Student loan repayments are impacted by inflation and tuition hikes, with income not meeting demand. Advocates worry that $10,000 in debt relief isn't enough.
RELATED: White House ends $5.8 billion in Corinthian Colleges student debt
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#Studentdebt #College #Eduation
Pay your own loans if you are able bodied
Stupid is as stupid does.
Pay your own loans that you took. Why should I pay for it.
@Corbonik yeah an investment it is
This is how you fight inflation?
No student debt = don’t go to school
He needs to do more. For those crying in the comments you do know that you also pay for k-12? We want the same thing but for college too. Free college with no student loan debt.
you also deserve a free house, free car, and free daily affirmation that you’re a swell guy
Yes! So a degree can be as useless as high school
serve in the military and earn your tuition
every time a debt is forgiven it cost the tax payer
Anyone that had paid off their loans are being punished twice. You work hard to pay your loan and now you have to work even harder to pay off someone else’s loan.
Yep You are exactly right I took out a student loan worked full time while going to school and paid back the loan I took out without holding my hand out with an I’m entitled attitude
I’m happy
Your parents are supposed to pay for your education. Why do I have to pay for YOUR education?!
I did. I saved and saved, go on short budgetted vacations while my friends go on long expensive vacations to different parts of Europe every year. Their kids owed 10s of thousands while my kids are debt free. My kids even chose to go to state college to help save money. None of my kids have any college debt but now we are all, including my kids, paying for someone else’s college debt.
How is fair to people that are responsible like me? I saved and saved to help pay for my kids college while my friend take long vacations every year and doesn’t save for rainy days. My kids don’t have tuition loan because I pay them off with my savings. My friend’s kids on the other hand have 10s of thousands of dollars in student loan. The govt is rewarding those that are irresponsible while punishing the responsible ones. Now my taxes are going to go up because I have to pay the tuition owed by the irresponsible people.
Fraudulent administration
So you are paying the people that worked hard and struggled to pay their loans $10-50,000 too? Or are you just buying votes for now?