U.S. President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden exchange blows as polls tighten up. Joy Malbon reports.
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msm disgrace to journalism
seethe harder about the truth.
LESS divisive? Or NOT divisive?
not divisive
Ellis Conner Biden doesn’t even know if he’s awake or asleep…
We can all tell the reporters political affiliation
“Less divisive language”
I guess fumbling dementia laden speech can be less divisive, how can it divide when no one understands it?

Biden’s *Season of Darkness* is the time between his dementia meds
Biden’s language will be less divisive? Not ” non divisive”?
Biden, when he’s not gaffing, looks like he’s on a heavy dose of some drug propping him up.
@Charise Compton YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your soo way off base. We know Trump enjoys his aderol and whatever else.
@Charise Comptontrump for the funny farm 20/20
They keep a shock collar down his trousers during these town hall meetings.
Trash network
2,340 views, 39 likes, 197 dislikes = 16% approval. HaHaHaHa!!!!
@Wayne Polk I liked Layton.. like Mulcaire even more.. Jag just plain sucks.. again.. party is broke now thanks to him.. and he lost half the seats.. he’s a clown
@Ferris Stirling Are you 8 years old?
@Wayne Polk no.. I’ve probably been voting longer than you’ve been alive
@Ferris Stirling Are your assumptions the basis and foundation of all your beliefs?
@Wayne Polk no your post wasnt deleted it’s there. I never… never pledge or register with any party because i never fully support any of them. the worst thing you can do is pledging your allegiance to a party. I make them earn my vote and when a leader or politican is garbage i call them out whether its the party i like or not
those crazy lefties gonna be screaming again when trump wins another 4
Maybe in bizzaro world
@michael ouellette that’s where you live, this is reality.
Democrats push riots then cry when loonie lefties die they blame , how pathetic!
michael ouellette you kissed my mom
Lol, 2 grandpas fighting, grab some popcorn guys.
Looking forward to the debates. Hope they are long and thorough and moderated by a balanced panel with like 2 leftists and 2 right wingers since it’s hard to find centrists these days.
Too late. All 4 “moderators” involved are Trump haters.
Joe doesn’t even know he’s alive; sadly!
Left-wing: Burns down a huge part of the city.
Democrats: Bailout arrested anarchists and tell the police to stand down.
Right-wing: After months of being terrorized, they start to push back.
Democrats: Appalling! … This whole situation is all Trump’s fault!
Democrats are weaponizing the BLM movement for a political win.
utter lack of integrity by this “news” station. No bias detected at all.. sheesh
0:26 Governor “activated” the national guard after he finally knew he couldn’t handle the protestors. He allowed Trump to send them in. Trump has been asking for a long time to clean up the mess…this news coverage is twisting it around!
It’s time Joy Malbon sat on the bench for a while. She’s not a journalist , she’s a cheerleader for the Democrats
Haha dislike is too much. This channel should be ashame of it
Actually, the Governor did NOT activate the National Guard, they are a Federal agency and cannot be activated by anyone BUT the Federal Government.
Actually, you’re wrong. The Governor can activate the national guard of his or her state to handle emergencies.
When will the news report the facts and not just their opinions? Journalism should be ashamed of themselves !!
Biden is suffering from the incurable secondary effects of the Covid-19
now known as Stupiditis-20 and in need of immediate intervention before others are infected.