Morning Joe discusses GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert testing positive for coronavirus,
angering colleagues by not wearing a mask, as the U.S. virus death rate swells past 150,000. Aired on 7/30/2020.
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Joe: Masks Causing Covid Is ‘Complete Lunacy’ | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The GOP is complete lunacy.
Thanks for bringing a smile to my face.
It’s a death cult.
And their lunacy is killing us #citizens. maskUp and HunkerDown. #Vote2020
Feels like Twillight Zone, unreal.
I’d expect nothing less from the man who childishly interrupted a congressional hearing by loudly tapping on his microphone and whining and complaining about procedure, the entire time. The man has no maturity, intelligence, or impulse control. He should not be in any position wherein he has influence or power over others.
I’d be embarrassed if he was my representative
Yup, he really shows his colors.
Which GOP is full of integrity,intelligence and maturity.
One of my dreams for men such as Gohmert is that he will live long enough to see history written; that he will realize his part in it; and he will know that his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren have changed their family name out of pure shame.
Do Republicans have to fail an IQ test before they can stand for election?
Once I thought about becoming a tRump supporter. But no matter how hard I studied, I just couldn’t pass the illiteracy test!
M – Moron
A – Attempting to
G – Govern
A – American
@Gene R. Try a steady diet of Faux News and fast food. Soon you’ll be drooling all over yourself.
@Doug Lowe D’Oh, never thunked of that! Thanks for the gooder addvice.
Wow, it works! After only 10 minutes I feel a whole bunch of some more dummer!
@Gene R. Great post! Thank you, Sir.
Gohmert is the kind of man that would hide amongst the women & children in the life boat.
And not wear a life jacket because it might cause him to drown.
Could see him tossing a woman or children off the boat to make room for himself. As for the mask, theoretically it is possible to get Covid even with wearing a mask, but that would by touching the front of the mask to like take the mask off, and then touching your face without properly washing
your hands first. But, let me be clear in saying that it would NOT the fault not the mask, but the person who touched their face after touching a material that possibly has germs on it. Which is why when using reusable masks it is important wash them daily.
He’d more likely spread a lie that the lifeboat was made by liberals using aborted fetuses and government confiscated guns and was immoral and unsafe, and then get in it by himself.
Vote him out. The taxpayer pays his salary. To blame the mask, while over the bodies keep piling up.
Gohmert is from Texas. They have selfish, ignorant citizens, so they elect selfish, ignorant leaders.
The level of ignorance in our government is mind blowing.
Is that the complete implosion of USA? I might wait and watch.
I had no idea that our “leaders” were so stupid.
Lauri Rohr TRUE DAT!!!
Start paying attention – Gohmert is not a first term Congressman – .Gaetz and Jones are just as ignorant.
Where have you been Liz?
You need to pay more attention. It isn’t pleasant, I grant.
He refused to wear a mask, but now he’s blaming the mask.
How do these idiots get themselves elected?!
Please when we goto the poll this November, please do not vote for someone like Louie Gormout. Go vote to save America.
I wonder how many idiots exactly are in the government including the man in the oval office. Any guess?
@Amy Chavez Appears to be an endless supply….
Janine Hudson because there are enough idiots to vote for them
I’m saddened that someone like Louis Gohmert is running our country and making decisions for us
Gohmert is not likable. He is deplorable. Nazis are not likable, their deeds, beliefs and actions are all that matter.
The Republicans have no shortage of morons in Congress. So pathetic, yet horrifying.
They fooled the ignorant people of their states. That’s what you get with just blindly going along. Research these people!
That is one of the requirements to run for office as a Republican, they have to pass a stupid test, and most of them are stupid enough to run for their party.
George Carlin: “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
To have his voice right now would be a God send.
Yea, they can elect a president
@Guillermo Peralta only if the democratic process is hopelessly outdated and corrupt they can.
So true….he was a wise man!!!
George Carlin: “If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re going to get selfish, ignorant leaders.”
We all miss George Carlin
You Are Absolutely Right!!!!!
Comedians ALWAYS make the best, most accurate observations about humans!
I believe the other way around, selfish leaders breed selfish citizens
It’s ok if you fell for the con, at some point we all have in one form or another.
This is one more reason the Country is in trouble, so many idiots don’t believe in SCIENCE.
@Charlie Wyler …what makes you think he is an MD and/or any other Licensed Health Professional? He is CORRECT on some of his comments , but WRONG on other facts. See my response to him…from a (now retired) Licensed Dental Professional w/ 40 yrs of clinical & university practice experience…(5) USA State licenses and (3) country licenses…USA, AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND.. Cheers,

@Richard Batchelder That’s too bad, hope you ppl in the USA enjoy a DICTATORSHIP and ALL the benefits that are associated with it.

dean mushtuk stay stupid hillbilly
@Mimi M No, you could have voted Biden in to “restore decency” over the past 30 years.
VOTE BIDEN, to get rid of Trump. Stay on topic. America is suffering from stage 4 cancer. The cure may not be pretty, might not even be perfect or prevent the death of the nation.
But let us at least be honest. It is Trump that poses an existential threat to America. Biden may keep the patient alive until 2024 when hopefully the electorate will demand free and fair elections in the United States.
Try it, I think you will like it. But in the meantime. Just keep breathing in and out. The rest of us might be smug about your situation, but where America goes, so goes the world.
We need you as friend and ally. Come home to democracy America. We miss you.
dean mushtuk Moron
Can’t his staff sue him for endangering their lives just like sleeping with someone without contraceptive and having HIV Nd not telling them?
They keep showing up to work.
If they are required to go to work, they need to report it for Contact Tracing. This is abysmal.
That’s why the Republicans are pushing for the lastest relief bill to include liability protection for employers whose employees get covid 19.
@Patricia Aware of what that he had it? He didnt wear a mask when he went to tell them.
Oh don’t worry, cases will flourish and laws will be written, only a question of time.
Don’t forget, we’re still at the beginning…wait till next fall/winter…..this is so far from over…
This guy just admitted that he doesn’t practice personal hygiene.
Eewwww. I caught that too
I bet he’s a booger eater too….
I Wash my hands before I take the masks off. I brought a box of 100 desosible one’s for every member of the family and gloves.
It Just Blows my mind how STUPID some of our elected officials are ? Like Trump for instance and Gohmert , So Sad
@Thumper We shall see how long he keeps wealth after November His fixer crooked lawyers got him everything he has
Another entry for Colbert’s ‘stupid or evil’ segment. Hint- it’s both.
You’re not born with stupidity, you learn it, are taught it, and many, like Gomert, embrace it.
America has an idiocy epidemic and the president and his party are infected and spreading it. Putin loves it.