Joe Scarborough discusses the anti-government movement that advocates for a violent uprising and how it has flourished on social media in recent months. Aired on 6/17/2020.
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Joe: Mark Zuckerberg Is "Lying To The American People" | Morning Joe | MSNBC
I’ve never used Facebook or had a Facebook account and I never will.
Lol,I thought I was alone on that.
@CRUZY Ferreria You are not alone.
Had Facebook account to get in touch with family and steel family pictures but after 2016 and the stupid stuff Zuckerberg has said and not followed through on the positive stuff he said he’d do I stopped using Facebook and refuse to even consider going back!!!
Russians were some of the first to invest in Facebook. Then all the advertising and propaganda started
Me Myself they can have him
@American 69 yup
Yup. Not only that, but they got access to the data.
It started with Zuckerberg stealing the idea of the social network site
I have cancelled my Facebook. I’m telling my friends to do the same.
MZ Stole fb from winklevoss twins, that is how the story starts…
That’s the story. The reality is it’s CIA
@K P omg you also believe unicorns are real and santa is a left wing conspiracy. Lost cause.
I closed my Facebook account over a year ago wished I’d closed it earlier, this guy Zuckerberg is a real traitor and a virus to the planet, he should be made accountable and brought to justice
A virus indeed. The right word
He should be brought to justice!
And just like that I deleted my FB account, this is ridiculous. To knowingly allow fake content was the final straw. Disgusting.
You’ve made a great life decision, that website is poison. Once the account is gone you have that time to spend with real friends and family back. To enjoy the real world as it is, not the division and poison shared and designed to elect people like Trump to help billionaires get tax breaks.
I did the same today.
@Jonny G

@jdoublef everybody is hearing the truth .
Doing mine now…
Zuckerberg, after all, stole the idea for his website.
He should be in jail.
thats a good american tradition ……DOS ……..
He is in jail- the prison of being Mark Zuckrberg
No money can change that
Kudoes, Joe
somebody stole my idea for eBay, but you don’t see me crying about it. Excuse me, the tears are coming…
Zuckerberg’s barber lied to him when he said ” That’s a stylish haircut. “
@MerMck it certainly can’t buy him a Personality, He’s like a Robot
Never ever trust an adult with a bowl cut. They’re freaks.
Robert Lavelle…THAT IS FUNNY!!!!
…true, true

Mark don’t care it’s all about the money coming in
Sure he does. You think it’s about a passion for Facebook or instagram?
Zuckerberg and the rest of the social media companies are terrified of regulation being introduced. It’s the only thing that keeps him up at night.
True, but they are also afraid of unions.
this is what sanders has been talking about for years
The First Amendment wasn’t designed for an entity like social media. If the Founders were designing the Constitution and the initial amendments in today’s world, they certainly wouldn’t have encouraged the ability for disinformation and insanity to be spread throughout the population unabated. Without Facebook & Co, there never would have been a “president” Trump.
If we change the libel laws to hold them responsible this will end overnight. Hey Congress listen to Joe!
sure, obliterate the first amendment and the tyranny will be just fine.
@joseph bodden there are provisions in the language of the 1st that doesn’t protect threats to national security.
We hold Bartenders liable for what patrons do after serving them alcohol, how is this any different? Social media companies should be held responsible for influencing their customers’ actions, too.
Jane, had not thought of that comparison- and could not agree more!
GahDAMN Joe don’t think I’ve ever seen him this riled.
He is not wrong.
ryan neeser always wrong!
These tech giants/companies should pay for the information they use on the American people, and tell them they use it in a easily understood statement, not hide it in the fine print 100 pages in!!!
“I’LL SELL YOUR DATA”, is what it should be called…
@Bob Fischer Facebook *could* be the best thing for human discourse, but it’s current iteration, where money is not just withheld from people who speak of events of the past (Wars, or social events that had violence), but ACTUALLY SIPHON of those funds from adds to themselves is THEFT. “*WE*” don’t like you, OR your subject, your demonitised (Adds are still shown, but we pocket the money). Theft 101, but since it’s not in the legal code yet, Mark can get away with it, what is a few billion stolen from people impassioned enough to say the truth, when YOU can get richer?
This is why l went off fb last year. Disgusting. You tell him, Joe!
Tied with Kushner for the “most hypocritical pale rich guy with a face that screams please punch me” in America
They both have the weird Victorian doll faces. I definitely noticed the odd resemblance.
bikingsamsara racist
I can’t stand Mark Zuckerberg. I have never kept a Fakebook account, and never will.
I’d like this comment 5X if I could.
My kids told me not to trust this product when it first came out. Never been on it, never will.
Never had anything to do with his stuff, never will if at all possible. Pizzonthetwit. Facebook can KMA.
Same here.
Confirmed:- Zuckerberg is a clear and present danger to the Human Race!
Get off Facebook already everyone. Really.