Joe Reacts To Trump Tweet | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Joe Scarboroough reacts to a new tweet from the president. Aired on 5/4/2020.
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Joe Reacts To Trump Tweet | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Donald Trump and his family has no business being in the white house!!

    1. @Just For Fun Exactly!!! So sad. I knew it was a sad day when he got elected but I didn’t know it would ever come to this.

    2. @Candula Girl you are welcome! Thank YOU for the comment 😊. I just can’t wait until this is all over. When I say THIS I am referring to this presidency and the Coronavirus equally!

    3. @Lisa M I would much rather drink the Trump kool aid than the Chinese kool aid you seem to prefer. If I remember the democrats correctly Trump was having a love affair with the Russians. I don’t recall a love affair with the Chinese. If you think the Chinese Communist Party would not sacrifice their own citizens for their survival, you are dead wrong. They Quarantined Wuhan from the rest of China in early January. Nobody was allowed to enter the rest of China from Wuhan. Not in cars ,not on foot, not in an airplane. No flights from Wuhan were allowed to fly to any other point inside China, but flights to destinations outside China were allowed. If this doesn’t indicate knowledge of the virus’s deadly potential, I don’t know what possibly could. They knew they were spreading the virus worldwide and they used their citizens to do it knowing that a % of these people would die.They didn’t care if the entire population in Wuhan was decimated, or New York City for that matter. Trump wasn’t going to allow the Chinese to steal any more from the U.S. and that meant game over for the CCP. In order for the ruling party to survive they had to get rid of Trump. They couldn’t buy him like the rest of our politicians. They already owned Biden so they had to make sure Trump lost the election. I’m not going to waste anymore of my time trying to convince one brainwashed liberal that your leaders have sold your country. What I will tell you is that if the virus doesn’t get rid of Trump. the Chinese people will overthrow their government. They are not as gullible as you.

    4. @John Nix Everything you just wrote actually shows how gullible YOU really are. If there is an accidental leak in a research facility I would think the responsible thing to do WOULD be to isolate the situation and the people possibly affected. We had known for MONTHS of the situation that was going on in China. We commiserated with them as we watched it on television AND it was reported EARLY on about the dangers and the rapid spread of this virus. Trump’s slow response to the “hoax” is what got us here in this mess right now. The mainstream media that you all like to bash so much reported that the Coronavirus could possibly reach here and that if it did it could spread quickly, yet Trump continued to let people fly in and out of China and he continued to deny that it would come here or if it did that it would be as serious as it is. THOSE are the nothing burgers. Trump did absolutely NOTHING to combat this at the start when there were a few cases here and there, not once it became an epidemic and certainly not after it became a pandemic. Oh, yeah, except Pat himself on the back and brag about his quick response and compare himself in this crisis to Obama’s epidemic that NEVER rose to such levels and once it was handled OBAMA actually left experts in play to work on cures if anything like that SHOULD ever happen again. Hmm! 🙄 I think Trump even disbanded THEM out of hand. As for what the Dems stated concerning the Russians, I never said anything against that. You DO know that a love affair CAN be carried on between multiple people at one time don’t you? His love for Russia does not and did not affect his love for Korea and for the Chinese when he thinks it can benefit him. He is a dictator wannabe. Now, however, he is looking bad in the eyes of some of his beloved voters and his ratings are slipping so, of course, he has to cast the blame and point fingers elsewhere. Just as he thought you would, each of you swallowed the dirty tub water and all. 🤦 As for drinking the kool aid that is not a myth. Many people have had their minds poisoned or corrupted from drugged or poisoned drinks. Drinking the Kool aid, is a phrase used to describe people who gullibly take in everything that their master hands them with no mind of their own. Unfortunately and sadly, that is what happened in Guyana all those years ago at Jamestown. Trump is your Jim Jones. All of you are just too blind to see it right now.

    5. @Lisa M Once you do the research and add dates to your theory, you will see the virus was not an accident. It was planned years in advance. Obama knew it would be released before he left office. Whether you do the research or not is up to you but you will learn all of it regardless. Just remember, the Chinese moved their military out of Wuhan in December. Wuhan was quarantined in January, but flights to destinations OUTSIDE China were still allowed for another month. Now we know why Pelosi held the impeachment papers for 3 weeks. She delivered the papers to the senate on January 15. The first American covid 19 patient was diagnosed on January 15. She knew the impeachment would dominate the news and we wouldn’t even consider the virus a threat for weeks.

    1. Radical Sinner ..It wasn’t easy to make “W” look like a normal person who would have had that title? Note: he doesn’t leave the country or he would be tried as a War Criminal…then we get another GOP lunatic!

