Joe Biden accepts the nomination at DNC, delivers speech on four crises (FULL) | USA TODAY

Joe Biden accepts Democratic Party nomination, outlines challenges.
RELATED: Barack Obama's full DNC speech

Former vice president Joe Biden accepts the Democratic Party nomination for the 2020 presidential election, Biden outlined four crises facing America.

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    1. 🇺🇸President Trump will be re-elected and Nancy Pelosi’s knows it, so she is in full panic mode. Now crazy 😝 liberal SF Democrat Nancy Pelosi wants senile Joe Biden to cancel his 3- debates with President Trump. She’s smart enough to know that President Trump will eat Joe Biden alive in the debates and she doesn’t want 4- more years of President Trump obstructing her democrat liberal agenda. Nancy Pelosi go soak your head. President Trump will be re-elected with or without the debates with senile Joe Biden.

    2. Young Goodman Brown -🇺🇸President Trump will be re-elected and Nancy Pelosi’s knows it, so she is in full panic mode. Now crazy 😝 liberal SF Democrat Nancy Pelosi wants senile Joe Biden to cancel his 3- debates with President Trump. She’s smart enough to know that President Trump will eat Joe Biden alive in the debates and she doesn’t want 4- more years of President Trump obstructing her democrat liberal agenda. Nancy Pelosi go soak your head. President Trump will be re-elected with or without the debates with senile Joe Biden.

    3. “By the way, what you all know but most people don’t know, unlike the African American community with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things”. -Joe Biden

    1. TRUTH: THE CREATOR OF HITLER AND ALL THAT IS NEGATIVE! “ADAM WEISHAUPT”! And please do research ! not the first word you see and ignore… as the creator made sure that word would be today … .. Yup.

    2. @Noiseless Sounds you’re damn right, when Trump speaks you know you’re listening to an intelligent billionaire!

    3. @bakerify Are you serious? Apparently you never seen a joe biden interview before; the man makes trump sound like a great intellectual

  1. We forgot how to have conversations in America, and I’m guilty of it too. If you’re in these comments upset about the election one way or the other, thank you for your passion. No Americans really want to see our country fail. I’m sure each and every one of your beliefs are rooted in a value that I can admire. Just unplug a bit though. Pull back on the hashtags. Go out of your way to listen to the other side with sincere empathy. That’s the only way to reach one another. Maybe we can all play on the same team again someday.

    1. David Bird oh but the trump crime family is on the right path right? That’s what he loves the uneducated, the ignorant people that eat up his poison, his hate and his bigotry

    2. David Bird why not? If they get it it’s because they qualify! What’s your problem with that? Maybe immigrants appreciate things more than some of those born here and use their welfare checks to smoke meth and get drunk….. how many AMERICANS are working the fields??? Washing your toilets? Cutting your grass for chump change?? If anyone is getting handouts it’s people like you that exploit those same immigrants you despise!

    1. Rick Jonez seriously the party of change, diversity, young thinkers, and anti millionaires and billionaires, anti establishment have given us this; their last two nominations Hillary Clinton and joe Biden literally contradict every aspect of their platform. Hillary was basically a down right criminal with her and her husbands Global Clinton initiative, Scranton joe is seriously just not mentally equipped to do this campaign or let alone actually become president. Maybe 15/20 yrs ago but it’s just plain cruel now. I mean after that Kenosha, Wi speech last weekend it has to be obvious to everyone by now. And then look, the person who came behind Biden was Bernie, a self proclaimed socialist who is also white and a millionaire😂🤣lol. And he is also like almost 80yrs old too. Christ he has a damn stroke on the campaign trail already. Three rich, elitist, old establishment, politicians. One of which may even be guilty of crimes, that’s yet to see. But for such a progressive, were smart and ur dumb, melting pot, transnational party their last two picks were Clinton and Biden. With Bernie a close second. Wow wow wow. Smh 🤦‍♂️. They are so diverse.

    2. Joy Hopkins how bout all the people she put in jail for marijuana charges!! Many are still incarcerated, and many are African Americans. I wonder how they felt hearing her gloating about smoking weed during that interview…. pathetic

    3. Dennis he won’t have too. Biden will either be hospitalized or drop out after all that energy he will have to spend debating. Did you see his Kenosha speech last weekend!!!!! Quite possibly one of the weirdest, creepiest, and straight up disasters I have seen in a long time. Well, I guess at least till his next one… if they let him out.

