Fresh from a decisive win in South Carolina’s primary, Joe Biden heads into Super Tuesday with endorsements from three former presidential rivals – Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, and Beto O’Rourke. Will that be enough to put him in the lead over Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Mike Bloomberg and Tulsi Gabbard? Aired on 3/2/2020.
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Joe Biden Picks Up Momentum With Buttigieg, Klobuchar, O’Rourke Endorsements – Day That Was | MSNBC
They cut that clip, he’s going against the DNC, RNC, MSN, and the establishment.
try their network TV and cable channels.
Imagine how popular Bernie would be if the media pushed him as much as they do Biden.
Lol, dirty Dems are going down in an epic landslide!
MSNBC if full Biden hype propaganda mode !!!
@M A That coming from a supporter of the trump of the left? Rich.
@Mister Hat Lol thanks, just goes to prove my point about how you are exactly like a uneducated Trump supporter.
@M A You made a point? How many rubles does that pay? Or does Bernie pay his trolls in USD?
@Mister Hat Ha there you go again, if you are too stupid to say anything factual just go with Russia Russia Russia.
You really want Biden to win, don’t you, MSNBC?
Splodin News right so everyone who wants Bernie is insane. Do you know how dumb and arrogant you are
Mister Hat wow sick burn mr hat
@jnsdkljfn Not EVERYONE who supports bernie is insane… many of them are just drug addicts drooling over the idea of government-funded medical marijuana and pain pills…
@Splodin News you’re dumb.
Now msnbc is doing their own commercials for biden.
No bias there.
@Gee Mo If he is then so are all the other candidates, including trump
But, even with all this complaining..just keep voting for the corrupt blue circus party..
@Jay Gray No, I don’t mind old candidates at all. But when you can clearly see he has trouble remembering what he is doing sometimes that’s when it’s a problem. Calling a young woman a lying dog face pony soldier was the first time I noticed, and also noticed the media ignored it. I refuse to support the billionaires candidates, and a vote for anyone else besides Bernie is a vote for corporate greed, oil companies, and pharmaceutical companies period.
The entire establishment turning on Bernie should be the only endorsement anyone needs.
There will never be a coming together when the process is biased by the media and their paid corporate moderate mouth pieces.
In order for democracy to exist, MSNBC must be destroyed.
Waaah! The media is the enemy! Waaah!
Where have I heard this before?
Time to remove the Trump crime family from the White House.
well, not quite yet. that’ll be November
David j and Biden are going to be sharing a room at the nursing home.
Not with biden we won’t
David J what crime
OK msnbc, please explain the momentum thing, cause as I see it, how do you gain from two candidates who were fading fast.
Bring it on Establishment!..WE ARE READY!
No, we are not ready
Splodin News you’re right..let’s just give the free ride to corporate America..they need it more.
The corrupt DNC wants to suppress my primary vote but beg for my General vote?..FU.
@Dagooch23 You don’t have to vote. That is your right. CYA!
Has anyone ever been as blessed as trump in the quality of his enemies?
Very shrewd
Trump lol what a low IQ Doof
Mike Zimmer
Never interfere with the enemy when it is in the process of destroying itself !
Trump has fox, Biden has msnbc.

Christian Savart
5 more years 
……..and the Democrats have MSM , CIA, DOJ and the Federal Bureau of Matters !!………TRUMP 2020
We have people

And Warren will siphon away votes from Bernie right up to the convention! That also helps.
I certainly hope so! Thanks, Babe!
I will never vote for Joe Biden
tr vi yr ski y rras f h chit fc jtd gffc
Says Barry Sotoro from Kenya !
Many agree..he cannot win
Hopefully his pick for Vice President is much younger. Every day is a gift at his age.
It’s amazing what millions of dollars of free media advertising from “news sources” can do for a candidate
Imagine someone actually supporting Leg Hair Joe

Biden = Hillary a losing ticket to 2020.
Now we’re starting to see why they had the 3 year campaign to oust DJT…. Now it’s Bernie’s turn.
If Biden is the nominee, the Democratic Party as we know it is done for.