Joe Biden delivers remarks on masks in Michigan | USA TODAY

Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden delivers remarks on building back the economy for working families in Grand Rapids, MI.


Democratic presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden, Jill Biden and vice presidential nomineee Sen. Kamala Harris tested negative Friday, as did Vice President Mike Pence and second lady Karen Pence.

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Joe Biden delivers remarks on masks in Michigan | USA TODAY


  1. WOW! Seems Joe is the one who has aged alot in the last few months. watching him walk away from the podium.

  2. Would Joe Biden Nationalize the Healthcare industry to get the corona virus under control?
    The entire Democratic primaries was about the DNC stopping Bernie Sanders and Medicare for ALL. It wasn’t about choosing the best candidate capable of defeating Donald Trump on November 3.
    Joe Biden laughed and mocked Bernie Sanders on the debate stage last spring when Bernie stated that every year 50,000 Americans suffer and die needlessly because they can’t afford proper healthcare….Joe Biden called Medicare for All unAmerican and went on to say that if a Medicare for All bill was put before me I would veto it…..Joe Biden stands by this even during a pandemic.

    1. @Charles Niswander October 1, 2020…China, the world’s most populated country has now registered 85,000 covid cases with a total death total of 5,000 people.

    2. @invisible man Yea, it’s sad. I’m ashamed of my country and the majority of our “leaders”.

    3. They lost my vote when they ganged up on Bernie as soon as he got in the lead for the nomination. All that “unity” BS disappeared real quick when it came to pulling the rug from under Bernie. It’s a damned shame, cuz this nation had a chance to regain it’s honor.

  3. Though both come at a cost, the difference between FREEDOM and FREE-DUMB is that the latter comes at a much higher price.

  4. I sure the USA NEED YOU 🇺🇸 I hope the UNITED STATE birth again✌️🇺🇸✌️🇺🇸✌️🇺🇸

  5. Comments are loaded with a bunch of obvious Trump-Bot’s. I wonder if these people will ever realize how obvious this tactic is? BIDEN 2020! (from a real person)

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