Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks to supporters in Columbia, South Carolina, following the New Hampshire primary.
#CNN #News
Joe Biden on 2020 race: ‘It ain’t over, man. We’re just getting started.’

Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks to supporters in Columbia, South Carolina, following the New Hampshire primary.
#CNN #News
*“You’re a Lying Dog Faced Pony Soldier”

And that’s No Malarkey! 

@Destination Paradise do you have a pony face, BIATCH!!
@Kevin Bowers think of a cross between Ann Coulter (horse face) & Andrew Luck (Colts QB & quite a mutt to look at)
@Anux *Vote for TRUMP!!!* ~ Joe Biden 2020
Damn hes REALLLLLLY pandering to South Carolinins!
@I. K. why because I can think for myself I’m a troll. & They’re video of him being touchy feely well where Im from we huge everybody for no reason. You sound like a troll because everything is not me too. So let’s agree to disagree agree & move on.
@Monique B your grammer is atrocious lmfao

Current state of affairs for the Dummycrat Party: “Nursing home escapee shows promise”. (That’s just how badly they’re fucked!)
Dylan Collins Lmaoo what did I do ?? I just asked a question lol

The one being cheated on, is always the last to know.
@Frisky Bottomsuuater I think they feel Bernie is their best chance of beating Trump, remember?, Bernie almost beat Hillary.
@Frisky Bottomsuuater Sorry I misread, I don’t feel the candidates have control over the party.
@you457wx TheY could raise a stink. TheY are keeping their mouths shut. How can We have faith in anyone who will not stand up for themselves?
@Frisky Bottomsuuater The dems aren’t known for standing up for themselves, they pretty much just go with the flow, you know, just doing what their told. If Biden said he didn’t want Sanders on the ticket then the party could tell him that they don’t want him, the party wants to beat Trump no matter what.
The ballad of
Yeah but don’t rule out Pop
Mr. Scream Genes

Corn Pop was a bad dude!
Money in you’re pocket
I need a drink..
Joe Biden is the Jeb Bush of the Democratic Party… Please clap!
Justin McCorkle All the democrats are doing is choosing who they want Trump to beat .
MatterIsNotSolid The first time I voted for Trump I did it for me . When I cast my vote for Trump in November I will do it for the democrats. They have certainly earned it .
Well Jeb had *low energy* but Joe *corn pop* Biden has low testosterone

That’s actually Mayor Cheat Buttigieg
ITs over
Someone really needs to sit him down and tell him that its over.
@you457wx 1st its just 2 little states. 2nd there are a lot african american in the south Carolina and majority of them will support him. And 3rd when Obama come he will also support him and its make big assurance of his victory. But its just my assumption.
@Alexander Brown Obama won’t support Biden, and don’t think Biden cares about you he is a professional politician, he just wants to win. I removed the rest of my post, feel like I was beating a dead horse.
Biden doesn’t want to run on his policies or resume of forty years in Washington, so he tried to run on his claimed ability to win. But Biden has never done well in national campaigns, and taking fourth and fifth after leading in both states by double digits makes the can win argument a joke. What else does he have? Are people looking for an unlikeable ancient out of touch man with a many decades long record of gaffs? No, Biden is done.
they did that twice already he just keeps losing primaries, it kind of his thing, even once in a while he gets a vp position out of it because he is so fucking pathetic
He’s gone from “C’Mon, Man” to “It Ain’t Over, Man”, lol
Jason Edwards

Current state of affairs for the Dummycrat Party: “Nursing home escapee shows promise”. (That’s just how badly they’re fucked!)
Hey Man do some.

Pushups… Let’s Run !
Joe needs more Hairy Leg speeches, LOL!
Where’s Corn Pop when you need him?
10:14 Lady laughs in the background
“We have too many families working their tales off, just to make men’s meat.” ?????
She did a fuchi face!
That is not Joe biden’s fault
Hah he did say it!
Current state of affairs for the Dummycrat Party: “Nursing home escapee shows promise”. (That’s just how badly they’re fucked!)
Creepy Joe borrowed that line from Mayor Pete.
Thanks to Nancy, Adam and Hunter this run is over.
Don’t forget Trump’s credit
Rock Watson oh yes! Thanks to our Chief exposing the Biden corruption! Actually, Biden screwed himself
Rock Watson oh yes! Thanks to our Chief exposing the Biden corruption! Actually, Biden screwed himself
tell the corn pop story joe !
That brings a tear to my eye every time.
Joey is done and he knows it
He was a bad dude

Cmon man, just go and enjoy the rest of your life.
As a president he can get acces to all little girlies that are kept underground.. this is his motive
Creepy joe will be able to choose another girl every day
@Ana Feldevari You are really fucked up.
@Ana Feldevari Wow Ana, just because someone might be a little too touchy-feely, which I agree, Joe Biden has been, I think that’s really F up call someone a pedo.
Just drop, Joe. This is painful…
Felipe Mancheno who is letting this man embarrass himself like this?
People like you is the reason why Trump is going to get another four years.
We need him to continue to split the establishment vote.
Current state of affairs for the Dummycrat Party: “Nursing home escapee shows promise”. (That’s just how badly they’re fucked!)
Everywhere else Bernie wins Bernie wins – CNN and MSNBC – hey look at Biden’s losing speech. ffs man
Absolutely No one:
Joe Biden: “Blafrican”
Where’s Hunter..!
Flying on private Jet
Carbon foot print J.Biden…
Joe the “Go vote for someone else 2020” Biden
R Stelzer i know he said that lol
R Stelzer thats why i wrote it lol
Steven H trump scammed Americans with a fraudulent university
@Carlos D., Carlos wants a hand out from the commie Spermie Panders. The most racist and vial candidate today.
“You don’t have to do this Joe”
Hey CNN, where’s the coverage of Jussie Smollett’s indictment? Oh that’s right, it doesn’t fit the narrative. Shhh
what’s up with Biden he sounds like he’s on drugs or something? listen to his voice he’s slurring I think he’s drunk! maybe he was smoking crack with his son bumpy
The man is in his 70s and is working nonstop on his campaign. You would not last five minutes doing what he is doing,
Remember when the media told us that Biden was the most “electable”