Joe: America Crosses Rubicon This Week | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The panel continues its discussion on President Trump's firing of his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, because he was angry that lawmakers were briefed about Russia's plan to interfere in the 2020 election to help Trump. Aired on 2/21/2020.
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Joe: America Crosses Rubicon This Week | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Joe: America Crosses Rubicon This Week | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Randy Couch all you have is lies. November is elections. But Trump trash like you just lie to try to make a point, you made a point of proving you are a lying pos. Proven 100%

    2. @Randy Couch please get a Russian visa come to america and use the socialist free Public school system to get an education.

  1. guys like nunes and sissy graham need to redouble their efforts. I don’t know what hold nunes has on my madera county, but I wish them to open up the eyes. 2nd thought; maybe sisy and devin see end coming and will gamble on another job. One problem, me and 5 million Mexicans are not only gonna grab your jobs, but vote azz-wipe cheetoes-man out.

    1. The arsonist is standing on the roof dumping the gasoline onto the fire in your home and you, you Russ-Thugu-KKKant hate-mongers are standing on the street clapping at the sight of the fire. 2020 elections have to be the as near-to-extinction for the GOPP Groupies of Putin’s Puppet as we free-breathing US citizens can drive them.


      🌊🌊🌊2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣🌊🌊🌊 ☮☯💖😎🙌

  2. Donald Trump is waging war on our democracy. It’s still a cold war — but it is nevertheless a war. Everyone who supports this man is a traitor.

    1. @Nicholas Woods if 85 % of the population votes Donald in 2020, with the idea that Trump is the best president for this nation……how can that many people be traitors if the USA is truly a democracy where majority rules. Seems to me, the individuals that don’t respect America’s choice would be the traitors. I’m just saying. But you guys have more say so than me presently. I’m just a resident alien from Mexico. My USA citizenship won’t be valid until June 2020. ……then viva trump ( I can vote legally)

    2. @Cisco Zerratano teach Malaria who is claiming to speak 4 languages 😂 No, I don’t need your help, I am fluent in 5 languages and read and understand additional 4.

    3. @athena icaria ha, Ben Elton wrote a book called Stark about something very similar back in 86/87…
      It doesn’t work out as well as they hope…

    1. @Alan Crossley You are partially true. Maguire was “acting” head of DNI. His time as an “Acting” chief was up (7 months is the limit and he’s been there for 6 months.)

    2. Trump is a TRAITOR …. pure and simple. And the GOP congressmen and senators who are enabling Trump are equally as much TRAITORS as he is. Trump is possibly the most dangerous person in the world today. There are established ways to deal with Traitors under US law, and perhaps it is time to consider what the alternatives are there.

    3. @Corey Ham There are only two alternative to be considered: impeachment and the voting booth. Impeachment failed, so if Trump doesn’t hand over power peacefully (“The election was rigged from the start!”), then we consider the other alternatives.

    4. @Mike Doonsebury Yes, I do think that what you are implying is a real possibility. But bet to just leave it at that, and see what happens over time.

  3. I can’t understand how Americans are so comfy watching their country being destroyed. No pressure to the authorities. No strikes. No protests. I don’t get it.

    1. Marcus Guzman dude, have you heard of Hitler?? Where was your God when he exterminates MILLIONS of people- not just Jews?? Only people can stop this guy!

    2. Well half the nation likes him, half doesn’t.
      Up to Democrats to put up a viable alternative in November.

    3. @Renee McLane the dark web isn’t as dark as you think.
      It’s not illegal to assemble or protest.
      Pick a specific message, pick a photogenic backdrop and get a couple of dozen (or more😀) happy protesters mobilised.
      Contact your local news or live stream it.
      While you are out, take names and numbers/emails and grow a local movement.
      I live in England, or I’d be getting my winter coat on and joining in.
      Good luck with your Republic👍

    1. This is exactly what republicans wanted, what they have been literally “slaving” for, they rejoice and gloat every minute in their own servitude.

    2. It is the Klu Klux klan’s response to having a black man in tbe White Supremacy House for 8 years. Trump and the Republiklans are nothing more than section 8 klan trash. When they do lose supreme power the whole facade will crumble with them. We will be back to 2008. That’s what 8 years of Bush did. Read your history somewhere else than Fox Spews

    3. The FPV Life it’s not what they “allowed,” it’s what they “want.” Don’t be fooled different packaging, but same contents, values, ideology, and beliefs about what THEY want America to be. For the few and for the rich.

    4. @Jim McLoughlin Puzzling? Crikes what is it with you Yanks?

      He is NOT going to get voted out. Look forward to a Trump dynasty supported by The Grand Old Idiocracy.

  4. We are more outraged in Europe and beyond than you in America it seems. I can’t believe I’m living to see this.

    1. @爪卂ᗪ They’re also insanely biased. As are MSNBC, CNN and FOX. You’re better off ignoring the noise. It will pass and things will be OK.

      Or you could try Monty Python’s approach: RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!

