Chris Matthews, one of the longest-tenured voices at MSNBC, announced his retirement during Monday's night's airing of his talk show, 'Hardball.' Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski weigh in on Matthews' announcement. Aired on 03/03/2020
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Joe Reacts To Chris Matthews Retirement | Morning Joe | MSNBC
“He didn’t get me and I never got him.”
Sam Roth boomer is short for baby boomer. By definition it is generational. It’s a common retort from disrespecting youths who demand people with more wisdom and experience in life get in line with children’s thinking.
Sam Roth you didn’t know what boomer meant.
wee huddy it’s not out of touch. Boomer does not mean baby boomer. You are by far the best generation. That’s why you should be well above this as an insult and have pride in the fact that your still hip. None of the baby boomers I know are boomers. Don’t be a boomer
Sam Roth you’re back tracking is embarrassing and patronizing. Boomer means baby boomer no matter how to try to spread it. Boomer is an insult to the baby boomer generation. Heather you view it that way is irrelevant.
Sam Roth .
It’s nothing to do with the ‘me too’, he came out against Bernie sounding like Trump.
sleepio23 Says the one whose calling names.
sleepio23 TRUMP 20 years in federal prison and 20 countries who support his imprisonment.
You are so right!
sleepio23 doesn’t want us to hear her. she took it down
His a leftard but not leftard enough for MSNBC. He was right about Bernie so he had to go
I’m 65 and we all need to re-evaluate, evolve and make positive changes. In today’s climate especially.
And those re-evaluations and changes can be made in far more positive ways than “cancel culture” allows.
It is his time to go! I used to enjoy seeing him when he wasn’t so radically, skewed and biased!
Green Lady’s Succulent Garden Life because he spoke up against the Bernie Brownshirts?
@Dr. Gonzo Shame on you! Sanders lost relatives to the brownshirts! Matthews was a news guy, whose job is to report the news. Hysterical rants about being executed in Central Park went too far.
Of all the talking puppets I knew, he wanted to be a real boy the most.
@Rion Shikder “Genius”? No. We’ve just become an increasingly cruel country. Even Democrats don’t seem to realize how they’re adopting the cruelty of trump. Think about it. It’s pervasive.And terrible.
@93Jubilee No, for the first time people are speaking out against the lies and that somehow is being framed as people turning into trumpists. Please stop with the concern trolling. If you have to be concerned, worry about the 60% of thr population who live paycheck to paycheck and still pay more actual dollars in taxes than Jeff Bezos
These words are beautiful
No Hannity wants to be a real boy the most.
He was also rude, crude and interrupted everyone constantly. His attack on Bernie Sanders showed who he really is. Bye C ya dude!
@Baku kay I’m selfish because I’ve worked for what I’ve received. It wasn’t a hand out, by the way I’m a military contractor. The majority of people in my industry fight against communism, socialism, and dictatorships. Most of them would not support the very policies they wish to fight against.
@justin holmes fighting against dictatorship?:)) and this comes from military contractor LOL. Dude take a look around the world see how we support the Dictatorship around the world. Anyways thats a different topic. If u not gonna contribute fine, but when IRS knocks in ur door for not paying ur taxes then good luck:))
@Baku kay Wow you have no clue what you are talking about and it’s showing. Enjoy being blind, Israeli? South Korea? Canada (they went full soy boy on us) the UK (they got some balls and left the EU). Those counties fought wars with the US to defeat communism and socialism. Remember a very important quote. “Behind every blade of grass would be a firearm.” Oh great idea by the way go ahead and start sending the IRS more money.
OurLarry Trump’s doing that with capitalism.
His attack on Bernie was the only time he showed integrity
When I first got into politics about a decade ago I watched Hardball almost every day, but recently, I can’t stand him. He’s showed how corporatist and elitist he is. Good riddance.. and omg He’s just retired, not dead
Aaron Hinckley if you were a woman I would marry you… you are absolutely correct!
So anyone who says the truth about Sanders is corporate, You sound like a Trump voter, Don’t tell the truth about the dear leader.
@Deborah Freedman Don’t forget elitist. Bernie Bros are no different that Trump voters.
Where were they when Chris compared Bernie winning to the nazis, regardless if you like Bernie or not
joe Cappello I doubt if that really offended Bernie.
I believe this is the reason he was let go…
Corporate media has selective memory. Only when it suits THEM.
@Barbara Hock Whether Sanders was offended or not, it was not the thing to say!
that was bad
Chris got fired and they are acting like he died. Lmao
@Mary Thomas sorry I have nothing for your tears
People can see anything but cannot take away, the love to christm,hs kindness to others remain the heart of the people .
His life as a free man is just beginning
He is someone who loved what he did and has more firepower in him to carry on. Hopefully he’ll use his freedom to give us more of his invaluable perspective, as flawed and brilliant as it may be.
Best face-plant I’ve seen since Dan Rather.
@Zebra Zagadore
I am 76 and I understand him
@Zebra Zagadore Amen to that. I hate what he said about Bernie and socialism. He was honest, and as you said, flawed and brilliant. I pray for a Sanders win and I will miss Hardball and it will be our loss he is off the air. He was an asset and any loudmouth like Chris sooner or later will put his foot in it. So what? I was a big fan and nobody is perfect.
He fed the unicorns for so long and then they ended up eating him
I wonder if they’re aware he’s gonna drown them with his podcast that he WILL start soon. He’ll take stock of himself and return to the Tip O’Neil bluedog model and have a huge podcast which will have more viewers in a week that msnbc gets in a month
@*K131399* well he’s guaranteed not to host the Oscars.
@ K131399.. I hope he comes out with one…
Am I the only one laughing? Lol. Steve your acting is deplorable.

No one believes in the MSM anymore.

They all deserve to get fired for the way they treated Bernie like he was hitler.
@Chrollo Lucifer well you’re satan so wtf do you care
Yep. Chris was horrible
Wearing black, y’all acting like he died or sum thing
Shut up.
Brice Kennedy u shut up no one was talking to u this was done already her little brain finally understood the truth so get out of here Brice
@omi god Or hear.
@Big BananaCongolese So….Trump said more than his share of stupid things.
WHOEVER UPLOADED THIS: Spellcheck your titles! You forgot the “r” in Chris. Pay attention for crying out loud.
I believe the spelling is intentional to make it harder to find through searches. They may want this dead and forgotten as quickly as possible which may explain this funeral-like send off.
I love Chris. THIS IS STUPID MSNBC WHY DID YOU DO THIS? WHY? Chris, I spent a long time last night and again this morning removing troll comments as soon as they appeared.
Checks video title: it says here he’s retired, why are they acting like he’s dead?
Yeah, we got him. We bascially took him to Central Park.
Chris Matthews: He just talk incessantly. He’s rude and interrupts people and loud….Bye Chris, won’t miss you. And yes they do talk like he’s dead…..SAD!
oddball Chuck Todd needs to go.
I’ve always enjoyed Chris Matthews, and he’ll be missed. I agree, he’s real, likable and human. He’s worth watching.
…I think you’re confusing him with dave matthews….