Joe Biden speaks after further Super Tuesday votes revealed (LIVE) | USA TODAY

On Super Tuesday, the largest number of voters made their presidential choices, with a large number of delegates up for grabs.

RELATED: Why Super Tuesday is a dealbreaker for presidential candidates

On March 3rd, 14 states and one territory from across the country have primary elections: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and American Samoa.

Voters in all Super Tuesday states will participate in a primary, while Democrats in American Samoa will have a caucus. Democrats abroad also start voting on Tuesday and can vote through March 10th.

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Joe Biden speaks after further Super Tuesday votes revealed | USA TODAY


  1. I’m all for pranking confused old people, but making them President? That’s too far…

  2. If Biden were to select Michel Obama as VP the country would EXPLODE enthusiasm !!!!!

    1. Why the heck would anyone want to replace the most corrupt president in history with the next bought off president doing the rich’s bidding?
      Are you trying to be sarcastic?
      Surely you mean if Sanders won people would be happy?

    1. Wohoo! More tax cuts to to 1%, less money to the rest of America and even more corruption, let’s make it happen, Trump 2020!

    1. Yes! Let’s elect the same kind of good old corruption again!
      It’s incredible. For one time Americans really have a chance to elect a president who actually cares about the little people and isn’t bought by the rich. And yet you go for the same garbage again. You love corruption. Plain and simple. You deserve Trump. Someone who votes for Biden over Sanders deserves to be ruled by Trump. America is beyond hope. How sad.

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