1. Combat Mother Nature, lol , go to war with the Climate , we don’t have proof the Climate has WMD’s but just in case

    1. @TheTobyOMG yeah the climate tends to change when a rock the size of Texas impacts earth at 22,000mph.

      Our star plays a more consistent role, next ice age is around the corner.

    2. @TheTobyOMG How often do these meteorologist predict the Weather correctly? They are scientist right? They get it wrong. Just like this last Hurricane. Mother Nature is gonna do what Mother Nature is gonna do

    3. @Lonnie Meador I’m going to have a steak instead. I’ll do my part for the environment by not cooking it beyond medium rare 😈🍺

    4. @Lonnie Meador Weather is the day to day events of things, climate is the long term, the overall trend spanning years or centuries. Weather can be unpredictable, climate is very predictable. Did you sleep through science class?

  2. I’ve been driving my 72 Malibu for many years and will continue the rest of my life!! Oh, and I’m a Democrat.

  3. CNN are letting Biden off for not answering direct questions. Biden can’t talk against the industries funding his campaign

  4. RedEye Joe, you state that you’ve been a champion for HS Rail for 25 years….and nothing has been done. What does that say?

    1. @Dale Gribble Hence why Epstein is dead now. I don’t understand how these leftists just write that off like its nothing. If that was Trump, they would be executing him infront of the whole nation. Leftists are creepy little freaks that defend child molesters.

    2. @Billy Hue ,,,, You Know Damn Well that I described that SATAN in Disguise Mike Pense.. He’s lying low behind his FUHRER wannabe, that LOUD, IGNORANT SNAKE “TRUMP”, but he’s just as Complicit.. Trump and You Dumb Trump followers will NOT be remembered Kindly in History Books

    3. @Billy Hue ,,, It’s Not the end of the World YET… But Your RACIST, White Nationalists, Nazi Sympathizing, Putin Loving, Faux President Trump is propelling America to Extreme Chaos, and The End.. Just look at how CHAOTIC the Western World has gotten since Trump was propped up as President.. Racism, BIGOTRY, and Xenophobe has Spread from his Vicious Ugly Rhetoric and mouth.. YES, YOU FOOL, TRUMP is Propelled by SATAN, and the WORLD does feel like It’s Ending, especially for People outside of Trumps Corrupt rim.. America feels like a Stifled Country that the Whole World Hates.. TRUMP is KILLING America’s Spirit !

    4. @Billy Hue Do you think that clears the politicians you like? You know there is no left or right among the ruling class, right? Only them, and us. Why would they risk *anything* that might endanger the safety of their family, regardless of a corrupt power structure. Would you endanger your family to spread the truth, knowing what people would do to you if you were the being you seem to think Trump is? Much less the depraved, hellish things they’d do to your family? Your wife, your children, your parents? Could you *really* spread the gospel truth in a world that *promises* you’ll be punished for it?

    5. @Dale Gribble Yes, because I actually care about the truth. I know that what anyone who knows me would want me to do, even if it meand they will also be harmed. It’s called being selfless. Something leftists need to take a class in.

    1. @Elkslayer If it has it hasn’t been much. Mankind can try to control mother nature but in reality it’s God’s will or nature’s will. Do you honestly believe electing a Democrat will stop them from cutting down the forests? Unfortunately cash flow controls mankind.

    2. Obviously this man has never had to do his own home repairs. I’d like to see him taking a sack of concrete on a rail system.

    3. @David Lafleche The problem with trying to stop the illegal alien crime wave is that there isn’t one, illegal aliens, both the ones from space and the ones from central America are more law abiding than second generation and more Americans. I know that’s hard to accept because you were told that by a pathological liar but those are the facts.

    4. @L98FIERO MS13 gang members, drug dealers, human trafficking, bad drivers…and Democrat judges obstructing justice by refusing to cooperate with ICE.

    1. @David Beppler 20 years ago there 2 million cars in all of China, now they sell 10 million a year. They have also purchased a billion heaters and air conditioners, and a billion cellphones, TV’s, etc. Their cars are 2 generations behind Europe’s, as are their diesels. I know, I put the first emissions controller on a Chinese diesel truck in 2005. (companies that bought engines from Cummins, etc. however were already on the path). China is adding more C02 to the air than the reductions being made by the US and Europe combined. Also, a VW 2 liter diesel is better than an EV for now regarding C02. Please feel free to verify all these statements yourself, it’s a good learning experience.

    2. @coffeehawk I learned nothing from your post. Sorry if you think you had revelations that I was unaware of. My point stands. China is way ahead of us in this. Nothing you posted changes that.

    3. @Spring Bloom Too dumb to do your own research? No, I don’t think I will. Common sense alone will prove I am right. Try using is some time.

    4. @David Beppler Meaning you’re too emotionally involved to think and learn. Your new user name is “puppet”. Lol, basic facts anyone can verify are so confusing to me, tee hee hee.

    1. Nunya Bizness , I’m 66, not a hipster, and drive an EV. It is so superior to an internal combustion engine, that I would never go back. $8 to fill the tank (batteries) to go 325 miles and no maintenance in 40,000 miles.

    2. @Ricky Brannon _”An electric car is a lot worse for the environment than a gas car”_

      False. In the long term, the production and use of electric cars is considerably less harmful to the environment than cars running on fossil fuels.

