Joe Biden shares story of faith with pastor who lost his wife in Charleston shooting

During a CNN Democratic town hall in Charleston, South Carolina, former Vice President Joe Biden addresses how he would use his faith to make decisions for the United States. #CNN #News


    1. @Donner Party So you have faith that the rich will suddenly help the poor despite centuries of the opposite happening.

    1. Dr Jan Itor Epstein didn’t kill himself Biden Obama Kerry killary are going to hell they talk of how rightouese they are and how evil everyone else is boowhoo Biden has done it all he said every bill every change he’s done nothing

    2. @Joe Gendy *Once again you guys must live in fantasy Land.Bernie Medicare For All want even get passed through the Senate.I don’t think we learned crap about Obama Era a whole lot of Bills was sitting on McConnell’s desk.Last but not Least, when Bernie loses which he will because The con president have overwhelming support in his base, I really hope this socialist movement stop, getting Fed up hearing about successful socialist small country doing better with a small population.*

    3. @Hildebeast Clinton Omg, you guys need to chill out with that crap.I mean I know you guys prefer getting grabbed by the 🥧.

    4. @Mel S. He did not misspeak because he also went on to talk about how this is more than all of the wars combined. He doubled down on his alleged misspeak… Did he also mis speak when he said he is running for us senate? I’m sorry but there is a huge difference between 350000 people and 150 million people!

    5. @RJ W Joe Biden also just said he is running for us senate if you don’t like me a vote for the other biden.. He Does not have the mental capacity to be able to be president.

    1. @American Gamer
      I’ve always found Republicans shameful. Your elderly base is dying off. Democrats base is going. Wear a Chinese made maga hat to your next rally, bud. Spread that virus and lose more more voters.

    2. @HemiHead664 You complain about all the taxpayer money going to Kentucky and push for a massive price hike on all goods, loss of jobs, and major tax hikes for the middle class.

    1. He’s point was no matter how many R 15 you think you have your rifles are no match in a all out fight with the American government, look up Waco Texas , read what happened there . No match , once the government decided to go in it was over .

    2. quietman356 123455 I who’s fault is that ? The Bushes but of course people will blame the black president

    3. @Debbie Philbrick you can’t win a war from the air only… name me 1 war america has won strictly from the air/bombing? eventually you have to send ground troops…. Waco texas? there was like 30 people there lol, of course they were no match, but imagine a militia of 30,000-40,000 … wouldn’t be so easy.

    4. @quietman356 123455 You have the Taliban in your neighborhood and need a heavy artillery? How short sighted of Joe.

    1. Joe, ” So here’s the deal, if you want to get rid of El Cheeto, you vote for me, if not, then vote for Bernie ‘ GET 🤤FF MY LAWN’ man”.

  1. I’m not a Biden current supporter, but he is really good when he speaks from the heart. The tragedy he went thru is heartbreaking and you can always feel it when he talks.

    1. @Nee Doc Sanders medicare is like the wall…no one believe will happen, but people want someone to fight for that…and do the best is possible. Everyone is fighting for corporation, people want someone to fight for them…

    2. @Zito Lito
      There’s a reason why Bernie scares the traditional Democrats. His, beliefs are too extreme. But we will see. I’m concern.

    3. @Nee Doc I really cannot understand what is “Extreme”.
      free/low university tuitions
      Some form of Medicare for all or government healthcare
      Living minimum wage some countries.

      The problem MSM , all day smearing democratic socialism= Venezuela, they never say talk about europe/canada.

    1. If Biden gets to one on one with Trump. His heart will shine thru as a huge contrast to Trump’s despicable ways.

  2. Joe Biden was great in the CNN town hall last night. He really shines when he interacts with people one on one. He is the total opposite of Trump in every way. I think voters will see that and vote for a good, decent person with compassion instead of Trump. The nasty comments I’ve read here come from Russian trolls, Trump supporters, Bernie Bots or just plain morons.

    1. @THE ONE It’s much more complicated than that. They blame Joe for this bill but he was only the Democratic Party’s point man in getting this crime bill passed. If you recall, the Clinton Administration HAD to have gun regulation against automatic weapons. In order to get it passed, there was all sorts of horse trading from both sides of the aisle, and most if not all of the objectionable stuff in that bill was put there by republicans, southern democrats, and the Clintons. Biden was just the guy in the senate charged with ensuring the President (Clinton) got the legislation passed. Joe’s always been a team player who carried out the things his party needed. IF he becomes President, long overdue IMO, HE’LL be CALLING THE SHOTS. IMO, he’ll make an astonishingly GREAT President. The next 4 years could be a remarkable progressive time in US history, much like FDR’s first term, but ONLY if people wake up and get behind this guy. He’s the best choice for this gig. Joe will make a GREAT President. Joe’s the ticket for getting the progressive wing of the party back into power. This isn’t all that hard, people. Wake up. Don’t blow this!!!

    2. Joe is an Excellent Lincoln Douglas Debater, which should consist of only two. They are having to do the freaking CX Debating right now because there are way more than two Debating. Be Bless and condolences to the Minister and Joe.

    3. @Lady Day “Im Joe Biden and im running for president of the United States Senate” -Creepy Joe

      This dude is incoherent and has Alzheimer and is not fit for office…

    4. @THE ONE I doubt you were alive then. Because, if you were, you would remember that the crime rate was incredibly high in the US at that time, with a lot of resulting deaths, especially in minority neighborhoods. Community leaders all over the country, including black community leaders, were demanding that Congress *do something* to bring down the crime rate. The bill that was passed was that attempt to do something. It has had terrible unintended consequences, but it was well meaning and welcomed by black communities at the time.

    5. @THE ONE He is not my favorite in the field, but, his wandering off is more a sign of a mind full of ideas than Alzheimer’s. He certainly is much more cognizant and coherent than the creep currently in office.

  3. Can you even imagine vile Trump attempting to answer the Pastors question.That right there is the difference between a man and an idiot as President folks.

  4. 50,000👍Likes.BIDEN2020
    Praying🙏 for all that has lost loved ones. The Veterans, I thank u. Time to drown out all the hate and nastiness.

  5. Joe needs to win this…. joe has heart and experience. Hes been on the inside of the oval office. We need someone that’s gonna restore our government.

    1. @lynn thomas Yes actually, in your original comment there is no policy just returning things to the way they were before.
      Nostalgia and nothing more.

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