Fmr. Obama aide David Plouffe and political science professor Victoria DeFrancesco Soto look ahead to the first Biden-Trump debate on September 29. Aired on 09/25/2020.
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Joe Biden: People Know Trump Is A 'Liar' And 'He's Not That Smart' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Quoting something I saw that makes total sense “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities” ~ Voltaire
Joe Biden should “Do a Trump” and bring out all of TRUMP’s ACCUSERS to the debate.
Vote for our country! Get rid of the orange dictator wannabe.
Just bring out joe past history and tell what good has he done for America and Americans
@mako zero why did the dems hold back on stimulus money help for the people
El Ogh , trump sucks, flush trump.
Stone Men , more proof than the crap coming from trumps lips .
@Sally Williams he’s not my here. I’d be glad to vote for someone else. The democrats literally found the one person in the world who’s more mentally challenged than Trump. I’m just not blinded by hatred. I can see that Joe Biden isn’t capable of running a popsicle stand let alone a country. That’s the truth.
@Sally Williams pure propaganda. I don’t hate or fear anyone. Well not totally true, I do fear a society so blinded with hatred that they get led to Marxism.
Teleprompter Vs Trump
YEP I told my husband we are going to have popcorn
and cokes ready that this is going to be EPIC !!!!
@whatabouttrish I totally agree. Poor white people get the same treatment. They can say it is racism because that is what they are taught. I guess poor white people could too but no one would listen. If you look poor ar like a thug or addict, you will be pinned for security to watch but the white lady or not white lady who looks like she is worth a million will rob you blind. I worked in retail and saw it so often.
it would be fun if Biden throw him a frisbee when he start attacking and say: “Here boy go play” and then just keep talking
@real american Did you hear Biden’s Convention speech? Bet not. It was excellent. It got praised by some on FOX news. Trump’s speech however was terribly boring. And Chris Wallace of FOX said it was flat. Here are some videos for your enjoyment:
@Pam Deshane please check out the post I just sent to real american and with a few Iinks.
@ᅮ ᅢ ᅵ ᄃ ᄃ Trump deserves to be bashed every single day because that’s what he himself does: constantly bashes all kinds of people, especially all Democrats, the news media who reports the TRUTH about him and anyone of significance who disagrees with him. He’s terribly destructive and with the garbage he throws out, he deserves it right back.
@ᅮ ᅢ ᅵ ᄃ ᄃ did you not hear that last year that was a book out by 37 mental health experts that determined that Trump had serious mental illness?
@foxdesignbuild foxdesignbuild did you see the video of Biden exercising by riding his bike along a road? He was peddling full steam ahead. And Biden looks fit. Meanwhile, Trump golfs and he probably doesn’t even walk from hole to hole, but is driven in a cart. It’s obvious Trump isn’t fit.
It’s simple all Biden has to keep saying is lair lair pants on
Democracy versus EVIL …. that’s what this is all about….
that;s right Trump 2020
He knows a lot of facts, alternative facts

“I don’t think science knows”- person who claimed there were airports in 1776
@real american that should be a song…it can be a nice punk rock song. We will get the indefatigable Trumponite Kid Rock to belt it out.
How is that?
Don’t forget the discussion of the 1919 influenza which he asserted occurred in 1917 and were the impetus for the Axis Powers to unconditionally surrender at the end of WWII in 1945. Didn’t know why the Arizona is a memorial in Honolulu.
@OBAMA STOLE MY TOUPEE He got criminality from his father too.
@OBAMA STOLE MY TOUPEE And only with the Trump family is Alzheimer’s a communicable disease!
@C Grey Why would he know? As far as he is concerned, the men who died trapped in the Arizona were all “losers”.
News flash: Top scientists have discovered the sky is indeed blue!
Joe just be yourself and show empathy-you will do fine-
Ask Trump to define “adultery,” and his history of it. Stop him, a la Australia, when he veers off from his dirtbag answer.