    3. tom schmidt , only if you live in W. Virginia. Lots of states run on hydroelectric, Ng, nuclear , solar and wind. In California we will be on sustainable energy by 2030.

  5. uncle joe has been in the public trough for 40 years. why has he done nothing but talk stupid all that time. but no action. and an hour later, he has forgotten all that he lied about.

    1. Bernie isn’t any better. He sat in Congress for three decades and accomplished nothing, then joined the Dems, badmouthed Hillary, blew the election down the toilet, and has spent the intervening four years pandering to Farrakhan supporters, describing the wonders of Swedish socialism — there is no such thing –‘and whining that everyone’s out to get him.

    2. @bushpilot2001 the only thing biden has done in 40 years is wipe his own butt, when he remembered to do it. TRUMP 2020 MAGA

    3. I’m guessing you’re a Bernie Bro, so I’ll this question;
      What has Bernie Sanders done in his 30 year career other than renaming post offices?

    1. @michaelthemovieman You wrote: every member of the Democrat party, yourself included, lacks a functioning brain
      studies have shown that educated white women vote democrat
      Uneducated white women vote Republican
      Educated white men vote Democrat
      Uneducated white men vote Democrat
      Female and make blacks vote Democrat
      **Care to prove me wrong or just answer with a insult

    2. @Artyum Dragstov No it’s because i have watched the debates and Biden’s career over the last 40 years is why i said that.

    3. @michaelthemovieman You wrote: The stock market going up and down means nothing,
      My response: thank god- I thought when the stock market went down years ago that created a depression.
      I thought when the stock market goes down I loose more money in my 401..thank you for setting me straight.
      Good thing the stock market means nothing..
      PS: On January 20, 2017, the day Trump took office, the Dow Jones industrial average was at 19,827 it closed in May of 2019 at 25,942. That’s an impressive gain of 30.8 percent
      During the same period of Barack Obama’s first term, from Inauguration Day 2009, until the close on May 12, 2011, the closest equivalent date during his presidency, the Dow rose from 8,280 to 12,696, a growth of 65 percent.
      So this Obama cum slut likes evidence and not propaganda.

    1. @John the herbalist G Thats not true. Biden’s focus is on cleaner energy, not to take away peoples right to drive. Electric vehicles is feasible, and let’s face it; half of you can’t drive anyway!

    2. @Gerald Dileonardo Only when you follow a habitual lying, a racist idiot like Trump…who is an embarrassment to the world.

    3. @Cynthia Alley I was stating a fact about Los Angeles. I know it works in other areas. They are different. Joe is demented.
      Have you polled ‘most people’? I have never seen that people would prefer to wait for public transport rather than be on their own schedule and travel in privacy.
      It’s not about being right or wrong it’s a difference of opinion.

    4. @John Acosta good for you john. And govt involved in marraige(a religous institution) and abortion goes against what our founders concieved. The constitution is actually well written for all to understand. Constitutional law mucks it up. I repeat dancing on the head of a pin. Do you really like having a bill 2700 pages which brought this gem from nancy pelosi. We need to pass this bill to be a ble to read it? I woul d like to be king of the u s a for 5 mins. 2 proclam a tions. 1 congress shall pass no bill longer than 10 pages. 2 all fed govt officials congress senate cabinet dept heads mid level govr managers shall drive a taxi in a major city every 2 years. Reaquaint with real people and real life.

    1. Wes Desilets just like they’re going to force me to turn in my AR? Maybe I’ll put Tesla badges all over my car and that’ll fool them. “Well clearly he’s driving an electric car. I mean, it says Tesla. Carry on, Son”. 😂

    2. @DKCJ79 ! I forgot the moron wants to take away all magazines too. If Biden is the nominee, Trump will win easily. Lol

    3. Kcbg I’ll keep my fingers crossed for an electric solar powered car. I’m sure it’ll have a whopping 73hp and will sound similar to a hand held vacuum at full throttle.

    4. Jon Con no magazines? What’s his reasoning for that? Because he can’t understand sentences, we’re not allowed to either.

  6. Asked question about how climate change has affected him …rambles on about oil on his windshield as a kid and then military bases in the midwest? …these people are out of their minds

    1. but that was a good answer. How did climate change affect him. He had a higher risk of cancer and probably got asthma from the plants that were burning affecting the climate. it’s like second hand smoking, I dont smoke and it doesnt affect me directly but I’m still at risk of things and could get some health risks because my father smokes.

    2. @VIDire WolfIV no, that was a terrible answer. It literally had nothing to do with the question. He was talking about pollution in his small town 65 years ago… that is not “climate change”
      Words have specific definitions and if we just start labeling ANYTHING we don’t like “climate change” without being extremely specific we are going to be in a whole lot of trouble. It’s like labeling anyone you disagree with a “Nazi” …dangerous stuff
      It also shows he can’t follow any sort of train of thought. He’s also just saying things he thinks you want to hear.
      P.S. hope your dad can quit smoking… took me years but finally did (vaping helped)

    3. @13dirtblack pollution is one of the causes of climate change. Are you expecting him to say he’s an iceberg and is melting or something? C’mon man. If pollution, a factor in climate change, affected you then how is that the “wrong answer”. Nobody is gonna be directly affected by climate change. The area around them can get affected directly by climate change. Remember climate change affects the planet directly and humans indirectly.

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