Joe Biden and Kamala Harris make first campaign appearance together

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris made their first appearence together at an event in Delaware since she was named as his 2020 running mate.


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Joe Biden and Kamala Harris make first campaign appearance together


    1. Anyone who is still a lefty these days is either gullable and uninformed or a complete bulshit artist

  1. Go to sleep,you had enough of our tax money. You wont be getting any more of our sweat and hard work, you old tire.

  2. Your article on the BLM murals in Calgary being postponed e to threats is the biggest lie yet, they are terrorists

  3. lol Biden how the hell would you have solved COVID? CONvid – is a political guise. What is you plan Joe??? Your economy couldnt handle you.

  4. THIS FOLKS IS EXACTLY WHAT IS WRONG WITH AMERICA. ANOTHER CAREER POLITICIAN. VOTE SMART – DONT VOTE ANOTHER CAREER POLITIICAN IN. Yup Joe, you got the political answers – what you lack is the way to do it. lol

    1. Obama: tell Vladimir I’ll have more flexibility after the election
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