Joe Biden defends son Hunter Biden during final presidential debate.
RELATED: Watch the full final debate between Trump and Biden here
Joe Biden said "not one single, solitary thing was out of line" with his and his son Hunter Biden's dealings with Ukraine.
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If I were Trump last night, I would have blurted out, spontaneously, Bobulunski!!!!! Then got a close up shot of Joe’s face.
My thanks Testimony. I want to say a very Big to Mr
Patrick Elliott Who help me join the illuminati Today. I
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illuminati is real. And tell me things I needed to know/
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u.s dollars a a car with a and monthly salary , All
thanks to him for all he did for mine family and all
thanks to lord superior, NOTE: Illuminati brings along
wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to
eradicate poverty away from your life now, Remember
your destiny is in your hand’s and only you can
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exist for those that join the illuminati and never you
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Yeah, right. Everyone has the opportunity to make $80,000/mo. overseas.
@Bob smith Byw Trump took a terrible recovering economy and made it explode to heights this country has never seen. You can’t have it both ways complain trump didn’t do enough for covid then blame him for shutting down the economy bc of covid. Your being a hypocrite. It’s either he didn’t do enough or he did to much pick one genus
@Nick Lubatinsky And without being able to speak the language fluently.
@Chris Jones Trump he himself donates his $400,000 annual salary and just keeps ONE DALLAR each year, his daughter and son in law hold the position that they do not get paid . You can do the fact check, sir.
@poofykins I don’t have 10 grand but I’ll hear some of them jokes
@Darth JSON Ah yeah I heard “the big guy” is pretty stingy
Gonna put this out there now – Hunter did not kill himself….
creeepy joe gets really angry when he gets a real question, he escalates his loud voice as if that gets things done
are you sure? did trump kill him or you?
lol,yea ok!
@Zeek Banistor, well because he comes from a family with service history doesn’t make him any more credible than any one else, he served for four years himself and then became an investment guru!!! Good for him but please! like you find a deal of honesty in that career, the biggest gamblers around.
Nothing will come of this…he and CLintons are the true Untouchables
USA playing music for the “dark winter”
duckduckgo “operation dark winter”
@brownwaterboys Per wikipedia: “Operation Dark Winter was the code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation”. Well, Dr. Fauci did tell us the Trump administration was going to be hit by a “surprise outbreak” in 2017, looks like he knew this was planned.
Verified receipts with hunter signature plus witnesses.
@Team America Rudy Giuliani didn’t know that he was under the impression she was a young reporter underage if I am not mistaken his morality is in question here but hey you wanna defend the pervert that is your own weakness.
Yep…..Sounds pretty credible to me…..
Hunter Biden’s lawyer want the laptop back, that’s facepalm to tell people that the laptop belong to Hunter Biden.
@Dylan Carr If only Trump would give out his tax returns. doh
@mack smith Ok fair enough. here is some of the evidence: 1.Hunter Biden signed his name on the repair receipt, and his lawyer asked for their drive back. That’s proof plus admission it is hunters drive. 2. Emails on the hard drive have been verified by several of those recipients. One of his business partners, who wanted no part of what was obviously criminal bribe taking came out and testified the matter is genuine and that the so-called “big guy” is Joe Biden. There is much more as there is a lot of information on that drive. just do yourself a favor and listen.
Hunter just got Dad and the FBI Director”FIRED”!!!
@Mystical Whysper Even your communist commander #44 told the migrant parents not to bring their children.
So essentially he was telling them to abandon their children. What kind of person says “abandon your children”?
A Democrat, that’s who.
@psycobleach46 tullis no but…the people that pull the strings are!!!
And how many children did 44 kill when he BOMBED a CHILDRENS hospital in Kunduz?
Don’t act like y’all care about children, it’s just a political tactic. All of those people in Aleppo that went homeless because of #44 and his drone strikes. He is xenophobic, and to think Doctor’s Without Borders sent 44 a letter asking for help and he bombed them instead.
*86 44 and 46*
@six Dillon and how many in the swamp did you vote for?
@Mystical Whysper Seems you want to focus on a slur, while you make no acknowledgment of a high crime
He’s on tape bragging about a quid pro quo he did to the Ukraine. Gtfoh
@psycobleach46 tullis liar…
@Timothy Halldòrsson i mean I backed what I said with evidence…
@Timothy Halldòrsson Ok soo you guys says everything is biased by Dems but believe what you guys see in a biased news channel (all news shows are biased) instead of doing your research? So do you not think maybe the Republicans’ are also biased?
@Timothy Halldòrsson I mean calling people liars with backed evidence should mean you should have your counter evidence right?
Also your anecdotal accounts is not a valid source of evidence.
The Biden crime family is a danger to national security.
Biden, Trump; monsters foisted upon us by the oligarchy. I weep for our country.
@Tally _ Nothing illegal. Just morally reprehensible.
