Joe Biden says he refuses to think a 2020 Democrat could lose in the election against President Trump. Biden also discusses Sen. Sanders' campaign and attacks from Rudy Giuliani. Aired on 2/11/20.
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Joe Biden: Mickey Mouse Could Run Against Trump And Have A Shot | Morning Joe | MSNBC
He’s comparing his chance of winning to Mickey Mouse?
*Trump already won.*
Only in your feeble little mind, Last.
@Wigit I get it. I guess some people don’t get sarcasm though.
*Have you been watching the news lately? Even the mainstream media libturds are beginning to see the light.*
Sorry, Last, I don’t do ‘newspeak’. Orwell was right.
We don’t need Mickey, we already have corporate owned candidates to choose from.
Audience clap for Bernie says it all
Senile Joe and the 1% Elite he represents need to accept they have paved the way for a Communist to win the DEM nomination this Summer !
@Beachdudeca there are no communists running for much of anything. But Joe and his pals keep allowing Trump and his Republican enablers to steal elections, so Bernie Sanders has won in Iowa and New Hampshire.
I know who won in Iowa: BERNIE SANDERS.
@Tom Senft No, it was Pete even though Sanders cheated with those satellite caucuses.
@Tom Senft New Hamphire isn’t over, but I saw Klobuchar ahead. So Pete took Iowa, Amy will take New Hampshire. And Sanders is a Marxist, that’s communist.
Mickey Mouse doesn’t scream at little kids and call them lying dog faced pony soldiers..
**So, that just put Mickey Mouse behind Klobochar, and 4 points in front of Biden
Mickey Mouse don’t scratch & sniff little girls either.
Hey Fat, listen up: I knew Mickey Mouse. He was a bad dude…
Drofmum …used their ration stamps to buy cigarettes and lipstick for their molls.
Bloomberg is a racist “Breaking NEWS “
@NDFOOTBALL Bloomberg did wonders for New York City, which is a racially diverse town.
Try again, Trumpster. Notre Dame football is much, much better than Trump.
@R McElhaney I laugh at the thought of all you whiny socialists supporting a Billionaire as President.
jeff7775 He was gonna say Fat Man it’s obvious.
Too bad Biden is Goofy
Roger Wilco he’s a walking gaf machine. He literally tells people to vote for someone else. Hopefully Democrats can keep spreading hate and discontent because Democrat police isn’t good enough. Wake me up when he concedes
@Junkyard Hog has he ever been outsmarted by an umbrella?
Does he think we had pilots during the Revolutionary War?
Roger Wilco he also chooses truth over facts
@Junkyard Hog Does he think Canada burned down the White House, and Colorado borders, Mexico?
Afraid I can’t trust Bloomberg.
Bloomberg is a complete racist
@NDFOOTBALL He’s another corrupt Billionaire, no different than Trump. A vote for Bloomberg is almost as bad as a vote for Trump.
I would rather roll the dice with Bloomberg than vote for a known narcissistic personality in Trump.
@R McElhaney bloomberg should be the 10th option for democrats. because he is literally a republican. going from a racist in cheif demogauge to a less racist but still very racist bloomberg is not a win.
Mickey Mouse 2020 > Biden 2020
*Ronald McDonald 2020 > Trump 2020*
*Ronald McDonald 2020 > Biden 2020? Maybe! We will wait and see.*
*Mickey Mouse 2020 > Trump 2020 !!!!!*
People look so depressed in that room. Biden brings that kind of energy to the room.
They need some suicide counselors in there. Stat.
Omg I know! They all look dopey. A little difference from trump rallies lol.
Don’t overlook the creep factor with this thug
Funny I noticed that too.
Joe, have a beer and go home. You’re no longer needed
Agreed. He does not have a backbone when it comes to NOT bowing down to the “other side”
But Joe did his job. He got Trump impeached just by being in the race. Good work.
Do you think it’s a coincidence that Biden’s corruption was mentioned every day of the impeachment hoax and is now tanking in the polls
These journalists shouldn’t talk about so many states because Joe might forget which State is he located right now
nah ! that joke is already taken by Trump – Lost in Kansas
Trump: “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto.”(clicking heels together)
Melania: “Doughnald, I have told you not to be colling me a doag name.”
What’s it say when Mickey Mouse would have a shot, but he doesn’t?
@GoatZilla You people look silly using words that you obviously don’t understand.
RW, give the Russian troll a break. They haven’t been trained on American colloquialisms.
@Wigit My, my my! You cuh-lever little deadhead, you!

?? I’ve never been much of a Grateful Dead fan. I prefer heavier music.
@Wigit Why, my, my, my, sir! You jist get mo-ah and and mo-ah cuh-lever with each response! Puh-leez ! Do tell us where y’all got that suh-nappy little (ain’t that the truth?) brain ?
Joe is referring to himself when he says “Micky Mouse”… He just doesn’t know it yet…
Dakota Clarke – Listen fat……. you wanna do push-ups man?
fact is that Mickey Mouse is more popular than any of these democrats.
“Mickey Mouse has a shot…” well that’s the attitude the last establishment garbage had, how’d that work out for her?
@john scimeca yeah she did…Hillary never liked Bernie and she back stabbed him like a sneaky snake in the grass trying to rigg and screw up the primary elections again
Millions of kids now have insurance thanks to what Biden did. For three decades Bernie was just to friggin’ GOOD to BOTHER being a Dem, and accomplished absolutely NOTHING as a result. So now you’re calling Biden “garbage?” Typical of Bernie supporters. People like you are precisely why I refuse to vote for Bernie.
Daniel Schaeffer people like them are why we got Trump. They threw away their votes or voted for Trump.
@screw you 2 I don’t think you understand what superdelegates are.
I think we need Batman, Joe….. he always beats the Joker!
Biden still lives in the 1950s
Manuel his hair is slicker than a boiled onion
Trump is attempting to take America back to the 50’s. What’s the diff?
“ethically challenged”

Crack head son makes millions and its all on the up and up, sure Joe we believe you.
jared kushner middle east peace czar lmaoooo
Ivanka, ‘shoe knockoff baron’, is a senior advisor. Lmfao
‘The White House – Nepotism Edition’
Sadly, I expect old Crack Head Hunter to end up like most crack heads, found in some dumpy motel room off the freeway. Joe is done and Trump gets a second term. Time for Move On dot com!!!!!!
Mickey Mouse could run and would likely win. Joe Biden however wouldn’t.
Ain’t that the truth…..Trump 2020
Mikey Mouse doesn’t blather like a senile old coot or bleed from the eyes
Sweet Willy That eye bleeding is a tumor in frontal lobe! Watch when all this is over Biden will announce he has brain cancer!
They know you Joe?
Sounds like a concession speech.