Democratic candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden talks to CNN's Jake Tapper about steps the government should take to fight the coronavirus outbreak.
#CNN #News
Joe Biden’s message to scared Americans amid pandemic

Democratic candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden talks to CNN's Jake Tapper about steps the government should take to fight the coronavirus outbreak.
#CNN #News
Executives: I want you to make Biden look good
CNN: no please don’t make us do it! It’s impossible!
Executives: you have your orders
*later that day*
CNN: So Mr. Vice President tell us what you’ve been up to
Biden: well I’ve been bribing young children with ice cream to sit on my lap
CNN: ahhhh- so what about the virus? Have you been tested?
Biden: nope, no need for that *COUGH*
CNN: *facepalm*
@TwinBladeFury brahahahahahaha… Brahahahahahaha… So sadly true.
Democrats are stuck with Creepy Joe. I thought Hillary was bad but this guy is brain dead.
@Dave Schultz
Smarter than you anyway. And so much more knowledgeable than Trump about, well, pretty much everything.
@Jock Young , Lol!

@Jock Young you’re right. No one can lure a kid to his lap like Uncle Joe. Respect.
Well this didn’t go well for Joe.
When does it?
Zombie Killer
“I have no symptoms that im aware of” *coughs dramatically*
@kung Fu Kold Well look, for the rest of the world, India etc I don’t see Biden cosying up to dictators in the same way. That alone is worth getting rid of the the dear mis leader. Still, how the hell did it come down to this. We can’t give up on Bernie yet.
He’s a super spreader!
Vanessa Harris I’m sorry I didn’t make a comment come for the rest of the people that made an actual comment and it was for Buddy that said just cause he cough he has corona now basically saying just cause u cough doesn’t mean u have it! Weirdo! Proud of u thoo great job in your last profession corona is not a joke thoo
@Cali4nia Mar , I know that! I hope and pray that’s not the case and thank you! Have a safe and blessed night!
Coughing isn’t necessarily a symptom, it depends on where it comes from. A tickle in the throat? Some sinus drainage? Not corona. From deep down irritation, under the sternum, lower respiratory, no mucus production? Then yes, that’s corona, possibly. Know the difference.
Media to Bernie: “how can you afford this program that would save us money, and save lives?”
Media to Biden: “please cough into your elbow sir”
how long before Bernie gets CV? he won’t last long.
Emperor Charlemagne 10 years from now when he’s alive and well you’ll wish people stopping pushing that nonsense because things could have actually been better.
You’re another Putin bot.
@Marc Lawrence lol funny joke, my name is B89FC and I troll people in the YouTube comments by pointing out facts and media bias
I dont think people realise how healthy Bernie is. The heart attack he had was completely out of nowhere because he lives such a healthy lifestyle. He’ll last long, Im sure of it
Biden: no I have not been tested, I’ve had no symptoms. *proceeds to cough*
“A mile as the crow flies”
…got it
14 and 15 years old. I can’t get my kids to walk to the end of the driveway let alone a mile away. Can’t they just get a ride from the Secret Service that guards them 24/7?
Europeans: “So, that’s how many kilometers?”
“The American people are pulling together”
Yeah, about that…
@truerealityscott Edgar Winter is albino but he has never been trash!! Google him dipstick!
Jennifer Puhl it’s a shame.
@Arthur Sims oops!! You dropped your tiny brain!! That first bill was brought together by the democrats and the republicans that worked diligently to pass since Drunk Nancy and Scummer never work. At least our President agreed without being as selfish as to mark his name on the bill. Nance and Scum can’t stand to be left out even when it depends on American lives!! I am voting for Trump in 2020!! The Congress needs to be taught a lesson!!!!
@C T clarify? Because i was there and it was a tie!!! For once in a needed time Dems and Repub were working together. Then big wigs Nance and Scummer voted it out!! No surprise
Believe a 77 year old recently returned from a nationwide presidential campaign should get tested.
Cheryl R Leigh and someone with dementia. He thought he was Vice President under Clinton ton
He should be tested for Alzheimer’s and mental r*t@rdation.
When Joe is not allowed to touch people, everyone wins.
@Mixdit well Not at all… Trump 2020

Ry Guy he’s going to be our next president.
Omg this guy will never beat trump
This man is in no shape to be president.
DONNAI1210 says anyone with eyes and ears. Did you see him on the view today or his live presser from home yesterday? He constantly loses his train of thought, and couldn’t even follow the teleprompter. He Cuts himself short when he realizes he can’t remember his points constantly. He confused his wife w his sister, said trump should be re-elected recently, and a plethora of other ‘gaffes’. The media is essentially a super pac for him, giving him pass after pass. He didn’t do horrendously here, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize he’s not cognitively fit to do the job. Trump will eat him for lunch, it’s in the bag.
@Jaspar Carrington so what
@Jaspar Carrington you’d rather have Donald trip causing problems with other countries?
DONNAI1210 Says… a voter, I assume. Good luck in November!
@john johm anyone can do a better job than trump.
“I’m alone in my home”
Yeah all alone, just you and your camera crew
Marc Lawrence lol same comment, different thread….who’s the bot?
He had it before they went into quarantine he helped spread it and is covering it up now
@Tek Powers I actually remember seeing Sleepy Joe after a recent debate. Him coughing into his hand , then going to shake an audience member with the same hand. Ugg.
Yet Trump has his daily press briefing and people are always standing closely behind him
@Tek Powers wait till Trump has his next rally, hes desperate for, then youll see what infection really is
Sorry, I couldn’t even get myself to watch more than a few seconds.
I’m not in love with trump or anything but… Uncle Joe… Really?
Come on man…
The importance of Biden’s nomination is not so much him, it’s who he picks for his VP.
You’re allowed to not support either.
Well maybe you can go and watch how the economy is going instead ir how much more Trump can bungle his virus response , the moron wants everbody back to work like yesterday the more infected the more will die, saving lives is priority #1 the economy will recover but it wont be anytime soon
**1:40** dry cough* …It won’t be long now. 
Ebros only one of them has both. The other one doesn’t. Sorry, but a stutter does not indicate cognitive decline. You can hate the man but you don’t know what you’re talking about. Mental health experts have said there is nothing wrong with Biden. Except his stutter.
Biden : “do you have some butterscotch candy young man?”
He’s thinking ” thank God I’m not president right now”.
What you talking about spooky?
john johm hahaha… can’t be serious. That would be too complete a thought from him!
john johm you’re right dude
More like thinking “what day of quarantine were in”
“You know you’re supposed to cough into your elbow…”
“Hey man don’t tell me what to do LET’S GO RIGHT NOW PUSH-UPS YOU AND ME!”
@john johm Hah, not even close.
“you’re a lying dog faced pony soldier”.
CNN still the Clown News Network.
@Rodney Boehner Dam right it is
Lol..then Fredo will toss him down the stairs
Seriously, he is too old to be president.
He said the cure is to smell childrens hair
This is the best dems can do. Really!!!! Total joke.
TRUMP 2020
I actually feel sorry for this dude. Trump will eviscerate him on the debate stage. KAG 2020