Former Vice President Biden caught checking his watch during final presidential debate.
RELATED: Watch the full final debate between Trump and Biden here
Democratic candidate Joe Biden checks his watch during the final presidential debate with President Donald Trump.
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#bidenwatch #presidentialdebate #usatoday
His time is almost up I would too.
They have a large wall clock in the room.
Come on man, time for basement!
Jonny- time for trumps bunker nap
Had to
Make sure bonanza hadn’t gone off air yet
Golden Girls was about to start
I died lol
hmm, was Joe getting text’s on his watch? Is it an apple watch?
Fitbit from hell.
Who are the Poor Boys??
Biden knows
Here’s the deal, if you can’t decide whether you’re for Biden or the Poor Boys then you ain’t you know the thing
@Collin Gold C’mon man lol
Poor boys are just as smart as white boys
A yummy sandwich…..”po’ boy”
She said they were running out of time and he looked at his watch. Big deal.
I voted Trump but agree this is just getting silly at this rate, People got to clickbait every second of a debate.
You must be new to politics dont know how bad Bush was hurt in 92 when he checked his watch at debate. Was seen as turning point
My posted comments are deleyed..
Yt us a marxist sencerd fletferm..
Bycoyt..ttiis pplasyfforrm
There’s a giant clock behind her with the time bud
He thought she was referring to his political career….he looked at his watch to see what YEAR it was.
A president can’t control climate or changes to it. Stupidest question of them all. God changes the climate or doesn’t.
Sky daddy does not care
He received a text on his watch.
He is being “Text” reminded that he is running for president, not for senate.
that’s the same thing i came to ask-
His watch is probably a teleprompter.
Or he wanted to know the time…
More of a Fitbit telling him when to breathe.
I thought these meds were supposed to last two hours?
@skip towne what time is Melania getting to my place?
It probably dispensed his meth
USA Today: is coverage of the vetted information from Hunter’s laptop and of Tony Bobulinski forthcoming!?!
Or are you guys just CCP hacks pretending to be journalists?
Biden admitted nothing was done cause they had a republican congress, what happens if Biden wins and have a republican congress, is that mean nothing will get done again.
As if he had somewere to be?

More like how long can we run deflection off of me and my son!?
Double parked geriatric scooter blocking folks from going down Malarkey blvd.
Almost time to take those Alzheimer’s meds
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I bet he’s been on the meds to prepare for the debates
He was checking what year it is.
He was checking on how much time there was left until the debate with that BUFFOON, Trump, ends. Trump is a CLOWN and the circus is almost closed. Trump can’t tell time, that’s why he’s still stuck in 1958.
Skin Eyemin, great comment. Props to your mom.
Joe Biden outbursts reminded me of my grandpa when he had Alzheimer’s.
Biden checked his watch when the moderator said we were running out of time.
There’s a clock in front of them.
He’s needs to check it his time is running out on his 47yrs of courption
All the Traitor Joe’s fans must watch the breaking news “Tony Bobulinski” mainstream media will not cover this.
*”Show the tape! Put it on your website.” “— I’ll put it on!” Sure, it’s now on!*
Do you have a link to it, please?
@A – Check out Trump’s twitter account
@Abdulrahman Absolutely. It’s on Trump’s Twitter, and was even there before Joe Biden asked for it. Trump had already played his little montage during his Erie rally.
@A – of course not