1. @Mister Hat Lmao you must want Trump then. We getting anither four years of Trump. Biden won’t win against him. Bernie is the only person who can.

    1. We can’t do Bernie. My father works for a health care Insurance and if Bernie wins, his job will no longer exist. This is the case for so many other family’s! Don’t vote Bernie!

    1. @AVERY LOGAN MSNBC is the troll. Only 2% of the votes have been counted they are practically inventing their own headlines.

    1. Well not really unless if you want to Gerrymander individual houses do you can have your say🙄 I mean in that case yes this does make the whole matter stupid.

    2. You need to be a math genius to understand what the Democrats are doing. Which, of course, explains why they can get away with so much corruption.

    1. Mace Cee
      Relax. Be angry at the corrupt DNC, not your fellow citizens. Didn’t you know the ruling class knows better than you?

    2. Bernie split the vote and gave sexist Trump the win over Hillary. “When you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain’t going to make it with anyone any how” – Revolution, by the Beatles.

    1. Kay Luv of Biden is the dnc nominee, it will be an exact repeat of 2016 and Trump will be re-elected. The basis for the propaganda for Biden’s corruption is already in play and honestly looks more legitimate than the false image of corruption that was portrayed on Hillary. It is painfully clear that the DNC did not learn from its 2016 mistake. As they say, history repeats itself

    2. Biden is the only chance Democrats have of winning in November. Sanders can’t win because America will never elect a socialist.

    1. @Rose Phoenix There’s this new thing all the kids are doing these days. Its called “punctuation.” Give it a try. Its a lot of fun.

    1. I just remember the picture of him from the 90’s of him with his hand on some 12 year olds under boob both hands!

    2. Eh DNC will never be a truly working party. It’s becoming more of a joke. I don’t support any of the candidates. Four more years…

    1. They have indeed. Sanders was projected with a sharp lead, and suddenly he’s trailing? Something’s not right about this.

    2. @Daphlie Lampa Also EXTREMELY low reporting this is just SO sad. I honestly think these News companies need to be decomissioned by law and their CEO’s arrested.

    1. The Praised One exactly, I’ve said it before but the Democratic Party will lose millions of young voters and those of color. This is simply a win for the republicans.

    2. @ØnÿxWeirdø
      ROFL and you think Sanders would somehow result in a different outcome? No, the moderates were running away from the Democrat party as fast as possible when they thought Sanders was going to be the nominee. They would rather have Trump win the election than see Sanders win. Now they know Sanders won’t win the nomination so many of them will stay and vote for Biden, though some of them have left the party for good. Unfortunately, I have no doubt that when they give the nomination to Biden during the convention, Sanders supporters will start rioting and acting poorly.

      So, @ØnÿxWeirdø, Biden = Trump 2020 winning and Sanders = Trump 2020 winning. There are no viable Democrat candidates. The two that actually could have won against Trump, Yang, and Gabbard, were pushed aside at the very start of the race because they would not bow to the leftists and promise open borders and other similar stupidity. Gabbard could have stolen Republican voters from Trump and Yang, if he course-corrected a little bit and dropped the BS about a UBI, could have done the same thing. Instead of Democrat leadership seeing and understanding that simple fact, they embraced the radical leftists completely and pushed them out.

  1. As a Trump voter and Bernie supporter, how can they call Virginia for Joe when all the votes haven’t been counted? This is freaking corrupt.

    1. @Mr NOTME , yep. The DNC took away the popular wishes of the democratic voters again this year just like they did in 2016….

    2. @Equal Opportunity Offender Im just tired of these weasels screwing things up. I dont see Biden winning 2020 and I wont be shocked he loose to Trump. Mark my words Trump wins against Biden by 290 and he could win Virginia and New Hampshire from Biden. So the lowest Trump can win is 290.

  2. How do you call North Carolina when there’s only 35% of the vote in and Bidens at 30% and Sanders is at 24%? Hummmm

  3. Not a shock at ALLLLLL that rich northern Virginians wanted Uncle Joe…they don’t want the status quo to change.


  5. DNC does it again. Corrupt to the core. The clueless, senile, corrupt, creepy, Joe Biden moves to the top all of the sudden 😂

    1. You understand that Sanders killed his chance to win the nomination when he started praising communist dictators, don’t you?

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