Joe Biden explains his approach for US-China relationship

President-elect Joe Biden says that he plans to be tough on China and expects them to adhere to international rules. Amid China-US tensions, Australia finds itself caught between two superpowers. The relationship between China and Australia has been tense for years, but it has soured rapidly in 2020 over issues relating to the Covid-19 pandemic, human rights and trade tariffs. CNN's David Culver reports.


    1. The mainstream media has ignored a 1/4 billion people strike protest in India, fearing it may inspire a peoples’ awakening. Look up India Strike 2020 and share with everyone.

    2. @Solving Politics You underestimate my my ability to research information by going directly to the source. Do you troll CNN for the joy it gives you, or are you a professional troll working a 12-hour in the Lakhta Center skyscraper in St. Petersburg, Russia–what remains of the former USSR?

    3. Oh yeah the Chinese conspiracies when a Democrats is in office. Dont worry mr. Trump cultists. I’m sure your claims of the Democrats selling is out to China will be true someday. 🙄

  1. Politics: the art of using euphemisms, lies, emotionalism and fear-mongering to dupe average people into accepting–or even demanding–their own enslavement.

    1. @mikey fiftythree it hasn’t been dismissed by the courts you fool lol. It’s video that’s not doctored in any way. It’s simply recording reality you clown. You don’t even have the common sense to realize before you comment that courts would dismiss a video recording that shows what really happened

    2. If Biden standby his ally Australia, having the same values and tradition of war crimes, how will he convince China of human rights?

    1. @B. T. The wonderful thing about Politico and Forbes is that you don’t have to read them in order to know what their views are on any given subject. In this busy world where time is at a premium, It’s an absolute godsend.

    1. About as long as Trump takes to pick up a glass of water 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    2. @Foca Seal uh yes we do so go get ur looting and riot gear on so u can finish shopping 🤣🤣🤣

    3. @Foca Seal ur right first the Democrats rigged the election and now americans have chosen Trump as your next president.

    4. @Rastus Biden the racist And Biden won huge, We, Americans, spoke and Don the con is gone. Keeping trying to steal the election, keep trying to do a coup, We spoke loud and clear. Trump, you are fire!!!

  2. China pushing back: ” Hey Big Guy we want you to say this” …”then we will say this” ..”.and then we send you a check”

    1. If you have watched this video on cnn you need to go to a better news source and fact check, Americas Voice, OAN, NEWSMAX, COMMON SENSE

    1. The mainstream media has ignored a 1/4 billion people strike protest in India, fearing it may inspire a peoples’ awakening. Look up India Strike 2020 and share with everyone.

  3. i can’t wait to watch the softball interviews with uncle joe at cnn,msnbc,fox probably and network channels should be more sickening than the flu flu

  4. “I’ll say I have a disease and quit”
    . no joe…no. we told you that’s what what you WERE going to do. you were not suppose to tell anyone that.

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