@GolfJulietBravo Dude, it’s not either or. It’s neither nor.
@Stephen Goodfellow
Yup. people voted for Trump because of swamp monster like Biden and the irony is of all candidates, DNC forced the swamp monster like Biden down ours throat and think it is a good idea to go against Trump.
This is like watching the last period of Rome. The only blessing is we don’t live long enough to see the worst of them, I weep for my children to face the brutal future.
@Tally _ You may have your eyes closed to evidence. But you think because he did not show the income on his tax return is proof he took no such income? come on man… Tax evasion is another crime they will face.
Media’s running damage control. Epstein didn’t kill himself. C’mon man you know the deal.
You know, the thing!
C’mon man !!
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Patrick Elliott Who help me join the illuminati Today. I
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illuminati is real. And tell me things I needed to know/
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thanks to him for all he did for mine family and all
thanks to lord superior, NOTE: Illuminati brings along
wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to
eradicate poverty away from your life now, Remember
your destiny is in your hand’s and only you can
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exist for those that join the illuminati and never you
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I trust Mexican tap water and a mixed drink from Bill Cosby more than I do USA Today…
@Yousavedbro Heaven Bound this is a Russian bot… no one could physically type all that out without throwing up all over their computer or phone! If you are real… I hope one of the alphabet soup agencies are keeping a close eye on your gun permit applications… dont drink the cool-aid brah!
@RyuKaze That was my point about your useless drivel. Did you miss that point?
TRUMP 2020
@Swan Roberts
Your point was that you’re full of diarrhea? W/e dude lol
Hunter Bidens lawyer asked for the hard drive back from the repair shop after it became public, anything else needed?
@David Stinnett no, you ask for a copy of the files, not ask them to return the evidence
. This is after they claimed that the laptop is not Hunter’s as well
@David Stinnett If charges were filed, during the discovery phase of a prosecution would be when a lawyer would be able to acquire evidence against their client. Seeing there is no formal charges/court proceedings against Hunter or Joe, why would an attorney want to see anything? Makes no sense to me.
@ivan rousseau According to the FBI the Hard Drive is in FBI hands…. According to a Deleware Grand JURY the Hard drive is in the FBI’s hands. According to the Delaware AG the Hard Drive is in the FBI’s hands… According to a SWORN deposition the Hard Drive is in the FBI’s hands…. SO everything points to the FBI has it.
@Falkwulf where are all these links?
@ivan rousseau FBI got the laptop 9 months ago and done nothing with it. The harddrive with all the copies emails is with the repairman.
Hunter is stand-alone proof that our oligarch media is dangerous to a free society.
@Mark Wrong.
@Mark Yep, all sides of the Uniparty coin are no good.
@fizzgig Shoutout to the Dark Crystal BTW
@Mark working in the white house… not the same as working in a Ukrainian energy company with no experience and no skill with the local language either… and that nagging history of being a crack head… oh yeah and withholding aide to a foreign government unless they fire the prosecutor investigating the same energy company for corruption… but I see your point now… [its totally the same thing… nepotism in the white house = vice president committing treason in Ukraine… how could I have missed it] everything in brakets is totally sarcasm… I know most of you biden supporters were getting even more confused than biden and Abe Lincoln
Selective CENSORING from Twitter and Facebook on Hunter Biden’s story is proof that US is turning into China’s government with Big Media and Big Tech CONTROL INFORMATION.
Whether you believe in Hunter Biden’s tory or not, the SELECTIVE CENSORING from Big Tech THREATEN us all. What if another Snowden’s leaked level got CENSORED, what then?
Money, drugs, and underage girls, sounds like the Bidens are headed to Netflix
@Jakyvir Torks They have the metadata. Where did the photos come from? You smoking the same pipe as hunter? There is a preponderance of data from too many sources on this. The Biden family is a crime family. AND Joe’s political plans are stupid as well.
@ktpinnacle Show me. I can change my mind. You guys seem to refer to things others may have said or done in general like “Trump is a racist” or “Trump profits from China” or “Trump took election help from Russia” or “Trump does not pay taxes” but I never see the evidence. It is always just deception from Trump haters. Now that doesn’t make you an extremist. It just makes you seem, well ignorant, for believing what has no support in reality. Try to consider that you might be the one who is coming up with the wrong conclusions and that maybe you are being led around because you don’t think for yourself enough. Stop being manipulated and start requiring solid evidence for what you believe.
@M Scott Miracle If you are a single-issue voter, you won’t change your mind. In fact, Trump is ignorant. He hasn’t done more for back Americans since Lincoln. Windmills don’t “kill all the birds.” He’s a liar, and there are many list of his lies and bouts of misinformation. He’s corrupt. If you choose to deny the results of the Mueller after reading it – fine. But if you choose to rely on what Barr says – you are the one who is being manipulated.
