President Joe Biden answered questions from members of the press as he left the G7 Summit in England to continue his European trip and ahead of his highly anticipated meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
#JoeBiden #CNN #News
Joe Biden explains how he’ll handle Putin meeting

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I invested with George Ollenburger and the damned crook scammed me out of $47,000. Crypto is a Scam!
Great response the press don’t need to know everything…watch later it’s going to have more dislike then likes because people in America is divided and diverse.
Lol, Those same people probably try to “prove” the election was stolen because of 3,000 dislikes etc.
@Mountain LWolf which mountain do you live on wolf compared to me of which water do you live on a closed Mountain oh yeah
I’ve been on YT for years & I’ve never clicked a “like or dislike”. If that’s how your brain works-you’ll be a “follow the crowd guy” every time & end up with a Tribal mentality & not using your own intellect. FYI Clicking the like/dislike buttons saves every video you hit & fills up my iPad Pro with crapola I’ll never rewatch!
@Belly Dancer Em
All democrats serve the Antichrist who plays with preschoolers under the tinfoil sheets at the border.
You must be confused
@Belly Dancer Em
So you’re still running with Hillarys Russian collusion lie after record breaking democratic election fraud proving you are the disease, skidmark
Didn’t know there such Putin fanatics in the comments lol
Russian trolls?
@Johnathan Jaco I am sure virtually every government with influence to do such a thing does so including the West. So what?
Trumpers love Putin. They hate America and democracy.
@Jason Fuller Based! Democracy sucks and America has become an evil empire that promotes sin.
@saulalvino They’re called Magas, Republicans, “Conservatives”, russian trolls, russian bots.
Trump to Biden-“Give Putin my warmest regards.” ….
Trump to Biden-“ I don’t owe any money to a Russian backed bank”
Biden to Trump: I’m taking down you and your boss
@Belly Dancer Em you keep dancing and stay out of politics
120 days, give me a break. Need time.
America is indeed BACK!!!
whew!!! ………
Yeah Joe you go hold that “murderer” accountable!
this is stupid you don’t have to explain how you gonna do anything JUST DO IT?
its fake
. . .When Putin articulated that the is a the ” SAME path as Soviet Russia ” Biden might swallow his pride and quietly listen.
Someone be sure to write this down so Biden wont forget.
@Jan O’Hare oh right. Thats why he is only allowed to take questions from pre approved reporters if at all. Not to mention him continuing to confuse Syria and Lybia during G7 speech. Sooo capable.

@Viper 123

@Betty Berg
. No. actually Nito had a true intelligent xcomment. biden is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Even Obama said, “ Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to Fk things up” nuff said.
@Betty Berg dont let the facts trigger you.
@Jan O’Hare he’s too weak for this job. Nice man….but easily tires. He’s just reading, and he sounds stronger when he’s reading. Off the cuff 100%, he really goes off the rails.
He is still alive?
Snakes can hibernate for months seemingly dead then they move around a bit
Hope biden had his nappy poo.
Who trmp? Yeah he’s headed to prison
Putin: oh nooo, don’t respond again lol..
Biden: thats right, I responded the first time so my words will be harsher next time.
Putin: noooo, please no more words.
Biden: (watches putin commit more cyber attacks)
Biden: word
It’s good to see a world leader on the world stage
@Autistic Fieldmarshall Lol..
Yes, there will be one!..
Biden does as he’s told.. we all see the country going to hell especially at the border..
The Biden family is corrupt in many ways.. they have more communist cash than American.
He was put in office by Dominion and CNN knows it.
@Martin Dread you just ruined Lansana’s day. You can’t speak the truth on this Channel!!!
Lansana whatever it’s kind of unbelievable that you see a leader in this guy. Can’t fix stupid I guess
Total independents doesn’t belong to us human we are incomplete just try your good best
I wanna have this man’s personality.
What a joke
When an adult answers questions and it actually makes sense…
he’s reading answers.. you sheep are blind
Bearing the responsibility with grace
Putin will have to eat a bag of candy so he’s too sick to his stomach to laugh at Sleepy Joe.
He stopped laughing when his patsy lost the election. You want another stupid nickname? Try orange bafoon. At least that one fits.
It is amazing how President Biden clearly stated he had to call on reporters by a list provided by his staff and then he looked down at his notes reading his answer to the question. Amazing. Then he messed that up because he didn’t have a week to prepare. Putz. President Putz.