At a campaign event in Concord, New Hampshire, former Vice President Joe Biden expressed shock when asked what he thought of President Donald Trump going to Moscow for the Victory Day Parade at the invite of Vladimir Putin. #CNN #News
Joe Biden shocked by reporter’s question: Are you joking?

What kind of leader goes to celebrate another countrys military might. I thought trump hated acts of weakness?
That’s as weak as u can get
What an uneducated ragamuffin you are. There are honored heroes who defeated Nazism, the REAL HEROES of HUMANITY ! Shame on pathetic people like you. It would be natural to see Trump there , the leader of a country that has been of great help in defeating this evil. Such narrow mindedness is amazed me
@Maxime De Winter Yeah! Victory over the guys that fought the Jewish world order banking system! Yeah! Let’s celebrate our enslavement by the Jewish oligarchs. Woohoo! Maga! Woohooooooooooo
Fucking NPC… rofl
Why wouldn’t he want to go there…? All of Putin’s other cronies visit him every now and then. Oleg Deripaska, Ramzan Kadyrov, Alexander Torshin… Trump is running the biggest Russian colony, anyway.
@Oscar Burner Neither Jewish Supremacism nor White Supremacism are acceptable. You can’t walk up to a guy and tell him : “Your genes are fucked up.Don’t reproduce. ” Having said that, i do believe in eugenics and the importance of improving the human race. But it must be enlightened and inclusive, not Nazi-like.
All roads lead to Putin!
Stay in Moscow.
@A Team of course he did, BUT his state department announced each time (while 3 out of 4 Trump meetings were secret). And no one else was allowed to eavesdrop, while Obama had many extra personnel attending.
@Maxime De Winter You have to *be careful of taking profiles online at face value! You have to consider is it from the US? Is it to throw me off? Is it a Troll-file?*
When will you stay in your murica yankee? Get out from Europe. Get out from Japan. YANKEE GO HOME!
He should stay in GITMO.
I’m sure commander bone spurs will be welcomed in Moscow with open arms. Putin may even paint the name tRump on a tank destine for the Ukraine.
oh boy, America is fucked up
Donald is a traitor and a coward. He won’t be going to Moscow, no, he’ll be going to GITMO!
No, Robert. Bigfoot took the button, jumped on a unicorn and then got beamed up to the Mothership. Pooty Poot doesn’t have it anymore.
@DuffnotFudd Willington not the same dumbass
@DuffnotFudd Willington you’re a fucking idiot.
yeah cuz we all were DYING for another billionaire to run! oh geez thanks……. #FuckOffBloomy
Walter Siwel you should be excited *”Mike Bloomberg is a firewall in the primaries! It proves that even some of the GOP don’t want this criminal re-elected!”*
It could be the battle of the billionaires. On the right weighing in at 350 lbs, we have the currant president and fake billionaire Donald J. Trump. On the left weighing in at a modest 180 lbs we have a real billionaire Michael Bloomberg. GET READY TO RUMBLE!
Yes Walter…if he can win, I wouldn’t care if he were a trillionair.
He won’t win. DJT is the winner.
So he’s going to play with Russia’s military toys when our ally, Ukraine, is in the middle of a war with Russia. He stopped the arms getting to Ukraine to help Russia take them over. Seriously???
Let him go to Moscow then revoke his passport as a traitor to the US. Putin can keep him.
Margaret Nicol Ukraine has plenty of weapons you idiot. Been following the war since the beginning
@Oscar Burner Maybe come out of your basement now and then to find out what’s happening in the real world.
@Kalash Operator Then why were they asking for the javelins? Don’t you want Putin’s little tanks being damaged? Your traitor president doesn’t.
Just wondering, how low IQ yanks can be? But fat US fems are obviously a champions of idiocity. Ukraine is nothing to do with your murica. NOTHING. It is not your “ally” it’s a sick country used like a tool against Russia by neocon scum. Just stay in yout part of the World and don’t shove your nose into european business.
@Margaret Nicol I don’t live in my basement; I rent it out.
As for you, you put Pavlovs dog to shame for retention of programming. Inoculated against all things truthful.
Trump is an evil man, sure. But not for the reasons you think, guaranteed. He was just a pressure valve the Jewish elite placed in the office to buy more time, so that the white majority would think once again that they can vote themselves out of a mess only armed revolution will fix.
“Are you joking?” I’ve been asking that for the past three years.
@Michelle Davis Putin before April 18th. Watch…