@Jakyvir Torks no sweetie. The computer repair shop gave the original to the FBI and if reports are correct, the FBI admits they have Hunter Biden’s actual laptop.
When they didn’t seem to act on it the shop owner gave 1 of 3 copies he made to Giuliani.
Evidence wilh the FBI can be compared to the copies in Giuliani’s possession (binary, CRC) to ensure authenticity but I’ll be difficult to do that now that it is evidence.
As to why the shop owner didn’t turn it in immediately…. I’m sure you realize thousands of photos an emails likely took take quite a while to examine. Most don’t name their files “illegal drug selfie 2015” or “high as balls chilling in my bday suit”.
@Jakyvir Torks there’s no law requiring anyone running for president or serving as president to release tax returns.
Frankly. IDC if it’s Trump or Biden or Omar or Cruz, the corrupt ones have got to go. We wasted millions looking for dirt on Trump. Whatever is in his tax returns, it certainly wouldn’t be illegal activity – or – do you think spies, dealers and hookers put their ill-gotten gains in a bank account and then reporit to the IRS? That’s cute.
Shame on you USA Today, will never watch your channel!
Big Guys going back to the basement to snuff his collection of childrens hair clippings
By everyone but his wife…she calls him pee-wee!
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“and there is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Biden” …. WHAT? USA Today, aka ‘but muh Russia’
read the senate intel reports they found NOTHING
@psycobleach46 tullis look up Tony Bobulinski bone head
@psycobleach46 tullis – – your reading comprehension is poor.
My thanks Testimony. I want to say a very Big to Mr
Patrick Elliott Who help me join the illuminati Today. I
never knew illuminati was real but he provide it to me
illuminati is real. And tell me things I needed to know/
do as a member to be my first benefits was 1 million
u.s dollars a a car with a and monthly salary , All
thanks to him for all he did for mine family and all
thanks to lord superior, NOTE: Illuminati brings along
wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to
eradicate poverty away from your life now, Remember
your destiny is in your hand’s and only you can
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exist for those that join the illuminati and never you
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You can’t really use the word allegations when you’re in photos of them and there’s a paper trail mile-long
Remember Hillary’s PRIVATE EMAIL SERVER was just ALLEGATIONS and RUSSIAN DISINFO until it wasn’t anymore…
6/7 or 85% of the population think these “news” outlets are not telling the truth.
@John Dowland No, gap is only widening. No one except real gullible folks believe a word of this nonsense.
I cant think of anything worse a president or vice president could do during their time in office than what Joe has done… he sold out the American people and our national interests to get richer off Ukraine and there’s extremely strong and compelling evidence he was going to do it again by selling the presidency to China… both are unforgivable… and if this stuff was not real… lets say as weak as the trump Russia hoax… the left media would not be censoring it… they would be openly attacking it and every “journalist” on the left would be all over tearing it down… but no… its real… and as such the left is treating it like its radioactive… no one will touch it and those who do dismiss it as Russian fake news.
If this laptop was owned by orange man bad Jr. Then trump would already be going through his second impeachment while his whole family was already behind bars.
Lies… hypocrisy… lies… then let’s not forget… more lies… then distraction… more lies… russia… a boat load more hypocrisy… with a dash of lies… they might have sprinkled in a word or two of truth in there… depends on if the left is making bullcrap stew or horse manure meatloaf.
Most people don’t have the time to find out the truth, so they pretty much just trust whatever the media is telling them who to vote for and what to wear. Matrix is not so hard to understand
@Marc Duchamp I absolutely agree with you that you are correct here as well… wouldn’t you agree that staying in wonderland and just listening to whatever the media says is the root of all the problems we face right now… except covid… that is a completely different evil
The covid bush in fact… scientists have recently confirmed… the covid bush shares a root structure with another evil bush and are essentially the same evil and we know them as the two president bushs’. This was said to be funny this is complete BS… aka fake af news
US TODAY is no longer a “news” paper. Very sad.
“Conspiracy theory”. So you’re saying Burisma just decided to put a crackhead on their board because he had expertise in Eastern European energy?
My thanks Testimony. I want to say a very Big to Mr
Patrick Elliott Who help me join the illuminati Today. I
never knew illuminati was real but he provide it to me
illuminati is real. And tell me things I needed to know/
do as a member to be my first benefits was 1 million
u.s dollars a a car with a and monthly salary , All
thanks to him for all he did for mine family and all
thanks to lord superior, NOTE: Illuminati brings along
wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to
eradicate poverty away from your life now, Remember
your destiny is in your hand’s and only you can
determined what it become, poverty and sorry dose not
exist for those that join the illuminati and never you
ignore a person who cares for you, because someday
you’ll realize you’ve lost a diamond while you were
busy collecting stones, interested kindly call or
Whatsspp Mr PATRICK Elliott at (+2349066388046)or email (