Momentum carries Biden to big Super Tuesday.
RELATED: Super Tuesday standings
Former Vice President Joe Biden won the most states on Super Tuesday, and the race became clearly a contest between Biden and Bernie Sanders.
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#supertuesday #politics #joebiden
Joe Biden don’t have my vote
@Brutus All Knowing Nobody cares about your input
@Highlander001 God bless you
Neither did any of the other Dems
@Annie Paulson Democrats are nothing but liars and crooks
@Jonathan Wilson , very bold coming from a supporter of Trump who lies on the daily.
Lol Bernie sander supporters on suicide watch.
I notice you left out the part where Biden couldn’t tell his sister apart from his wife. Or when security let protesters up on the stage. Causing Biden to cower behind them.
Heard Bernie had another heart attack this afternoon. Best wishes Bern
Bernie ftw
I mean what’s worse when Trump CAN tell his daughter from his wife, still fondles daughter?
#Feelthebern2020 #Notmeus
Na I’m sticking with Trump and so is Texas. Why would we want socialism in the U.S? #LatinoForTrump #Trump2020

una desgracia!
Trump doesn’t even want any Latinos here at all so if you want to stay in America, you better wise up buddy. Trump is a racist, he’s a whites only club. You should really be ashamed of yourself for voting for a man that openly calls Latinos theives, rapist, drug dealers, murderers and so on. Remember he said on national TV that Mexico doesn’t send its best. So what does that make you???
Why would we want Socialism in the USA? Because we need public schools and police?
Dana Maupin I think he wants citizens to be first priority before anyone else. And I’m not going anywhere I was born here and my dad is also a citizen. I’m currently in high school about to turn eighteen ready to register to vote. But what’s wrong about legal immigration and protecting our border policies that Trump is enforcing? Does Mexico or any other South American country sends engineers, doctors or lawyers to the U.S? They send there lower class people and that’s a problem. We have no control over this mass wave of illegals entering this country and it’s a shame because I have family who are working hard to become citizens.
Video starts with a Bernie ad, hahahahaha! Buh-bye Bern
Bloomberg spent $200 million per delegate. LMAO
Sleepy Joe sure came woke. What happened to the Brown Jacket Brigade?
Trump is going to annihilate Biden.
Pervy Uncle Joe looks like Skeletor.
Congratulations President Trump on getting another 4 years. I won’t be voting for Biden or Trump. It doesn’t matter to me which one gives tax cuts to the wealthy. That doesn’t represent me or inspire me to vote one bit. So up urs, DNC. I’ll never vote for another democrat again.
Ow my ears