Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders are leading the 2020 primary field in six key battleground states, according to new NYT/Siena polling. Aired on 11/11/19.
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Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders Leading In Battleground States | Morning Joe | MSNBC
I wish Joe Biden would just leave.
I wish you would leave
Biden forgot Obama name, I don’t want a puppet I want a leader for progression
More like “Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and….. Joe Biden? Leading the battleground states”
jane hyden The sanders bots blew it in 16. So it’s only natural they’d be back for more. I think we’d have a smarter electorate if we raised the voting age. These moronic individuals will probably resort to their natural form and not vote in the first place.
@Storm If anyone blew it was Hillary. How stupid and self-righteous you have to be to lose to Trump? Hillary enough.
@Storm Bernie was leading in 2016. Do some research.
@jane hyden precisely. I refer to these insufferable zealots aa BERNouts. They should look at the poll… just because they want Bernie to be #1 in battleground states doesn’t mean he is #1. Those states prefer Biden then Warren then Bernie. I’m not happy about it, but it’s facts. All these twats do is complain. Their zealotry is on par with Trump’s MAGATs… when it comes to their idolatry, they’re just like Trump supporters.
The date on the poll graphic is mid Oct. What goes?
@Mohamed Abdi here all polls all the way to Nov 5, Sanders is not leading any of them.
@Quinn Carr Polls only show what senile seniors who have land lines think…. Stop focusing on Polls and let’s see what the actual primary results say…. My guess is they will be much different just like 2016….
A new Quinnipiac poll out of New Hampshire shows the crowded Democratic field is still pretty fluid in the early voting state but displays a consistent top tier of Democratic candidates led by former Vice President Joe Biden.
Biden received 20% of support from New Hampshire’s likely Democratic primary voters. Following behind were Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 16%, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg bringing in 15%, and Sen. Bernie Sanders received 14%.THIS POLL IS 2 DAYS OLD!
@jane hyden If Biden wins both Iowa and New Hampshire its a rap because he is certain to win South Carolina.
Keep smearing bernie
We will see you after the primaries when he wins
@SheWhoWalksAlone Umm, we do have a thing called the constitution that protects us from something extreme. It is almost impossible for anyone ever to make an amendment to it. With our constitution we have checks and balances. All other countries don’t have a constitution like ours.
@jane hyden Check out these bro. Your arguments are invalid.
@Robin They will celebrate – and not only in the U.S.
Bernie 2020!
Give it up Joe, it ain’t happening. Biden isn’t going to save you from Warren and Bernie.
Oh, Bloomberg won’t do it either.
@jane hyden the former Republican, thats for stop and frisk, not legalizing weed, not for Medicare for all, dont want to withdraw from any wars but for gun control
. Then he’s right for you then. Bernie 2020. Change this bs system
TRUMP 2020
No Warren. Warren is fake as can be. And she says we need ICE.
It has to be Bernie. Warren just said herself she’s “just a player in the game”, her words. All because she couldn’t answer a simple question about the first two states being extremely white. We don’t need a follower. We need a LEADER.
LMAO LOOK AT THIS 2DAY OLD POLL—– A new Quinnipiac poll out of New Hampshire shows the crowded Democratic field is still pretty fluid in the early voting state but displays a consistent top tier of Democratic candidates led by former Vice President Joe Biden.
Biden received 20% of support from New Hampshire’s likely Democratic primary voters. Following behind were Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 16%, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg bringing in 15%, and Sen. Bernie Sanders received 14%.
biden aint gona save them either from dropping off
MSNBC is pushing the Joe Biden broken wagon.
@Larry Hall YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO SICK OF BOTH OF THEM!
Bernie has the biggest grassroots movement behind him. He is surging in the polls, and last time around he surpassed the polls sometimes by 20%, because he brings new voters to elections. It will be funny looking at these corporate media spins, when he wins this thing!
@Quinn Carr You need excitement to encourage voter turnout. Young people make up a large portion of the electorate and had a high turnout during the midterms. Saying that they should vote for Biden simply to get rid of Trump isn’t a compelling argument. Young voters are policy driven and are less concerned with “electability” like their older counterparts. There was small poll done recently by the Economist/YouGov which had Trump supporters choosing Tulsi as their first choice with Bernie coming in second.
@Vɪewer If you need excitement after what this country has gone through the last 3 years and currently going through now with this President, than that says something about those people who need to be excited rather than doing their duty as Americans.
@Quinn Carr It shows that they have standards when it comes to the candidate they support. We live in a democracy which means each person’s vote should be earned, not freely given. Biden represents the same status quo as Hilary. The working class doesn’t want to return to how things were before Trump since things weren’t so great then. The status quo, establishment Democrats are part of the reason he was elected in the first place. Having Biden secure the win would lead to another Trump being elected in a future election. Mind you, the Hunter Biden scandal shows that Biden is just as corrupt as Trump.
@Vɪewer No it doesn’t. It shows the stupidity of purity politics.
@Quinn Carr The amount of low informed voters is being exposed. Biden is the same politician that was in favor of cutting funding to Medicare and social security. He was in favor of the iraq war. He supported bad trade deals which caused the country to lose jobs. His history is not very good and some people are not as willing to overlook it. He’s a weak candidate coasting off of name recognition and his association with Obama.
The Bernie Sanders blackout by main stream media will fail as he continues to surge. Bernie 2020!
@Afaf Benhara Yes but when we elect a president we are putting in an entire new administration. Bernie’s VP would take over and we know we’d still get all the things Bernie has promised. And (I don’t want him to die), he could become a martyr like symbol about showing empathy and caring for the halfnots.
@Afaf Benhara Also he’s released his medical records. If you’re a doctor, check them out and deduce how he is.
Yes! Everyone i know supports Bernie, but you turn on the TV and NADA!
