Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on Wednesday, January 20 in a ceremony that will keep with tradition while being unlike any other inauguration in U.S. history. The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 01/20/2021.
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#46thPresident #JoeBiden #MSNBC
Joe Biden Set To Become the 46th President On Wednesday | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Joe Biden first President unfit to take office. It’s sad Joe has dementia. WTH? Sick party the democrats. Shame on Jill Biden. She’s a sicko.
It’s just the facts.
First President to be sworn in that’s unfit for the office Period 25th amendment within 100 days he’ll be gone.
@Tatu Da Plane So? Trump still lost, there are nowhere in Constitution of the United States stated that a president must pass a physical. And if he lost to an “unfit” president that only mean Trump is worse than an “unfit” Presdient, that say a lot on Trump.
@Tatu Da Plane

Few options for trumpunzees :
1 – Russia and N Korea are welcoming trumpunzees. Don’t come back.
3 – Keep crying for rest of your miserable lives.
4- continue smoking crystal meth with the same pipe smoking Crack with.
@Tatu Da Plane Sounds like ‘It’s just the facts’ of a diseased mind totally brainwashed by years of propaganda, to the majority of the world!
I hope you eventually get the help you need. Peace.
Apparently, the ‘Q’ followers eagerly awaited a ‘storm at noon’ today…that *’bigly’ blew away.*

Joe Biden will become President today and Republicans will keep lying for the next four years!
@Covid 45 yep that’s how we got here
@Adam Miller please don’t be trumping right now
Goes without saying, no?
Lying where the Dems tell them to lay down, hopefully.
@Nickie McNichols not quite. There were supporters who were of a higher vision who said it was not the man, but some of the policies and philosophies he brought. Yes, I know that these have been impossible due to changing conditions for three decades, but at least evidence and trends support that. But patriarchy, with its racism, misogynists, and wealth hoarding (I.e. capitalism) are now pages in a book.
We are beyond the first light for a global economy, so already into what comes next.
Sweet lord, I can’t wait
You know how Germans would like the world to forget those few years in the 30s and 40s? About that idea…
@Joseph Jr McNamara It was a joke. Nobody actually wants to forget anything.
@Jason Martin not a joke for Japan. They legit want to erase what they did from history, not even teach about it in their schools.
@Backpack PePelon Yeah, their shame runs deep, and it should. But we still teach about Truman’s 2 surprises. The point is, it’s impossible to forget. Now please lighten up. It’s a happy day.
@Backpack PePelon Even if that is true (legit references?) they have also pledged to peace with a capital P. It is now endemic to their culture. More than you can say for most countries.
Ytis that
oh yes
Merry Truxitday everybody

MAGA= My As* Got Arrested
MAGA = Monsters Are Going Away !
Minus 45
, how cool is that?
The long winter is finally over
Ttis that
oh yes
Today, Hopefully, America ceases to be the laughing stock of the world!!! Good luck!
@Brett Nine To a lot of right wingers, those things are indeed very funny. In the Uk we know this and yet continue to vote them in because Murdoch and his friends tell us to.
@Adam Miller “they’re piggy bank”? What does that even mean?
Trump helped facilitate historic peace deals in the middle east, eased tensions with North Korea, kept China at bay and made our allies actually step up to help.
Biden will only reverse these things and push us closer to world war 3. The majority of the world does not think like the media tells you, they actually like peace. Nobody will respect Biden while he sells us out to China.. stuttering and flailing along the way until Kamala steps in.
@Brett Nine By some foreign leaders, not by the people. He was the only president in the last several decades to not start a new war. You are being lied to, people want peace. Biden is far more dangerous, and you’ll see new wars soon. Chinese influence will rapidly grow, freedoms will shrivel globally and tensions will rise.
@Eileen the Crow Eileen, I don’t know what planet you’re from, but your fact checking is abysmal. You need to check your history, and much more. Until you do, you should probably stop publishing ill informed, inaccurate, and ill researched commentary.
America is dumping out the trash today.
@Serenity Now Actually, we just got RID of the Fascist Authoritarians, but thank you for asking. Enjoy yourself.
@Daniel Eagan WRONG!
@Fahim Ahmad

@The Truth Is Out 777 We all know u trumpists are seditionist confederate nazis, terrorists & traitor… emoji that!
@Covid 45 – Apparently, the ‘Q’ followers eagerly awaited a ‘storm at noon’ today…that *’bigly’ blew away.*

The man who created january 6th riots is out now from WH.
tis that
oh yes
And in with the guy that encouraged many more riots in which over 30 people have died!
How dare Trump tell people to peacefully protest.
Gelle – Apparently, the ‘Q’ followers eagerly awaited a ‘storm at noon’ today…that *’bigly’ blew away.*

Thank goodness these thugs were removed from our house!
America: “Hey Trump, Get Off My White House Lawn!!!
OUR not MY White House lawn. Did you not learn anything?
tis that
oh yes
Everyone please pray for a peaceful and prosperous administration. After these last 4 years America deserves normalcy and stability.
If only it was that easy.
Finally the world can breath a sigh of relief!!!!! Welcome back America….
Democrat Republican. Nothing will change. Obama was hope after bush but he accomplished nothing do some research
Trumping is a Crime in Trinidad
America will always be divided and always has been no matter who’s president
tis that
oh yes
Washington D.C is taking out the trash today.
The cleaning out of the Trump stench from The White House can commence.
It was supposed to be fumigated, was it not? How do they have time for this, once the Stench-ly One is out this morning? (Wouldn’t put it past him to leave a few surprises behind, as did the insurgents in the Capitol…)
[Oh, I just heard that he was supposed to leave @ 8:00 am this morning?] Anyway, t just doesn’t seem that they have time for such a task.. I think the new Pres. & his wife should stay in hotel (or wherever they are) for a few more days until all surfaces can be thoroughly cleaned…w/all windows open to let in fresh air!!
Wonder if the WH staff threw a celebratory party w/champagne this morning, that the petulant Toddler-in-Chief has finally been sent away LOL! They’ll have another one later today, in any case
@b rotini yup. Remember that old BB King song, The Swill Is Gone? And that famous line Donald Pleasence speaks in Halloween “It’s gone!! The evil is gone from here!!”
tis that
oh yes
May the ignorance that has sickened America leave with Trump. Welcome Joe Biden!
Yes because it’s just going to be that easy isn’t it, everything is just going to magically go back to normal now Biden is in office. Why are Americans so deluded?
Yeah 70 million people just evaporated into thin air!
“When a president doesn’t succeed, the US doesn’t succeed” Yes, let us all remember this!
I felt the same when Trump was elected even though I strongly disliked him. Trump supporters I know are already eager for Biden to fail and he hasn’t even been sworn in yet.
And never forget our union has overcome and we are now ready to work on healing our differences and our viruses, both physical and emotional in order to be what the constitution meant us to be.
tis that
oh yes
That assumes that the president’s goals are good for the country. Today is the first day that’s been true for 4 years
Anyone ever notice that Joe Biden looks a lot like old Steve Rogers from Avengers: Endgame?
Ttis that
oh yes
“Well be back in some form.”
It’s official, I guess. Steve Miller taught him how to turn into a bat.
We’ll deal with it after the Inauguration. We the People.
The last four years have been a gigantic waste of time.