Nicolle Wallace points out that Donald Trump's impeachment only happened because he was so afraid of Joe Biden that he sought a way to smear him, and perhaps the support Biden is seeing on Super Tuesday is a reflection of voters recognizing Trump's fear. Aired on 3/3/2020.
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Joe Biden Backers May Be Motivated By President Donald Trump's Apparent Fear | MSNBC
Time for another perfect call to Ukraine.
Oh we thought that had died and gone away. Good job. Devastating.
It was perfect!! President Zelensky and his foreign minister both said so!!
@Bud Fudlacker Donald Trump doesn’t love anything other than himself. He does love taking advantage of gullible rubes like you though.
@Mojo Maximus What are you looking for Trump to give you a hug?
Bud Fudlacker No thanks. With President Pussygrabber it would be more like a grope.
Cipher Ron Johnson, one of Trump’s favorite toadies.
TRUMP 2020
TRUMP 2020. KAG.
*Too Many PeoPle on Earth!!!! 2-BiLLion NEED to DIE, & Soooon!!!!*
*Donald Trump was sent to us by Jesus Christ!!!*
*ALL TRUE BELIEVERS in Jesus Christ; DID Vote for TRUMP!!!!*
*& Blessed art thy Sen. LIZ; for Murdering Comrade Bernie!!!!*
Ron Johnson took a bribe from Lev Parnes, he should be removed from his office and charged with extortion.
No. It’s money. When people become more concerned with their 401K than their country, more concerned with what they have than with what a nation needs, then the Bernies out there will be perceived as a threat. As a person’s wealth grows the needs of the nation change to the “needs” of the individual.
That’s because they are afraid of being poor.
Well said.. Americans have a me, myself and my own family first mentality, a village mentality is long gone.
Does this mean we are going to start seeing Giuliani again? I was hoping the last stake through his heart would stick.
David V just waiting for dump and his cronies to. Announce an investigation into Biden led by jabs the hut ..attny know that,s coming
There was even an Igor involved.
David V Thanks for the laugh!

I’d like to know what kind of hallucinogenics these people are taking..
@azul8811 actually yes… to prove our point AGAIN… our vote must be earned.. we’re not playing politics with yall ppl.. we’ve been very clear where we stand.. Bernie or Bust!!!
@G Crenshaw Somehow or another, I’m left with a vague feeling that you’re not exactly who you pretend to be.
Me too.
@Barbara Mulvaney Good luck in November we will be staying home again and trump will be the second centrist the DNC tries against trump
And the democratic establishment once again grabs the wheel and steers the car off an electoral cliff.
Trump will wipe out sclerotic Biden. Even the DNC sycophants & grifter consultant stooges know it, but can’t help themselves.
I still don’t know who should I vote for.
I agree with Bernie on most issues, but I don’t want good people at DNC & MSNBC to lose their jobs by failing to stop Bernie.
Such a tough choice.
Won’t someone PLEASE think of the millionaires?!
I say vote for who you really want.
I hope your comment is satire
Vote for who you want to be potus. This is the advice I’d give to anyone; but full disclosure I am absolutely a Bern, since 1991.
Let the process play out. Plenty of time to vote before November.
I watched Joe Biden say on the stage of the debate “everyone who deserves healthcare will have it in my plan” also on another debate stage he said ” there will be a Medicare option on the website for people to choose & purchase” both statements are insults to the working uninsured. We need Medicare for all. That’s the most important issue.
@1Me Do you want us to make up downsides to tell you? I couldn’t do it if I tried. Sure some doctors are ignorant. A lot won’t believe you have pain if they can’t see something like a broken bone. We are discussing systemic issues. And you guys always bring up cost and accessibility. These are overwhelmingly the 2 most important issues. Details don’t matter if you can’t get treatment. If you can’t even get in the door because you can’t afford it, or insurance won’t pay, or haggles over it until you die, or you lose the roof over your head, and lose your children because you have no roof. Heaven help you if you have a pre-existing condition. When these things happen, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! But we do not have ANY of these problems, so we are relatively happy with our health care. Period. End of story. You are just arguing for the sake of arguing. You are either both incurably dumb and right wing, or you have financial/political reasons for doing this. Why would any reasonably smart, sane person waste a lot of time arguing a side of an argument that’s clearly wrong with a whole group of people who have opposite views and are clearly right? What ever it is you think you have to gain. Think again. You have the most to gain by voting Democrat this fall, hopefully Bernie, thereby providing yourself with both heathcare you will never again have to pay for or worry about, and the resulting reduced stress environment that comes with the whole country gaining this benefit.
@Etop Etim I see you have been writing at the same time as I have, and I agree completely with your intelligent comments about the economics of US healthcare. Thank you for adding them to this discussion.
@Barbara Mulvaney You like to be the judge, jury and executioner. I get that much.
I never disagreed with you, no one should die because they are poor or go bankrupt. Just how you can achieve that is up for debate. I understand you think you are right. You have made that clear. So was Obama wrong to try (he tried) and fix exactly the kinds of things you are talking about?
