Former Senator Claire McCaskill looks at exit polls from Missouri's Democratic primary and notes that while Joe Biden's stronger performance among white, non-college educated voters may not turn Missouri blue against Donald Trump, it's a significant encouraging sign for how he would perform in other swing states. Aired on 3/10/2020.
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Joe Biden Threatens Trump Base With Appeal To White, Non-College Educated Voters | MSNBC
I’ll never understand the “logic” of poor working class t’rump voters thinking that the guy who was given $300 million, never worked a day in his life, and spends all his time at a private club where you pay $250k so they don’t have to be around people like you….for some reason, he’s the guy who “gets them.” 🤔
Well, at least they have one thing in common. A double digit IQ. 😄😆
Fantastic comment! The Trumpers are well — STUPID. *They have no leverage on Trump. Trump knows he will get them, however he wants* . Perfect example of how societies get abused by plutocrats.
You do realize the average democrat voter is a minority Hispanic or black person with an average 70-85 IQ.
I will NEVER understand how any hourly wage earner would vote for Govt. of Putin/GOP. Or any person of middle income or below range for that matter. ????? Are they bigots/dumb/ blind religious zealots or what????? I don’t get it.
Isn’t the national IQ average a/b 98? That’s double digit right?
@Troy Stocker is that what Fox ENTERTAINMENT told you?
Yeah rah, the world is righting itself.
MSNBC will never mention Black voters again when the election is over.
Of course they will. They’re going to HAVE to give credit where credit is due. Black voters are going to be national heroes when they get drumpf out of office. (In my opinion)
That’s because they don’t know what black voters really want they just pander to them like a creepy clown panders to a 5 year old before he lures him into his torture van. “Got some candy for ya!!”
Of course they won’t, the election will be over! 😂🤣
did you see how they gave joy a spot just for the primaries? chris will be back in november
Obama chose Biden to give himself more credibility in the national security department. Black support of Biden for his affiliation with Obama makes little sense.
@kevin housen What…you don’t think there’s a connection?
exactly black people are political props to joe biden. he will say and do anything for a vote.
okay., those people who want Donald Trump to be the next potus should vote for Trump. Those of us who are witnessing trumps abuse of power, his totally disregard for the law, and his violation of human rights are tired. Tired of hearing about Hunter Biden who is not in the race, tired of trade wars, shadow government, Barr, Moscow Mitch and a corrupt Senate, tired of paying for golf , trips to Ukraine, and lies. Just tired. Let it be done. He had his chance . He failed. He is fired. Do you, it is your right. We the people will do us.
I mean besides the fact that he was on Obama’s team and delivered the votes in Congress for ObamaCare.
Obama choose Biden to get white people comfortable with voting for a white guy.
Comment pagefull of dopes!😂😂😂
Oh little markie loves his dicktator.
Mark Bantz Is that why you’re here?
spells one out of four words wrong
@Susan Sullivan you seems like a very unhappy person.
trump will blame Obama for him losing in 2020. Now trump will finally have something that he can really blame Obama for. BURN!
alotto cash 😂😂😂😂!! You’re as cognitively challenged as joe Biden!!!
@Stylin And racially profilin another moron for the turd.
Trump isnt losing
Bernie didn’t bow down to AIPAC.
Bernie would never win.
The Elite would NEVER let him win.
Bernie selling out to the hate Israel crowd certainly cost him my vote.
What’s wrong with AIPAC?
Thanks, G D. When I heard that Bernie took on Linda Sarsour, a close buddy of Farrakhan’s, I wrote him off.
Great job helping trump win again MSNBC
Awesome aint it
turd tRumpo is toast he is a lying piece of filth as are all his racist sexist fake christian supporters. What would Jesus do? Jesus wouldn’t vote for turd tRumpo.
@Susan Sullivan trump will be your president until 2025
Why do people think a guy who can’t win a Primary would be able to win a General?
Oh I get what you saying man you talking about Joe Biden who has never won a race in his entire life
@crash bandicoot I know right, he only got re-elected as a Senator 4 times….. Clearly he never won a race. LOL
@crash bandicoot Joe Biden was a senator. So not only did he win the senator position he won vice president as well. Tell me again how he didn’t win anything in his entire life?.
Independent360 m, well don’t forget what happened in 2016. The American are unpredictable. God bless us all.
@crash bandicoot 😂😂 u become senator by winning a race.
Me am white me no go to college and me do not like Joe Biden, Me Like Bernie
English translation: —> Trump2020 🙂
Gald they are classifying people into groups. Smh
Oh sure, that confrontation that Biden had with that union worker helped him so much that the union worker went on Fox News and cried that Biden will be taking his guns away 👌
Exactly. Biden will lose because of that. He has no respect for the working class by deriding them and telling them that he doesn’t work for them.
Really dumb. Biden is a loser and the union worker didn’t need to go on Fox because nobody is taking away the guns he doesn’t even need in the first place.
@Bellevie He has respect for the working class. Just not the white racist anti Obama Trump cultists working class
The gun will do you no good if you are dead… makes sense to worry about a gun.🤕🤯
You got to love how they always look to this loser of a diet Republican that just so happen to have a d next to her voter card for advice on winning in what she thinks a winning strategy is absolutely astonishing
(Bernie)Statler and (Joe) Waldorf are a pair of Muppet characters known for their cantankerous opinions and shared penchant for heckling. The two elderly men first appeared in The Muppet Show in 1975, where they consistently jeered the entirety of the cast and their performances from their balcony seats.
Each time I see her, I think how is this woman relevant?
how will someone who says -hes not working for you- you’ll do well with them
U would have to be crazy to vote for President Virus, remember like a virus everything it touches dies
“No Collusion!” – Trump 2020
“No Malarkey!” – Biden 2020
“No Billionaires!” – Sanders 2020
Make your choice wisely
(Bernie)Statler and (Joe) Waldorf are a pair of Muppet characters known for their cantankerous opinions and shared penchant for heckling. The two elderly men first appeared in The Muppet Show in 1975, where they consistently jeered the entirety of the cast and their performances from their balcony seats.
Nah..Drumpf has the stupe vote locked
Bernie supporters totally naive about Political strategies & essence of Democracy.
Your sense of entitlement & know_it_all attitude is self destructive to your caise.
Good luck, Joe. Trump’s doing a great job! Record-low unemployment rates (especially for minorities), increased wages, prison reform, Right to Try, lower prescription drug prices, the list goes on and on. But I remember Biden telling us all about his accomplishments not long ago. How could anyone forget the “I potatoed without not really but how then that means a cow runs backwards on Thursday” speech?
Biggest bunch of baloney I’ve ever heard. That woman in blue redefines “clueless.” Thanks for the laughs.