The panel discusses Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's reaction to the Trump Ukraine scandal and to a House committee requesting to interview five State Department officials. Aired on 10/2/19.
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Joe: Mike Pompeo Is Shaming Himself And America | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Clear evidence he LIED.
Dependign on the report of the IG there might be arrests.
Your faith in this government to do its job is adorable.
@Necroglobule , there are situations when things happen on their own and no one is needed to do the job.
@Necroglobule <----- Living proof that blithering stupidity can co-exist with condescension within a single body.
Who’s going to arrest them, Barr-B-Q’s stooges? No, this is going to take a new administration with a new attorney general who actually understands the law. Heads will roll.
Frank Winkhorst AG. barr is implicated, the next in line might perform that duty cause a clear and present danger is in existence.
These crooks say there’s nothing wrong with lying to the media. But when they lie to the media, they’re lying to the American people.
The GOP is dead to me.
@Mine Finder Prepare to very be disappointed in 2020.
@Septembers Whisper … except for the fact, that like with Billy Bush, James Comey, Lester Holt, the Russians in the oval office, Putin in Helsinki, and now with his own transcript, treasonous trump can’t keep himself from furthering his own interests and keep his mouth shut…
The GOP has been dead to me ever since Reagan and bush introduced crack to Americas inner cities.
Money Over Duty, Honor And Country ? Or “”my trump/putin” Over Duty, Honor And Country ? :/
That’s the Trump University dishonor code…..
DEMAND he RESIGN or IMPEACH him! Real crime, real laws, real consequences!
Absolutely Amen
Republican obstruction and stonewalling by Billy Barr and Moscow Mitch. That is the root of the problem with getting the facts out.
@Mine Finder
Mom just said your Pop-Tarts are done
Let Pompeao be the example for the rest of those liars hiding behind #45. You break the law. You go to jail. We have to get our democracy before the people get tired of this non sense and Revolt.
Trump; Im the best liar ever. Pompeo; Hold my bible.
Pompeo was listening to the call then plays dumb when asked about it? The whistle blower is confirmed to have first-hand knowledge of the call. Helloooo?
Justin Credible – thanks for the laugh. I needed that.
Justin Credible

I love your moniker
And your comment is just priceless
But what makes me mad is that these despicable snakes are wasting taxpayers money by having a pastor in their snakes pit every morning giving these evil criminals prayers when in their hearts their only God is money and power at all or any cost
No amount of prayers will drain that swamp of damnation
Carpe Diem ???? ‘Torah’? Trump?
What else is the bible good for . The bible is used as a tool to cover and protect corruption from physical and sexual abuse to murder and extortion
Impeachments have happened before in American history and they are not a “coup”. This is a legal action written into the constitution as a way to remove criminals from the white house.
“Constitution? What constitution? I don’t know any constitution. I may have bumped into it at a party, but I don’t remember it. Maybe it was a coffee boy. I don’t know.” –Commissar Trumpsky
Lock all these crooks up! This administration makes our country weak!
West Point ethos be damned I guess. Sad day.
Hot off the presses, Mike Pompeo just changed his name to Mike Pompoopped.
DISGRACE to America, lock him up!
I know a couple of jerks that graduated from West Point. Graduating from West Point does not necessarily make you a fine person.
… those of us who are Army vets, particularly combat vets, could have told you that…
Neither does it make you a smart person with integrity. Goes for Harvard Law the same. Just look at Dershowitz my God!
It is a bit Polly Annish
Right. I am an Air Force Veteran, there I met some of the most terrible human beings in the world….
Corruption, plain and simple.
You are correct.
A lying christian….. so what’s new? Pompeo is a disgrace to his office.
Mike Pompeo went to Trumpy University and was taught by Stephen Miller.
good one!
Mike Pompeo is brilliant…he is evil, but he is extremely bright.
These crooks – Dump, Guiliani, Barr and Pompeo – are as crooked as they come.
Don’t forget Moscow Mitch and Lindsey
Also don’t forget that ghoul Stephen Miller.
“Out of the crooked timber of [the Republican Party], no straight thing was ever made.” –quoted with revisions from Immanuel Kant
“that guy went to West Point” uhm, terrible people come from every corner of the planet- you’re not better because you went to an elite school or from a rich family….
Watch the video first than tell me about your view.
Abcflc West Point should drown this amoral pig in Russian Peepee n make Jesus proud
And getting rid of Welfare for low income parents.
West Point honor code (in its entirety): “A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
What about the Trump University honor code?
This is what genuine fear of losing another election looks like.