He must be doing something right
Theres no evidence hes surging.
A good example of MSNBC presenting their viewers with misleading and false “facts.” It is November 11th and the polls are from mid October. Don’t know if these are even right but can say without a shadow of a doubt the Biden has been running third for a while now. Get that money out of politics or American democracy is dead.
I still cannot get the image of Joe and Mika gushing over Trump before the 2016 election out of my memory. At some point some of the Money in Politics flipped onTrump and MSNBC saw the light. “Follow the Money” advice also applies to who owns and advertises in the media.
“here’s some handpicked old polling data from carefully selected states that makes it seem like biden isn’t polling at 15% and 4th place in iowa, which will set the standard for unenthusiastic low-information biden supporters.”
Darlene Love seniors vote unlike your “kind”.
babstra55 yes and then you can look up all times iowa means nothing in picking the actual nominee.
babstra55 The question for you is can you put on your big boy pants and vote when sanders is not nominated?
@Storm They vote….as you will see the actual results will be much different than 100 seniors who happen to anwer their landline polls. LOL
to these guys bernie sanders is like Voldemort, he who shall not be named
Greyborn which is EXACTLY why we should vote for Sanders
Larry Hall really??? Then you aren’t trying. Sanders followers are the ones without the white hoods on.
@Storm Lets look at another set of data. Donations and not polling.
Care to explain this to us??
All in for Bernie! #bernie2020
All in for Crazy Old bernie to StrokeOut2020 !!!
its biden bro. wake up
The mainstream media love their centrist candidates. I wonder if they will talk about Bernie as much when he leads in all the polls.
He will never lead the polls…. Because the polls only tell you what senile seniors on land lines think….. Bernie has the support of some seniors but mostly the under 50 crowd…. As long as young people do not get discouraged by these skewed polls then I think the results of the primary will be much different than the polls just like they were in 2016.
BernieCoronary2020 !!
Darlene Love Darlene you don’t know what you are talking about.
Sanders wont lead the polls until he wins Iowa. His voters aren’t being polled. They are not typical Democrat primary voters with landlines. Once he wins the first few states you will see the polls change. Watch.
I have yet to meet a Biden fan in real life.
I laughed but then realized… this is so true! I have not met a single Biden fan, but meet Bernie supporters every day. Even Buttigieg and Trump seem to have some fans. But Joe is ZERO
Imagine you come home from work, prepare dinner (in a hurry) and get a call. Most likely on the landline (which makes it likely you are older and mostly getting your “news” from TV not from the internet.
Now – which name will come to mind first ?? Joe Biden who is painted by Corporate media as uncle Joe, the friend of the worker and elder statesman.
People vote for (and name in polls) what they are familiar with.
Biden is the default name so far but that does not come with a lot of enthusiasm, he has no groundgame, and no base of small donors. Now even the big donors think about deserting him. (Bloomberg may split the neoliberal / “centrist” vote and the big donations).
Biden only needs some more rope to hang himself. He does not do well in the spotlight.
Meanwhile Sanders is launching a massive grassroots effort (see Nov. 25th, My Bernie Story: Peer to peer social media campaign – Digital canvassing).
Also activating unlikely voters.
So far that is not reflected in the polls. Pollsters have a hard time catching it of course. Voters with mobile phones (younger people who support Sanders) are harder to reach. Pollsters base their predictions on the likely voters of the past. Corbyn in 2017, AOC in the 2018 primary and Sanders in some primaries in 2016 changed WHO turned out and they broadened the pool.
Sanders has some good surrogates. AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib.
Nina Turner and other females (also candidates from HBO documentary Bring Down the House) stumping for him in South Carolina on Medicare for All (the black female voter is the most loyal Democratic voter).
Can’t wait to see the stunned reactions when the pundits try to figure our why primary results and polling results are so different in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada. Hope he gets a good chunk in South Carolina as well.
It is a good thing that now Bloomberg 77 years is likely to enter the race. Biden is 76, 14 months younger than Sanders with 78 years. So as long as those two are propped up by the corporate media they _cannot concern troll about the age of Sanders_ – especially not when he has the most demanding schedule of the three and recovered so quickly after his heart attack. (Biden had more severe procedures done at an earlier age).
Kevin Just about everyone I know supports Biden. Its all based on where you live and who you know. I live in VA. Here we have had some very good governors that have brought business to our state over the last 10 or so years. We are also heavily military. Our school’s are also good so we are headed in a good direction. I know 1 Warren supporter. All have a favorable view of Sanders and ALL just want to win in 2020. The disdain for Trump is quite real here.
Remember what happened last time DNC pushed the corporate candidate over Bernie? Trump became president .
The elite picks, we little people are merely allowed to think we do, JFK was the last real president, the very evils responsible for his murder are the same evils that control ALL governments, all elections…
I’d be happy with Elizabeth Warren. Just get Biden out of the way! I’m voting for whoever the democratic nominee is, anyway.
MAGA !! KAG !!
Bernie is leading over all of them:/ Corporate agenda is strong with this one.
Very sad but true. We want tio Bernie
He’s winning Michigan by 10+. This is BS
@Jake Morgan
Corporate media: ”
HaHaHa. FAKE NEWS using a month old poll to show Biden still has support.
I can not belive that Biden is ahead of Bernie or Warren.
LMAO TRUTH HURTS! A new Quinnipiac poll out of New Hampshire shows the crowded Democratic field is still pretty fluid in the early voting state but displays a consistent top tier of Democratic candidates led by former Vice President Joe Biden.
Biden received 20% of support from New Hampshire’s likely Democratic primary voters. Following behind were Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 16%, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg bringing in 15%, and Sen. Bernie Sanders received 14%.
He will drop soon in the polls. Just wait
Nobody believes Biden is leading anywhere.