An in depth look at the next first family.
RELATED: Joe Biden delivers remarks on the economy
Joe Biden is the president-elect of the United States. Here's a look at America's next first family.
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Please continue to tell the story of the media president

Anything is better than a Twitter loser
I can’t imagine how mind blown you’ll be when Biden takes office!
@John Stroud i can’t wait to see the look on your face when he and Willie’s trick take their jail cells.
@Mr. Pink Kind of like how Trump promised to put Hilary in jail? Gtfo of here!
@John Stroud just because you’re on with corruption doesn’t mean the rest of us. Go ahead and get to stepping off you don’t like it. You won’t though because you already knew you were part of the problem. 33,013 counts of treason but it’s clear to see you’re
with that and tells everyone reading this everything they need to know about you. Obama’s fast and furious program as well as his tyranny are just traits i already knew about you.
Hey Biden: you ain’t black.
@Agolf Tweetler You must be color blind and stupid…Lol
@Smile Gia Keep dreaming…it’ll never happen.
@Smile Gia
Cheating ain’t winning. It’s a felony.
@R Campbell yes he is he’s going to be president on January 20, 2021. SO DEAL WITH IT!!! THERE NO PROOF OR EVIDENCE OF VOTER FRAUD!!! IT’S JUST TRUMP CRYING WOLF!!!
@Chelsea Runyan Wrong…We’ve all seen too much proof. It’s not our fault you’re too ignorant to see it but then again you’re not known for being very smart are you…Lol.
What does the Biden Coolaid taste like? Vanilla? Swampy?
@BloodyStr1ker there’s evidence of Russian collusion and you have absolutely nothing on Biden!
@Peace Dæmón because Trump is lol He didn’t party with his buddy Jeffry Epstein for no reason
Trump likes em REAL young!
@Justin Time oh god not Qanon!
It tastes like American Patriotism in flavor form!
@Peace Dæmón haha I noticed the same thing. P. E D. 0. J. 0 3
Agreed Trump is a cheater
@imiss toronto

metaphor for MAGAts. Nobody cheats like the Donald.
Ain’t gonna happen
Trump lost dude get over it

that orange wig wearing clown got fired 

Yes it will. So shut up and make up!
A puff piece from you reliable MSM.
Don’t expect any REAL journalism when it comes to dem0rats
His charity paid $0 to cancer treatment.
And millions for salaries. People need to wake up
Better than Trumps which paid their own pockets.
Why he don’t say his son hunter Biden what he do before
Keep announcing the results of an election that hasn’t yet.
Expose yourselves.
They didn’t talk about Hunter Biden getting with the dead Brother’s Wife and then cheating on her with a prostitute and gettin’ her pregnant.
Certainly more interesting than anything else shown here…
Sue Miller your pathetic, he said it off camera during guys talking.ive heard guys say worse. By the way he wasn’t president then.
@Pam Schobelock not true you sicko
@Anita Simpson you are sick lady.
@Yemi USA it is all fake
Well, we know they made millions directly related to the offices he’s held. He and his family have made a living selling America out.
@Scott Merit Biden won trump lost Epstein is coward who killed himself denial is SOB
@Scott Merit The crooked Democrats have tried to steal the election, Trump will win!
@Bobby Z

It’s called real estate investments.
But, it’s only okay if it’s Dirty Don the Con that has those, eh?
At least Joe’s are a legit. And we know this because he released the last 25 years of his tax returns.
@L. A. Diaz y’all spent four years screaming to the sky about russia… yet now that there’s obvious evidence showing biden’s corruption, it doesn’t matter to you anymore… you woke people have no morals and a false sense of superiority. you’re not really all that smart, you can’t even keep your lies straight anymore. bet my IQ is higher than yours, lol
G Top and how did he do that?
Can we talk more about Hunter Biden? And Bo’s Wife?
Great life lessons Joe must’ve taught Hunter!
“If you don’t know whether to vote for me or Trump, then you ain’t black!” -Joe Biden
@Amal Barber Trump has denounced white supremacy more times than any other president in modern history and in the election improved his vote numbers in every demographic EXCEPT white men and you morons are still beating that same racism drum.
@Amal Barber so you agree black people aren’t black if they did not vote for Biden? Wow liberals are discriminative
Dude. There are more than 4 YEARS worth of mash-ups of the absolutely stupid or ignorant comments Trump has made.

@L. A. Diaz what has he said that equates to this?
@Amal Barber while flag and city burning terrorists and black supermacists support biden. Neo nazis are minor group who just likes conservative values, law and order.
Isn’t this the same guy whose mentor and best friend was Robert Byrd…….a lifetime KKK member???? Hmmmmmm….
@AntsnRoaches ok… And……
@Ben Wetzel things are coming. It says in the bible everything that has been concealed will be revealed. That is a lot of things we are going to go through. We need to stick together right now, not be divided!! United we stand divided we fall.
@Saab_lyfe190 That’s in case someone says “Uh…it’s a white supremacists group” cause it isn’t.
@Victoria REYNOLDS agreed. We need to show unity. Whether you’re an atheist, Christian, Muslim, black, white, gay, trans, cisgender, or straight.
@Ben Wetzel agree!!
If you only knew how bad things are looking for this family

Where’s Hunter? Time for a special prosecutor to investigate the Biden political crime family’s graft and corruption machine. Joe Biden is on tape using a billion in tax dollars to payoff a Ukrainian criminal investigation into Hunter’s company. The Democrats impeached Trump for less. Hypocritical justice is unequal justice under the law.
If you’re this mad now, I can’t imagine how mad you’ll be when Biden takes office!
some more
While Don the Connie Con will be locked up on felony charges waiting for him and his thug buddies. Why is he talking about pardoning himself?
“I don’t want my children growing up in some racial jungle”
-I’m your Puppet Biden
@Saab_lyfe190 put it this way…..
The illuminati HATE people like Trump.
@XXII Elhazaroth Pagangrinder LXXXVIII I can see that’ll you be crying in January!
Also denial is one of the stages of loss
@John Stroud conservatives don’t cry when it doesn’t go our way, are you familiar with the term projection?
@XXII Elhazaroth Pagangrinder LXXXVIII that’s literally what the Republicans are doing now!
And yes you’re the 5th Republican to use that comeback lmao
@John Stroud proof Republicans are crying?
Trump is the winner and the media is going to be responsible for providing Martha Stewart crying towels to everyone they mislead!!!!
This would be way too easy to troll with facts. What garbage news.
We know he kisses his granddaughter on the mouth… i actually wish i could forget that one.
“We will know our disinformation is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” -CIA Director, William Casey 1981