President-elect Joe Biden plans on issuing multiple executive orders upon transitioning into the White House. NBC News’ Mike Memoli reports on Biden’s policy plans including a Covid-19 task force.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Joe Biden Plans To Issue Multiple Executive Orders Upon Transition Into White House | MSNBC
Trump has been defeated. But unfortunately Trumpism isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. We must remain vigilant to protect and preserve our great republic from wannabe autocrats.
@Jill Grimwater Hang on there
I am on YOUR side
@Mark Du Bois are you shittin.
@Heather you have your opinion and I respect that. I have mine as well.
@Toke Joker I certainly wish for better days for USA.
INDIVIDUAL ONE needs to be held accountable for his crimes the day he leaves the White House
@TheRiggz666 Deutsche Bank knew he was overvaluing his properties and still gave him the money
They should be charged with financial incompetence!
@Mark Du Bois
1.We have Joe Biden on video admitting to accepting a bribe for foreign aid.
2. We have two of Hunter Biden’s computers filled with evidence of Hunter receiving bribes from foreign companies for access to his father.
3. We have FISA court records of Obama knowingly using false evidence to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.
4. We have four years of media footage of the Democrat Party attempting a coup against a duly elected President using media stories and an irrelevant dossier fabricated by the Clinton campaign’s personal Law Firm.
5. We are currently gathering evidence of election fraud in several Democrat districts in AZ, GA, PA, WI and MI.
The Democrat Party is F-ed…
@Token White Man NYC does not think so and i will take their opinion over yours
@Token White Man yes and we went from 4 years of “the election can’t be rigged” to ” the election is rigged”
What crimes did Trump do? Are you not listening at what Biden is going to do to this country! Bunch of idiots.
“First Executive Order, “Leave The White House Mr Trump”.
Trump campaign associate Pam Bondi told reporters outside the Pennsylvania Convention Center on Thursday afternoon that the election officials inside have moved the barricade within 6 feet of the counting area but defied the court order by moving all of the counting machines to the back of the building where they cannot be seen.
“They are still not in compliance,” Bondi said. “It’s unbelievable what they are trying to do to our votes that have been legally cast.”
@Alaska Pirates Your not a glazier
YOUR already brain dead 

Beijing’s Biggest US Asset Is on the Ballot
Joe Biden’s ‘surrender-to-China’ policy would cede American industrial jobs, economic strength, and strategic leadership to Beijing
@Michael Wuj Now prove it. Speculation is not proof. The vote stands without proof.

Lefties FIGHT EACHOTHER On Twitter As The Democrat In-Fighting CONTINUES! They’re Crazy…
Lefties counting votes

AOC GOES INSANE On Twitter! Launching All Out ASSAULT On Trump Supporters. GULAG TIME
Good. Time to undo some of the damage 45* and the radical far-right GOP have done.
Let them have their recount! Flood them with information! Make every conspiracy theorist about election fraud sound stupid! Don’t give them a reason to be suspicious they forcing them to sue us for election results! That’s a dark path we don’t even need to go through
Like what?
Guys thanks for voting, the USA really appreciate what you have done !!!! If I could ask president Biden for one wish, it will be to work on affordable health care . How about yourself ?
@Steam fish White rice I just want him stop suing everybody when they demand they get to look at their own demise. Just give them the voting results…
am I looking too far into it or is that 45* a Betty Bowers reference?
Glenn Kirschner addresses on his yt channel how Biden can circumvent Moscow Mitch’s obsessive obstruction.
@Kim Chalifoux you should tell Joe. Great idea….moron
@Jimmy Bagodonuts You’re a sad, sad little man.
Guys thanks for voting, the USA really appreciate what you have done !!!! If I could ask president Biden for one wish, it will be to work on affordable health care . How about yourself ?
INDIVIDUAL ONE needs to be held accountable for his crimes the day he leaves the White House
@Night Hawks , there are a couple of others that would also make good AG’s. We are fortunate to have so many really smart talented people to choose from.
Now that he lost, I’ll be surprised if trump puts out any effort to help republicans in the GA Senate races. What’s in it for him? He does nothing but for his own personal benefit.
Honestly he might just golf like the lazy moron he is.
He’s golfed 2 times in a row now
Thats how he wins and has always won. He had the money for the best lawyers in the world and they were smart enough to know how to cheat systems so that trump would always win. Hes an effing monster! That’s how he cheats his employees, builders and literally everything.
@Francisco Alcaraz wish he would but his narcisstic personality will not let him go down without destroying as much as he can…hope that it ends with your scenario though.
I’m sorry what has Nanci Pelosi done for all of you lately. Try to fund the USPS, the airlines, and all of her liberal arts. Oh and I’m sorry all of the illegal aliens. Lucky for us we won10 seats to the house including some very smart Republican women as well! Nancy will be taken out. LOL even her own Democrats want her out.
Just so he can still feel relevant and have more attention taking over their rallies for photo-ops.
Finally a product he can market with some success, because everyone, well at least 75 million are really enjoying TRUMP TEARS. Get yours today !
@Token White Man
Do you not realize you are comparing apples to oranges? Non-identicle rigging!
@Token White Man Why would we start a civil war. The election is over…WE WON! YOU LOST!
Fred Trump is looking down or up from the grave and cursing his Son once again for being such a pathetic loser!
@Token White Man the likelihood of a civil war starting. is by the proudboys and the like.
@Zex Maxwell 1.We have Joe Biden on video admitting to accepting a bribe for foreign aid.
2. We have two of Hunter Biden’s computers filled with evidence of Hunter receiving bribes from foreign companies for access to his father.
3. We have FISA court records of Obama knowingly using false evidence to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.
4. We have four years of media footage of the Democrat Party attempting a coup against a duly elected President using media stories and an irrelevant dossier fabricated by the Clinton campaign’s personal Law Firm.
5. We are currently gathering evidence of election fraud in several Democrat districts in AZ, GA, PA, WI and MI.
The Democrat Party is F-ed…
@Token White Man
MAGA: My Associates Got Arrested.
The Democrats investigated Trump for four years and couldn’t find as much as a parking ticket to charge him with…