  2. Joe
    You’re missing the big point about trump. He does not think like normal ppl. He thrives on hate, chaos and lies

    1. enator71 BINGO.
      Although Russian bots usually not paid for follow up comments, just initial troll bait. So you might have a Fox News Snowflake Zombie on your hands.

    2. Marlin Weaver Give me one GOOD reason why?
      Lemme guess- He believes Putin over our entire Intel community.

    3. Major Smith That’s one of the dumbest pieces of propaganda responses I’ve seen. Most of the ppl who brought the charges were repubs, many appointed by trump himself. When tables turned on him, he turned on them. And some blind fools were dope enough to buy that load of crap. Pitiful minds.

  3. how can a president who looks only to blame others (WHO, China, Obama, everybody else) can save a country?

    1. Rather a leader than a demented Pedo sexual abuser. The only thing progressive about Joe is his illness.

    2. Because china lied, who lied, and obama send 3.7 million dollars to wuhan in 2015 thats why.

    3. gsmith1308 reporters told that information to trump on live coronavirus briefing. All this links you send me are biased , there for they wont admit the truth.

  4. Eternal shame to the Republicans for putting up a madman for President and leaving him in office to murder hundreds of thousands through criminal negligence. I hope this will be the end of them, or it will certainly be the end of us.

    1. @Michael Wade You couln’t fix a flat tire let alone a country drowning in sickness and economic catastrophy. not to mention all the Trump cult members. You all are a scab on history

    2. @Richie Tattersall – Trump is the chosen one.
      God doesn’t chose people with Alzheimers to replace Christ.

    3. @Pete 952 My God how do they get you to believe that nonsense? I remember Hillary calling to concede on election night after getting blown away .

    4. @DON W you either didn’t read my posts, or you didn’t understand them. Either way, facts are facts. Try having someone explain it to you, the part where Hillary got more votes but…

  5. He despises anyone who is a good person or who’s an intelligent person. And if u have both, ie.,President Barack Obama,, he’ll devote the rest of his nights tweeting to destroy you. That”s not an opinion, that’s been a fact.

    1. @invision96 The media turns everything into a racial issue when its not. Its has went from political spin to outright propaganda. Why are they not blaming everything on Russia anymore?

    2. @Ruth Harris Fox and CNN both use political spin only CNN gos farther and pushes lies and propaganda. They actually hire ex CIA to work for them.

  6. Look at trump. His rooster hair, sagging pumpkin face, beady little eyes darting here and there, his body swaying back and forth like a broken pendulum.

    1. This the ugliest face on television 📺 he needs be asked more questions abou his he said he would this audit has over 5 years wrk is he hiding

    1. @Thomas Gassett you are a fool. ..its called the Congressional budget office report…..every weekend he goes to his resorts (most weekends)….it.cost the taxpayer 3 million dollars then 45 backcharges the government for every bed meal and golf cart the secret service uses .
      …comes to about a million a weekend he makes off your tax dollars

    2. @Ruth Harris yeah no other president played golf on weekends. Lol. Or gave Iran billions in cash. Or didn’t accept a salary. Yeah trumps a thief. Keep telling yourself that

    3. Nixon was evil and he only resigned because he was forced to by Senate Republicans who were responding to their constitutents’ demands. If trump were in the same situation with an approval in the 20s and almost no members of Congress on his side and facing near-certain criminal charges if he forced them to vote to expel him, he would resign too. Unfortunately the electorate is now 35-40% a brainwashed cult who would throw back a bottle of bleach with gusto if the “right people” told them to. Not a single person in the entire U.S. was like that in 1974, not even one of those 20% who never stopped believing in Nixon. When common sense dies on a sacrificial altar to a satanic cult, the country is not far behind. Be _very_ ware!

    1. Adam Johnson dude, this is the first time I’ve replied to you. Maybe take another look at who you are attempting to troll?

    2. Adam Johnson oh and FOX news is so much better is it? Last I recall CNN doesn’t take trumps burger order and treat it like Hitler’s Mein Kampf. OH WAIT that was Fox News to Obama because they are helplessly bias. I’m not saying CNN is perfect, but don’t you dare say it’s more shamelessly bias the FOX news!

    3. James R wasn’t Trump a TV star? His appeared in movies too. Does this mean he is part of the Hollywood elite as well? I’m trying to understand your logic.

