MSNBC national affairs analyst John Heilemann, former Bush aide Elise Jordan, USA Today columnist Raul Reyes, former DOJ spox Matt Miller, The Root’s Jason Johnson and MSNBC correspondent Jacob Soboroff with Rep. Veronica Escobar on the 2020 Democratic frontrunner calling out Trump’s rhetoric in the days following two mass shootings
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Joe Biden Calls Out Donald Trump For Lack Of ‘Moral Leadership’ | Deadline | MSNBC
trump: has NO soul.
Gregor Hast he is killing us liar
@Gregor Hast,
The donald has a skin of gold, thanks to his golden showers.
@Gregor Hast – are you serious??? How many racists have you met who have a heart of gold? How many people who are full of hate have you met who have a heart of gold?
@judetunes1 and rocks in his head
Trump personifies the worst aspects of American society. The scary part is that he actually has supporters. Hopefully he represents the last gasp of the ignorant militant racist nationalist. Never again.
@astev52ur another slimy pile of dogshit
@Paula Keller and u need to stop sleeping with ur brother u inbred tramp
Good on you Joe Biden for finally speaking up.! Forget about Impeaching him just put him in Exile. Let him settle in a country among like minded countrymen .
And about those people on the far left who think people on the far right have no rights? We just going to exile them too?
@XerShade Who’s been telling you that the people on the far left think that those on the far right have no rights?
But what if one of them get brown freckles? Lol
The problem is were in 2019 but trump is stuck in the 60s……..think about it.
@Thomas Gassett We will feed YOU to something hungry. If you were a car you’d be in the junkyard.
Come on man…. Biden knows what your thinking
Nope. Trump thinks life in the Southwest is an endless rerun of “The Wild Bunch.” He’s stuck in 1910.
Racists N Chief ! Disgraced to our great Nation shame on you.
You’re talking about Obama right
What about the dumbocrats??? We’re here because they propped up killary when we should have had Bern. It’s the dumbocrats fault we’re here in the first place.
Would this be a good time to mention that t’rump was banging an adult actress the same month his third wife was home caring for his newborn (I mean, Ivanka’s newborn.)

Moral leadership?
Plus had to pay $130,000 for it. Such a businessman, no wonder he goes bankrupt so often.
JJ Mac

No you got it wrong. According to Trump he paid Stormy $130,000 and he didn’t screw her. That’s why I keep $130,000 in the kitchen drawer. Just in case I DON’T screw my next door neighbour.
Trump won that case you know.
And the stripper had to pay $293,000.
*Make America Great Again: DESTROY DONALD TRUMP*
He is slowly destroying himself.
Kathy Griffith had the right idea.
We’re living in the Trump Dead Zone. How prophetic of Stephen King. Watch it again. You’ll see. Prophetic.
Greg Stillman, yup.
How about “Idiocracy”
My God, I was just thinking the exact same thing. Orange Penniewise.
AsSeenOnTV-CH7 Progressive Democrat Or TRUMP
Well done, Mr B!
Yeshe Wangpo
Go back to sleep, creepy Joe
Any Democrat is better than Trump!
No, thanks, America will not be a socialist country
bring them on
not really
Bernie Sanders.
Well said Joe! I agree with you 100%

thats because you love sucking c-cks…
Biden has no ideas no substance just bashing the greatest president usa has ever had
I’m in for Joe 2020
@Gary Danz go back to fox Nazi news.
Vera Schmidt
Octopus hand sleepy Joe loves to touch. He’s not the person to preach moral leadership
I just want to know who told Trump to go to Dayton instead of Toledo??
MITCH – do you think that a “man” who does not know how to close an umbrella gives instructions to two highly trained and highly educated pilots? Never gonna happen. Somebody told them to go to Dayton but it is not tRump.
@manyy people have said – you may be on to something. Before boarding the helicopter, he made his usual lying statement to the media. He then walked away (not toward the helicopter) and then stopped. Soon Melania walked up to him and led him to the copter.
This is NOT the first time he has walked around as if he has no idea where to go, only to be rescued by Melania or the Secret Service.
@John Adebola Oni because trump instead of said Texas he said toledo.
Alexander The Great I would be surprised if that was true. But I would not be surprised if Trump was one.
So true.
Dre House Biden will loose to trump
I’m a democrat
Progressive DEMOCRAT or TRUMP
@Dave P – Biden worries you, doesn’t he?? Biden made a speech that inspired people. The only people tRump inspires are racists like you!!
(1) Even tRumps pollsters have predicted that Biden would crush tRump.
(2) YOU ARE NOT A DEMOCRAT. There is no such thing as a democrat for tRump and especially NO progressive Democrat.
I should report you to youtube
Gooo Biden..

my Great State of Iowa..let’s get rid of this 

Welp. Looks like we got a
New President.
He looks and like a real president.
Hope its Bernie Sanders.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Uncle Joe Biden is owned by the Chinese Communists and the Ukrainian government crooks he’s a old rich white privileged beta male
I vote for the truth go Joe, you have my vote say it loud vote for Uncle Joe
esther davis uncle HO MOE
@entertainment pro As an American I express my views with pride you can also do the same that is what we Americans can do. GOD BLESS OUR VIEWS Enjoy your day
I am not a Biden 2020 person; but his words were attempting to awaken the conscience of America. He did NOT politicize or campaign with his words.! It was a plea from one citizen to all the rest. Good for him.
He’s a complete moron and will lose worse than killary.
Chris Perry yeah suuuuuure
@Chris Perry – even tRumps own pollsters say that Biden would crush tRump. what I do not understand is your dismissal of Biden as a complete moron. You respect that aspect of tRump. He is THE complete moron.
Veronika Escobar more educated and eloquent then trump filth
I agree. She was impressive. I had never heard of her before this tragedy.
Fox has blood on its hands too. Rupert Murdoch is as much of a problem as Trump given all the hate he spews through his media.
Thank you, literally no-one mentions Rupert Murdoch’s involvement in this, if it wasn’t for the trump echo chamber which is fox news, we wouldn’t be in this position.
Not to mention the fact that he’s done the same sort of thing in the UK and Australia.
Thats what Fascist do.
This is the strongest speech I have heard from Biden. I’m a fan, especially after this speech.
Jacquelyne Puff more like PETER PUFFER…JOE BURDEN is a SLAG
entertainment pro To respond in kind, Donald Trump is white trash.
Its still Bernie.