@Token White Man In your fuqqin dreams, Boris.
Guys thanks for voting, the USA really appreciate what you have done !!!! If I could ask president Biden for one wish, it will be to work on affordable health care . How about yourself ?
My American Gang Association
COVID 19 thrived in Trumpism, Trumpism must be avoided like a plague !!
The Trump Plague
Trumpism is a plague.
Let’s just give him the recount! Verify all those signatures, addresses and votes! Once we flood them with information and overwhelming proof that the election is over… They will have nothing to complain about and we can just go on with our lives
Trumpism official term is DOMESTIC TERRORIST.
That’s the thing about executive orders. They can go away just as easily.
Biden will sign an executive order for “no dates ’til your 30”.
Next Episode: INDICTED
Future episode: INCARCERATED
Just: IMP
GOOD! Let him start with re-instating wildlife sanctuaries in Alaska that the orange orangutan made available for oil drilling!!!
Brother Biden has just been elected and things are getting better right away. Reports have it that the wild unicorn herds are returning to North America. Magic fish have been again seen in lakes and creeks. In the woods folks enjoying a picnic tell of encountering talking bears.
@Nick M none of that happened or is happening, where is the video?
@Steven Flint water crisis was on the governor of Michigan NOT Obama, but Obama did give funding to Flint Michigan through the EPA,
@Token White Man not one dem asked russsia or china for help in the election, but trump sure did ask and accept help from russia, which is in the senate intel reports volumes 1-5
@Nick M Nope.
Trump had told the Trumpers: ” After Nov. 3 the cases of covid-19 will come down”. So he was insinuating a conspiracy of covid-19 cases… That was 5 days ago and the USA has not gone below 100K.
What will Trump’s next lie be?
All is possible if we can win the runoff Senate elections in Georgia. Go to Act Blue and donate to help win these races.
Biden should redo all of the Obama legislation that Turmp undid. Every single bit of it.
Todd Smith left leaning or is the republican party too far right?
@Roy Muse Hahahahaha you are hilarious!
Really, you mean Americans losing their jobs again lol. Thanks to you.
@Nick M Yeah the election is over buddy. Somebody told you I know they did. It was over on the 3rd and Donald Trump won in a landslide. This is the same thing as 9/11 but worse. If they pull it off and it has nothing to do with the election. They lost and they know they lost. It’s absolutely not about them loosing. It’s about them trying to remove Orange Man and those Hobitses the Trump supporters. This isn’t larping though. This is real life.
@Terry Fulds
you serious? They are so biased against Trump and Boris. They have numerous pieces opposing brexit check it out for yourself 
you’re so dumb 
Let all those families and children out of those cages Now
@Brenda Jones The kids in those cages can’t even be identified as the children of the supposed parents. Child trafficking is huge problem.
The cages Obama had built
@Brobold They can’t comprehend what your saying!
@Michael scott Burns Going off those exit polls, I believe it. We live in two different worlds.
@Brobold Trump traffics the children he kidnapped? That’s an interesting theory you have there. Many are missing.
We are going to win both Senate seats in Georgia. Go Blue.
I’m voting too.
Yes, we will!!! Go Blue, all the way!!!
Only by cheating!!!!!!
Every republican president has given a recession but Trump takes the cake
When will Americans learn ?
I will honestly be shocked if “He Who Must Not Be Named” sticks around until January 20th.
Keep dreaming. Its not over. Biden may win but there are many audits coming. fraud is being exposed.
There are no audits, just two recounts. Fraud has not been proven.