    1. Kat M No you’re pussyhat wearing, bonbon eating bimbos, who’s husbands work 80/hr Wks to “get away” from ya and ya get your news from the dumdums on the view….RIGHT??? 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑😂😎😘

  7. Some interesting facts: His grandfather, Fred Sr, left Germany to avoid mandatory military obligation and owned a brothel. Fred Sr died in the flu pandemic of 1918. It looks like Donald didn’t study the history of his own family because he thinks it happend in 1917 and didn’t take the warnings very seriously earlier this year.
    His father, Fred Jr, had been dealing with alzheimers when he died of pneumonia. It looks like its time for Donald to see the doctor, he’s showing symptoms.

    1. I’ve thought the same thing. I think he’s in early stages of Alzheimer’s. Found this quote that describes Trump.; Pride goeth before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

    2. Interesting history, fitting karma too! But, nah, no doctor, just a glass of bleach a day, keeps the doctor away…

    3. @Vivian Butler yes… The brothel money was the seed money for the real estate business. Look it up.


  8. Ever wonder why Trump was touting hydroxychloroquine? Probably because he was holding interest in the manufacturer. SMH…

    1. ROB112 it seems to me the only one getting bailouts from the government are big corporates :/

    2. FAKE News his mindless cult followers will claim. It’s hard to educate his cult. If it doesn’t come out of Trump’s mouth or FOX, it’s discarded immediately. I’m not quite sure what level of sanity this cult is operating on. It baffles me every day. Many have said that Trump reflects/projects their own anger and hate and because it comes from the POTUS, it validates it. Much of it is created by Trump himself who conjures up lies and misinformation like it was a bodily function.

    3. @Andy Sleeter, that’s one of the reasons they demoted Bright. They wanted him to approve the suppliers in India and Pakistan but they had not gone through the FDA process of approval. Trump also wanted big contracts to be given to his friends and colleagues. It’s a mess.

    4. @soulful41 Right. The pharma industry is already dirty enough without Trump. Now he wants a share.

    1. . . . And that’s why WE have to care – the majority in this country who never wanted Donald. Voting 100&% BLUE in 2020.

    2. They put up with it because they want to fill all the vacancies on the federal benches. So, they let him do whatever he wants. He allows Mitch to put up whoever he wants for a vacancy.

    1. @TalonVirus And the orange turd complained about winning, LOL. A sore winner. Get ready for a temper tantrum whether he wins or not!

    2. Patriot you are so dumb and ignorant, just like your dumb master Trump, making us laughing stock of the world for ending America with such great stupidity.

    3. Trump is conman any president who goes to the Supreme Court so he doesn’t have shoe his taxes is,stealing tax payers money n that’s exactly what he is doing the best chance we have getting rid of him is massive heart attack or covid19

  9. He’s acting in a way that no other president has ever done. He sinks lower and lower on a daily basis. If any previous president did just one of these scandals, it would be their legacy. But trumps doing them so often it’s become expected.

    1. @Not Always Lurking IKR ? Like all the phony nothing-burgers repugnican operatives tried to pin on HRC…”Uranium One!” “EMails!” “Benghazi!”. What a load of crap. They spend millions of our friggen tax dollars on these phony Clinton investigations, and not a SINGLE conviction. And Hillary TESTIFIED before the Senate Intel Committee ! WTF didn’t President “I Have Nothing To Hide”l agree to testify?? Oh, I know….because he hides everything that will prove his corruption and LIES – his taxes, his college grade transcripts, his casino loan sources, and his bone spurs (ok, this last one he doesn’t need to hide, because he NEVER HAD THEM!). Trump is a fvcking a disgrace. Easily the worst president we’ve ever had in the history of our Republic.

    2. @Landon Banks He was not removed because the repugnicans in the senate are SPINELESS!! They voted to silence Bolton from testifying about the ENTIRE phone conversation with Zwlensky. And Trump’s butt-boy Barr is the guy holding the unredacted version of the Mueller report. Congress is still fighting the DOJ in the courts to get it released.

    3. He must be pretty much a boy scout seeing how they spied on him for years and never found squat. They knew if they could find dirt they might control him. He is one of the Greatest Presidents in modern history because he has taking so much abuse and still stands up for the working man.

    1. Unless he actually just did something for the country just like New Zealand did for themselves

    2. Hard to believe that the media has you supporting the people who for years have lead us into wars and sent our factories overseas. Trump is an outsider who is exposing the corruption.Why do you think they constantly attack him?

    3. @Joel Sattler Right if he was they would love him. I guess you believe in WMD ,Epstein who had damning evidence against powerful hung himself, Benghazi was attacked because of a video. Biden doesn’t have dementia . A healthy young girl slipped in morning Joes office and died from it. Trump had the biggest swearing in crowd And The media is always honest.

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