@Michelle Davis I’d be interested to read any 2019 updates that aren’t written by the FAKE NEWS about updates on these accusations. Everything I’m reading dates back to 2017, and the cases were all dropped. Are you talking about this case? Please reply without swearing…
We need to send a message to billionaires. Stay out of politics.
I’d rather have a billionaire than a megalomaniac like the KKKlintons!
message to you shut the F up you know nothing about Politics
@Anita Luca why is the point of penalising coming up? Saying that anyone can be a politician is saying you do not need knowhow to be one. Supermodels turning into actors says acting doesn’t require talent. A career politician should become a politician else democracy is just a popularity contest or can be bought. Which it really shouldn’t be. You wouldn’t get that feeling from the current state of affairs.
We need to send a message to Bernie Sanders – F off you Fidel Castro loving, hypocrite
@Anita Luca Yeah… I bet I do to you.
That is the unfortunate part of the society we live.
I wish my ancestors would have been aware of just how powerful the mass media would be at mass indoctrination…
Maybe Trump is planning to negotiate asylum.
@Mainstay ! I do not need to prove anything to you lazy people, go do your own research, and while you are at it, research the video of Joe Bidden threatening Ukraine at telling them that they will not be given the $ unless they stop investing the company his some is involved with, and while you are at it, research the speech of Sarkozy, when president of France in 2008 telling the French that the no longer have the right to be pure French but have to become from now mixed with Black Muslims because the NWO requires it , but that the Islamic countries will not be mixed.
I can bring the horse/you to the river/water, but it is up to the horse/you to drink/do your own research. I am sick of lazy people.
Donald knows once he loses in 2020 that he’ll be on his way to GITMO.
He’s hoping Vladimir will protect him once he wipes his chin.
@Papa Jose you’re telling me to do a research based on anyone’s opinion on the internet? The FBI went and made their investigation and cleared him, case closed!!
@Mainstay ! The CIA and the FBI have silenced more innocent people than the MAFIA. And have been used to conduct all the big wars in modern history, doing regime changes, and installing dictators to loot the 3rd world into shitholes. You are the poster boy of “ignorance is bliss.” Case closed.
@Ash Donald has been remodeling Gitmo, and has new laws for pedophiles to have all their$$ confiscated. most of our politicians and Rich CEOS were Jeffrey Epstein’s clients. Please, use your brain, and not your emotions, especially hate of someone because it impairs you from thinking clearly
Let the guy go to Moscow to celebrate communism. Just don’t let him come back.
US troops have marched and participated in the victory day parade in Russia in the past. In fact, that was not too long ago
Barbara Rigell just came across this article citing NY Times and Swalwell agree whistleblower name is not protected by law. Sorry.
pr0xZen sorry dumbass nytimes says your wrong. Try different news sources to get out of your bubble.
The real communists are trying to remove Trump.
Biden, nor none of us should be shocked by what Trump says or does. We’ve seen it all from him.
Om Ali
Thou shall not utter the name.
Om Ali you’re right we’ve seen everything from prison reform, to 4 million new jobs, to 3.9 million americans lifted off of food stamps, to the lowest unemployment on record
@Tim Ryan pence is a child molester.. We’re talking infants
Yeah unfortunately he WAS serious.
@65Lkhj Lkhj65 I’m all for bringing them home buddy. No reason to drag out the endless conflicts. They do not want us there anyway. Make peace.
@65Lkhj Lkhj65 Deflect what? Is that the leftist word of the day?
Trump and his brood can stay in Russia.
Rebecca Benway you can just a Die filthy leftist.
Rahim Majid lol yes fact matter. Kind of proved my point for me, thanks. Those stats or “facts” are in percentages of population. Take the time and crunch the numbers and you’ll see that the majority of government aid goes to Democratic states lol.
@say no to socailism say no to socailism and you’re the pure one? Joke of the day!!
Bloomberg – another oldie in the 2020 race. Let the younger people come forward. People who have almost reached the end of their lives should not have positions in government.
Finn Jacobsen Like the imbecile Trump!
Reminds me of Dan Coats (one of the REAL adults who used to work at the White House) being caught off guard when Donald Trump announced that Vladimir Putin was going to make an appearance in Washington (that plan backfired in Trump’s face)!
Tom Sims
Thou shall not utter the name.

I love joe for that “are you serious” lol
Do you love him for groping those kids on camera
@John Noneya Of course he does. After all, Democrats repect everyone’s right to be anything he wants, which includes the right to be a pedophile and/or other type of pervert.
All roads lead to Putin with trump..
@kay armstrong Dems are commies, so why would they have a problem with such a situation? My God (not yours) you people are dumb. Does Mueller need to run another investigation in order to make you all look like fools yet again?
That was a classic reaction.
yeah wonder what creepy old joe said when obama met with Putin several times,
Yu Wish
Thou shall not utter the name.
Yes yes, please, let Trump go there so he’ll never come back
@Don’t SSleep When I *wonder if there really are Russian trollfiles?* then I read answers like *@younes jorges and ask myself what American speaks like that and from what country are they really from?*
younes jorge • 1 hour ago
Liberal American expats and their families in all slavic nations from the alpine mountains to the North Pacific should be punished brutally and sadistically for their evil deeds and nature.
Trump will win again in 2020.
Jesus jorge, ain’t that a bit excessive??
@Emperor Kim Jong-un hopefully trump and his supporters will DIE BEFORE 2020
@Michelle Davis Wow, how tolerant and liberal from you.
Wow that was funny. His reaction and how he walked away like WTF?
Dead Purple
Thou shall not utter the name.
That’s because you’re too dumb to realize setups orchestrated between the Dems and the mainstream media.
@jenlopez Well the guy was an idiot, it’s against the law to out a whistleblower.
Trump drafting his asylum to Russia early.
Previous month I managed to pull my first five figure wage ever!!! I’ve been working for this company over the web for 2 yrs now and I never been happier… They are paying me $95 per hour, and the best thing regarding it is the fact that I am not that tech-savvy, they just required basic understanding of internet and basic typing skill…Amazing thing about this is that now I have more time for my kids. I am able to dedicate quality time with my family and friends and look after my babies and also going on vacation together with them very frequently. Don’t let pass this chance and try to respond quick. Let me show you what I do… **
Why are russophobe liberals so brainwashed and afraid of Russia?
@Emperor Kim Jong-un Centrist and some of us know what there up too
He’s writing it sharpie.
Let trump go and then don’t allow him back in.
You are why he got re elected.
Totally agreed
Trump for 2020!!
@xlioilx why you speaking past tense?