@T. R. Campbell She also did an “I don’t remember” response when she was asked a question she already answered, which is a big sign of a person who is lying. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that it’s not impossible that it didn’t happen, but little slips like that, along with those other staffers saying that he was elsewhere during the times she claims it happened, it’s very suspicious to me. And I may be a bit hypocritcal or biased towards Joe, sure, but you’re missing that a lot of what Donald does in return, he acts. He’s just that: An actor. He has a lot of allegations under his belt involving sexual harassement, and not a lot of those women were even listened to back then. Joe said himself that if what she said was true, he’d live up to it, if she had hardline evidence, but none of that evidence ever came up, I heard that with my own ears on the news, coming from him. Donald in return, said that all of the women who had allegations were “Faking” and were “Paid actors”, and I also heard that from him on tv too. It’s hypocritical to say that Donald is any better than Joe in this scenario, just because it happened when he was in office, when Donald has 26 possible people under his belt before presidential office, and only 2 of them sued him, while he paid off the rest. That’s not respecting those women at all, it’s just a “Take the money and be quiet” deal. His persona that makes you believe that he respects women is blinding you from his actual personality, almost every actor has it. I won’t know how he really acts, and neither will you, but the record of how many allegations he has is a lot bigger than Joe’s one possibility. Even if it were true, wouldn’t you want to side with the better of two evils?
Nep Nep That’s like asking would you like a hole drilled in your hand or burned in your hand. I am not going to opt for either because both my husband and I are going to stay home.
@T. R. Campbell Very well, I can respect that decision, I can’t argue with that.
@T. R. Campbell No, a woman with “core values” will know that in many ways, not just in ‘creepiness’, Biden is light-years ahead of Trump and way better than him.
SpectatorAlius Can’t agree. I think Joe might have been years ago. But I think age has sent in on him. He has a man that has undergone two brain aneurysms and is taking powerful medications. He is prone to some of these silly Gaffs. The latest one that came to light is that he said he got his first start at a Delaware Black University. The University said he never attended that’s cool. I think Joe might’ve been very sharp years ago but not anymore.
The most disturbing thing for both me and my husband is that Joe was a powerful member of the United States Senate and used that power to abuse women. We must hold our public officials to a higher standard.
I’m looking forward to seeing Trump get destroyed in the debates
HaHa Biden destroy Trump, what with his endless gaffes
LOL Biden is going to get completely massacred
biden destroy Trump? Thanks for the laugh!!!

Austin Cruz you mean biden
He’s like a kid scold him..dam this man boy doesn’t care
Debra Williams He should be saying what you can’t do in 50 years in politics and still have people supporting you for the Presidency!!!! His new book is out it’s titled I can as long as Obama says so!
One advice, every time Trump interrupts Joe like he does in all debates, Joe should say: “Call someone cut off this fool’s mic for a minute?”
Trump should say “joe where is your crackhead son?”.
Trump is going to get Joe so angry, he makes a complete fool of himself. The debates ended long before they began. Of course this is if Bunker Biden has the guts to come out of hiding, or isn’t indicted before the debate. The Department of Justice may save Biden by placing him in a nice cozy cell before the debates begin. After what was just passed on late this week, I would think Biden needs to step down and work on his defense for trial.
@Sam Ganconi he can just say where is your date Ivanka
@PK Cazadores wwhat are you talking zbout senate commitee led by republicans just last week found no evidence of Bidens corruption in Ukraine. You know what is an actual thing, Trump taxes NY prosecutors will have the rest soon even Eric Trump has to testify within the next month. Devaluing assets to reduce taxes and inflating the to get loans is taxation fraud and punishable with prision. Tick tock lol
Btw where is that evidence to put Hillary and Obama in prision weve been waiting 4yrs. Another Trump big nothing burger
@OBAMA STOLE MY TOUPEE biden wont be able to use a teleprompter.. He’s effed smh
I love it! “Put him on trial at the debate”, and you will see his arms folded. When that happened, you know we got him!
Look at him reading simple questions. Just like he plagiarized all his life. Lock him up.
Seriously Biden lies he just doesn’t know he is anymore
Biden needs to say, “I’m gonna tell ya what I tell my kids when they lie. Shut up.”
And stealing other peoples speeches throughout his career….