Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and an unconventional DNC meeting | States of America

The Democratic Party holds a virtual political convention and selects a woman as vice presidential candidate who makes history and inspires criticism.
RELATED: Barack Obama's full DNC 2020 speech

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Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and an unconventional DNC meeting | States of America


  1. *Historic Biden/Harris Campaign*
    *Dementia Joe is the First person to LOSE a bid for POTUS Three Times.*
    1998: Lying & Plagiarism, 2008: 1% & Foot In Mouth Disease,
    2020: Socialist Platform, Raise Taxes, Open Border, Puppet President & Senile

    1. Mike Reiley What the hell are you talking about? Harris is a corporate stooge. She is bought an paid for and is no progressive. You could vote her (a vote for Biden is a vote for Harris) and probably get policies to the right of Trump. She is a right wing slug.

  2. Headboard Harris , has nothing between her ears but daylight . It’s hard to figure why they have such bad candidates

  3. What a nightmare for the Democratic and liberal voters.
    wow you have set the bar so low for the Republican convention coming up this will be a walk in the park.

  4. Trump IS the best president the USA has ever seen, he has done more for the US than any other president and virtually kept EVERY campaign promise.
    Sleepy Joe cant even form a complete sentence, and will have the largest tax increase in US history if elected. VOTE TRUMP/PENCE 2020 FOR BEST WAY FORWARD FOR AMERICA !

    1. this is another year open invitation for you to become part of the world’s biggest conglomerate and reach the peak of your career just as myself. As we begin this year’s recruitment programme and our annual feast of harvest is almost at hand don’t fail to see the light. we’re aware that there are lot of people out here on social media network pretending to be agents of the Illuminati. be careful not everyone you see is real.. this organization is for peace, wealth, power, and fame..Each new initiates of the Illuminati is entitled to a sum of $1 million dollars 💵 as benefit to start up a new life with his or her family and this organization requires no human or blood sacrifice or selling your soul but making this world a better place for humanity is the ultimate goal of the Illuminati, Note that we don’t preach or force people here to join, it has to be a decision from your mind >>interested message the grand master on WhatsApp ‪+1 (605) 836‑1234 💯

    1. this is another year open invitation for you to become part of the world’s biggest conglomerate and reach the peak of your career just as myself. As we begin this year’s recruitment programme and our annual feast of harvest is almost at hand don’t fail to see the light. we’re aware that there are lot of people out here on social media network pretending to be agents of the Illuminati. be careful not everyone you see is real.. this organization is for peace, wealth, power, and fame..Each new initiates of the Illuminati is entitled to a sum of $1 million dollars 💵 as benefit to start up a new life with his or her family and this organization requires no human or blood sacrifice or selling your soul but making this world a better place for humanity is the ultimate goal of the Illuminati, Note that we don’t preach or force people here to join, it has to be a decision from your mind >>interested message the grand master on WhatsApp ‪+1 (605) 836‑1234 💯

  5. Such a liar, this is just a political animal! All the more reason for her to go to China or North Korea to fulfill her dream of socialist lies.

  6. I watched a large amount of the DNC convention. I saw multiple individuals talking about a future with no police and no prisons. I wonder how Joe is going to be able make that happen?

  7. Interesting, Biden can read from a teleprompter. Has his speech been checked for plagiarism? Of course it hasn’t, lol.

  8. ज़माने भर में मिलते है आशिक कई

    मगर वतन से खूबसूरत कोई सनम नही होता

    नोटों में भी लिपटकर,सोने में सिमटकर मरे हैं कई

    मगर तिरंगे से खूबसूरत कोई कफ़न नहीं होता

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