Joe Biden's road to a third presidential bid has been lined with a series of explanations and apologies, illustrating the challenges of preparing a long record of public service for fresh scrutiny under the spotlight of the 2020 campaign. #CNN #News
Joe Biden’s controversial history with school busing

Andrew Yang got less than 3 minutes of time and they cut his mic. That should be the big story of the night.
He said “what?” To a question about his ONLY policy point and wasn’t ready to answer how hed pay for the UBI
Not ready for prime time
@Florida Man <---
YANG DID HORRIBLE. Zero stage presence, he doesnt belong here. I like yang but he cant debate. Hes done.
So busing creates district attorneys who will go on to over load California prisons with people of color?
Where else can we put them after they’ve victimized the black community?
Yes because Tyrone didn’t get arrested because of the stolen car with an illegal gun and drugs in it, it’s because he’s black.
@Ricky Spanish Exactly! Those cops that work the neighborhood, know who the scum are VERY WELL. They pull them over at 4 in the morning, and some liberal white, Democrat party, leftist, loser, sitting in his moms basement, want to cry “racism”
Instead of bragging about how well he works with segregationists, I would rather hear him say how he will fight against all forms of inequality….rather than compromising with it for sake of the appearance of civility.
@bubblebryan Trump was/is against segregation, so wrong.
I agree one hundred percent
Hilarious coming from the Democratic Party of Slavery, KKK, FDR Segregation, Jim Crow, Japanese Internment Camps, Margaret Sanger Eugenics and voted “against” Women’s Rights.
Lets not forget about Harris’s record either. Neither one of these people CNN are trying to push are worthy.
Eric Schmidt the trump comparison is so overused. It’s the lowest bar of bars.
Bernie Sanders be like, “never gonna stand between these two again.”
Its actually a good look for Bernie. This is actually what he wants to happen to Joe.
Why did the clip cut off at the end mid sentence? Fire your uploader.
Or shoot them military style assault rifles. AK-15s. 200 bullets a minute.
it’s cnn, the truth was about to be spoken so they cut the feed
CNN now so lazy they just end clips mid sentence?
They’ve ALWAYS done that. They are the modern day Goebbels for a reason.
@philly09westside He’s NOT wrong. There are MANY documented examples of CNN doing that.
I might be wrong but they do that on utube to get you to watch them on tv so you get the full video.

The [Super PREDATOR]
Hunter 20/20
What does this have to do with Hillary?
Biden cozied up to racists for votes. Thanks plus his love of corporate cash show a lack of character t that disqualifies him
They cut the video off before going more into the letters Biden wrote against busing. Anyone got a link?
He’s just an old man trying to keep power among his buddies.
Media establishment didn’t allow anyone else to matter in this debate! Mic’19 ADOS get involved
Segregationists were conservative. It’s time for progressives to take over the country.
U. S. S. A. Period!
Never gonna happen…dream on
@U. S. S. A. Huh? Listen. Don’t you understand how it works? If you want to spread Marxism, you can’t call it communism. No one will support you. Not even socialism, (as Bernie is finding out) but you have to call yourself a “progressive”. After all, who doesn’t like progress? You’re still a Marxist and a communist, but you can sell your snake oil a lot easier to young idealistic, not wits that are looking to solve the BIG problems in the world, before they can even figure out how to solve their own personal problems. If you can get enough to be fooled and vote for Bolshevik Bernie, you can take power, and begin your real agenda. When things invariably go wrong and the money is all gone, you just blame it on someone else, like the “elite” the 1%, or big corporations. Anybody! That’s Venezuela, that’s Russia, that’s Cuba. That’s North Korea. But, China knows its a catastrophe, and decided to “adopt” parts of Capitalism to keep their ponzi scheme and power grab alive. It’s not been working too well.
Biden, its over. Time to close shop on your 3rd or 4th Presidential run.
This CNN fact check documents the truth surrounding Biden’s position on busing and exposes the fact that he lied about it during the debate Thursday night.
This is a rough day for CNN. Trying to figure out which one of their sponsored candidates to back on this issue.
Lol. Biden was given a seat at the table because of Obama but it’s clear now that he has to prove that he deserves his own plate
Biden said “states rights” basically…
there’s no teaching this guy.
Drop out joe… drop out before you ruin this primary
He will be your nominee, get used to it.
He needs to go back to the retirement home with the rest of the Golden girls.
How do you know if you’re going to Hell? You become more and more worried about climate change lol