Anyway I’m done, as as you said, it’s feeling like arguing for the sake of it. Although I didn’t think I was arguing, that was your word. That’s part of the problem.
Edit: you realise what you just did. You said my voice means nothing. If we are all jumping you jump, we want to hear nothing, just shut up. You just showed the “evil” of socialism.
@Barbara Mulvaney The funny this is I need medical help. My dry socket is killing me. Bone and nerves exposed isn’t fun.
The padding stuff the Dentist put in just all came out. That means back to square one. The pain is great right now, even after a pill. I want to scream, laugh and cry, all at the same time
Anyway I don’t like to leave things badly, regardless of opinion, we are all people. So have a great day.
Its OK.. we’ll send a team from Canada to show you how to make a health plan that works.
Democrat for Trump or Sanders
Going unaffiliated after this election
@Adventure54 Putin puppet lol wowwww
@Matt M Nice speech but your troops stayed home yesterday, the youth didn’t vote when it mattered. Those I know fear Bernie because he has plans that he can’t fund, he wants to take their healthcare away because he knows best. He’s asking people to trust him a lot with sketchy details. This election has the highest stakes, the Supreme Court and our rights. Trump must be defeated.
@Rhyta Is that why Joe is only winning by like 60 delegates? The popular vote doesnt matter, and those you know can find out how were going to pay it for it by simply going to his website and doing a little research instead of following the sheep and being scared of change which is why things havent changed in 50 years and income inequality and the 1%’s profits are the only thing that continues to get higher.
Today, 18 countries offer true universal health coverage: Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
@Account A Ireland Wait time for Stent done immediately , Knee replacment 5 months Dental bridge 3 weeks .
@Mark Hepworth America has been Brainwashed to keep the people paying.
—-> Strategically placed endorsements worked really well for the establishment. If Joe Biden wins the nomination, Trump will have AG Barr ramp up the Biden investigation. If Biden manages to win the presidency, he will have to ask permission from his 60 billionaire donors before he can sign a bill into law. Most likely scenario is he will loose to Trump.
“Joe Biden is running a campaign which is heavily supported by the corporate establishment. At last count, he has received funding from at least 60 billionaires. (Senator Bernie Sanders) @ 3: 44 to 3: 54
CAMPAIGN 2020: Bernie Sanders slams Joe Biden after Super Tuesday results
All of which are ranked higher on the democracy index which measures freedom.
The world is on it’s knees laughing
TRUMP V BIDEN that this is the best America has to offer
@Alan Fanning Don’t be so sure , Trump is weak in many key states & if he gets Sanders or Warren as a running mate it’s even stronger
Just Vote in 2020 !
Join the fight !
@nathan cole Because they also no the GOP literally hates democracy of any kind & don’t want to see Oligarchy in America !
@nathan cole In politics as in life you must often choose the lesser of 2 evils & it doesn’t get any more evil than our current GOP party !
Does she really believe what she is saying?
Poor Nicole – she wants to be a good journalist, but I’ll bet her boss says “No, you must tow the line to get a dementia affected candidate elected”. That way, no one shakes the money tree at CNN. Not so hard to figure out.
She’s a filthy Republican. I don’t try to understand anything about them anymore.
@Joseph Willis She hasn’t supported Trump recently as far as I can see….
The race is far from over. Biden was able to hide in the crowd of other candidates until yesterday. Now he is in the spotlight. We will see how well that goes.
It doesn’t make a difference, because ANY Democrat is a better choice than Trump
Welcome To The Presidential Reality Show !!! FREAKSHOW USA
The media: “Trump is afraid of Joe Biden. He does not want to run against him. He is nervous.”
Translation: “Please let Trump win. We love that tax break.”
Who gets the tax break? Lol
To Donny’s supporters…
“Burisma, Burisma, Burisma!”
“Oh PLEEZ don’t throw me in that briar patch!”
I know this is yesterday’s program and I “typically” agree with you but on today’s show you stated you don’t understand the “smear” program that’s being offered against the DNC. Sorry, but I MUST disagree with you there. While the Democrats didn’t support Biden early on, they also did NOTHING to harm him while Bernie was going about his business winning almost every election. Finally, Biden shows he can win one place and half the remaining candidates “step aside” two days prior to “Super Tuesday” while ALSO endorsing Biden including one suggesting “do not vote for Bernie”. Even when Bernie won New Hampshire, the PBS News Hour interviewed “the second place” finisher instead of “Bernie the winner”.
You REALLY don’t see pattern here??? The last question at the last debate showed the direction this was going to go with Bernie being the only person to say “The candidate with the most “voter” support should be the winner. Bernie is voicing ALL the things that the voters see as wrong with this current government yet most voters simply say “I don’t believe in EVERYTHING FREE” and “SOCIALIST”. The Republican rhetoric has REALLY WORKED !!!
Hello fresh!Haven’t felt this great since Caroline/ Camelot!
Yeah, Trump is “afraid” of Joe Biden. Run with that one.