview and they left it out? I guess CNN don’t want their viewers seeing that part