    4. RockGoddess is a strong woman someone who makes a martyr out of a guy who was served a restraining order, he was not even supposed to be there. And that was because he beat his kids mother and then sexually assaulted her by sticking his finger in her vagina, and then smelled his finger and said “you smell like you’ve been with other men”. All why their kid was laying in the same bed. This is from the police report which his girl filed. He resisted arrest several times, fought the police officers, was tased twice and kept going. There was a known weapon in his car that he said was there and then went to his car to get said weapon. Or if he wasn’t then any cop would have to assume he was. Has multiple warrants for his arrest. Yea seven times may have been a little too much but cops are taught to shoot to kill, man, woman, child, black, white, Mexican, Asian doesn’t matter. If their life is in danger or they feel like it might be that is the protocol. They gave that man ample chances and he provoked every second of it. I’m a 38 white college educated male and if that was me under those circumstances they would have done the same thing I can promise you that. That is the person Kamala is sticking up for and calling for the arrest of the police doing their job. The dnc will do or say anything to her the minorities vote and it has become disgusting. They are using them for their own political gain and they think that they can’t think for themselves. The way they have manipulated this incident is I think the highest form of racism. They are total morons

  2. “there’s never been anything we’ve been able to accomplish when we’ve done it together “ yep…that about sums up partisan politics…hahaha

    1. A SH … listen to the end of Biden’s speech…these are his senile words in quotes… not mine!!!!

    2. Jeremy Shaffer …. no partisan politics REPUBLICAN!!!! I’m an Independent…which last time i checked we’re the 10% of people who actually determine the outcome of elections….not the 90% of losers who swing from one extreme to the other.

  3. It would be awesome if Joe and Don would have a debate.. It would be like watching Mike Tyson get in the ring with Shirley Temple…

  4. YouTube removed dislikes to make it look more balanced. Also YouTube has been known to remove certain comments depending on what they support/say. Scary to think about, considering YouTube is one of the main platforms for information distribution and communication.

    If you don’t believe me, Google it… It’s not like google and YouTube are affiliated or anything 😉

    Anyway, I hope everyone votes for who they think will best protect their values and NOT for whoever people tell you you should vote for.
    Compare policies, compare facts, study history, and vote.

    1. Yea, it’s time to build another major platform. YouTube is errasing everything if it doesn’t fit there agenda.

  5. The reason Biden is running is because if he didn’t he’d he’d be running towards hiding with Hunter.

  6. 23:07 Biden: ” _This is the United States of America. There’s never been anything we’ve been able to accomplish when we’ve done it together._ ”


  7. On Joe Biden’s YouTube channel, comments are disabled, he’s a coward who’s afraid of public opinion! We know this guy here in Brazil very well, he only speaks to a friendly press and to trained audiences, they are very afraid to face public opinion.
    This Joe Biden serves the socialist agenda and at the moment this agenda favors the totalitarian state of China, that country is the pearl of current socialism. The far left politicians, do everything to benefit China, I see that time in Brazil and that is Biden’s goal!

    If the Americans do not elect Trump, they will deeply regret it, because the Democratic Party is a communist party and will lead them to total subversion, to authoritarian and very difficult times, strengthening the enemies of the United States, suppressing individual freedoms and ruining the American economy.

    I would vote for Trump without any fear of being happy !!!
    😎👉👉, Arm yourself to the teeth! Whether you’re white, black, gay or female. Communism and its agents are enemies of all of us, psychipaths directly responsible for the pandemic and for all these deaths.

    1. You fail to point out why someone should vote for the incumbent President of the United States. What does he plan on doing? How will he help, and moreover as the incumbent President what has he done? As someone in Brazil I suppose you would’t need to worry about that, but for us who live in the United States it is a very big concern.
      I’ll provide a better example of how to convince people to your side.
      Under our current administration over 100,000 Americans have died due to the President’s terrible handling of the Virus, I believe that if it weren’t for this administration actions, these numbers would be much lower. Meanwhile Biden while not exactly being the best man for President, was the VP of President Barack Obama who while not perfect, his administration could be argued to have been the best of the century so far. He was a Senator during the Cold War, so there is no likely way that Biden would support a country which would call itself Communist if it did not also give the United States some leverage over said country.
      Now it is a bit basic and I’m not about go and name every bill he voted for or against, but it gives you more of an idea of who Biden is and doesn’t and keeps the opponent bashing to a minimum. Better to tell people the positives, leave out the negatives, and don’t bash the opponent too much.
      I hope that this will help you in any political writings you do in the future.

    2. @DonPacific Bobcat9er I fail to understand how someone living in the US can’t understand, that all the trouble on your streets caused by groups like Antifa and BLM fanatics is funded by George Soros who is also a major donor of the Democrats. So with this in mind it makes me laugh that clueless people like yourself, are angry at Trump for the troubles , when in reality it is in fact, the party that you support that are causing the violence on your streets. It’s a shame the liberal morons can’t research the facts.. I guess they prefer to be lazy and have the msm lie to them for their opinions. By the way Soros did the same here in the UK over Brexit and the same Antifa pricks were even paid travel expenses and hotel bills covered for protesting.. Ah the irony… I guess you don’t bother researching the paper trail that shows Bidens corruption in the Ukraine and China…I suppose if CNN does’nt tell you , then you don’t know lol . You know I will be honest I am from the UK and know obviously a lot more about what is going on than you , as does the guy you replied to…if I was you I would be so embarrassed to show what a moron you are. Regards UK ps there is a reason comments are turned off on every Biden video…you ever wonder why?

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