    2. @Pappy Chulo What pray tell do you think other countries would do to “help America”? Are you daft? The US is the strongest economy and military the world has ever known. Canada has….um….Trudeau? LOL

    3. @Samuel Perkins Protests may not sway Trump. However it shows strength and that are people who resist. Appearance is important. It’s not about making Trump change his mind or something. but to show friends and family to politicians and bureaucrats that their way is not the future, and that history will be unkind to them. I’d be out on the streets already during the Senate “trial” if something similar would happen here where I’m from (although, with a purely parliamentary system, where no single person has much power, it is less likely to happen). I’d gather people myself if no one else did. Protesting does give results. And even in totalitarian nations people risk their life for just a tiny bit more freedom or justice. Protesting resulted in the corrupt pro-Russian Ukrainas president had to escape. Although it cost some peaceful protesters their lives.
      Since 99,99% of Americans don’t, through actions (protests, writing snail mails to every politician they can find an address to, and other similar things), show that what is happening is wrong, those 99,99% are okay with totalitarianism. If dictatorship happens, future Americans will blame those who just waited for someone else to do something. And the eventual destruction a totalitarian USA could create in the world will be blamed—not only on the ever-Trumpers, but also all those 99,99% who did nothing at the time fascism happened. No…if you don’t show outrage in actions, you aren’t outraged. You rather show that you believe it’s okay for Trump to do what he does. And he will accelerate his behavior when no one shows any sign of resistance. Nah.. The real excuse for you Americans not protesting is because you are too comfortable and too numb. The protests in the 60s and 70s did give result. The Vietnam war would have continued if it weren’t for protests. The protests of Dr. King and others did change the situation for Afroamericans.

    4. @prometheus5700 We are talking hypothetical. As in when your military are under the command of your dictator Trump. You won’t have your military defending you, it will be used against you. And if you think that developed countries that band together can’t take America, you’re delusional. Every country that has nuclear power is on a level playing field with America.

    5. There is only ONE Super power in the World. 2.2 Trillion debt, China has the pink slip. No one in the G8 is talking to Trump. Because he talks directly to Putin who pays for everything. sorry State not United america

  5. IMPEACHED and is going to prison with his BUDDIES so all these ANTI AMERICAN TRUMPERS will have no where to hide. REPUBLICANS party has been infiltrated and is being used. In my opinion

    1. And when it’s all over with, there’s gonna be plenty lead out in cuffs for doing Trump’s bidding. Trump: “I don’t know those people.”

    2. Victoria Davis your right, I never thought I would see the day when the U S A was in this mess, I’m not recognising it , feeling sad 😔

  6. Why are all our fellow American Republican’s “standing MUTE” against #45 ?? Ignorance is not American of you all. *Stand up against what is wrong. *Stand up against all of these daily lies. Do other Americans have to tell Y’all that humans are more important then the all mighty Dollar? Millions of Americans are wondering, are these despicable acts of political rhetoric and lies worth it? What about your children and your grandchildren? War is all #45 is good for. American’s DO NOT WANT WAR !!

  7. Is this how WE THE PEOPLE ! want to live. SAY NOTHING ” DO NOTHING ” unless I say so ! OR ELSE.. WE STILL HAVE RIGHTS . AMERICA

    1. Pgs Gonzalez well it’s now that you should rise and protect your freedom and your rights, when you still have the time, wait until the election, and if trump wins with the help of Russia it’s too late for you all! Be brave like Hong Kong people and go out and be heard! Make it the biggest in all 50 states of America that you don’t won’t a dictatorship or a king who can do whatever he wants!👍

    1. @UncleMilo How can you say he is creating a cesspool when he is doing a great job getting rid of creepy evil immoral left wing athiests and replacing the with good honest red blooded citizens that love America and the American people.

    1. @Michael Moore yes, so go visit a therapist, stop whining and then come back, until then – take a hike, moron

    2. @Darling Dear did you notice he didn’t even attempt to deny that Trump is a traitor?
      Just changed the subject and started insulting you.
      Trumpism defined…

  8. I am a German Grenell is your Ambassador in Germany. We are so glad Greenhorn Grenell has more to do in Washington. He is a disgrace. Nobody likes or trusted him here.

    1. @Tony Smith
      What? Sure there are some probs with right wingers over here but in comparison to the US we still have a model democracy.

    2. It isn’t being critical. It’s a warning not to let technocrats take the power under the hands of the people.
      Watch out, USA. Don’t let it happen.
      Grenell is an imcompetent ambassador btw. Did nothing to improve relations. Isn’t it the genuine task of an ambassador?

    3. @anonymusum
      First of all the U.S. is not a democracy; we are a constitutional republic. Secondly, our soaring economy is the envy of the world vs Germany’s tanking finacial future tied to the failing EU.

    1. It’s gonna all backfire on everyone towing the line and they’ll be lead out in cuffs when Trump is out. And worst part for them will be when Trump says – “I don’t know these people.”

    2. Can’t get legitimately re-elected and they know it. How else can one justify gerrymandering to a level that stretches reason, active and robust voter suppression efforts, and wanton corruption at the highest levels of office.

    1. The Red Turd is most of the way there to installing a dictatorship. 2020 will finish the job unless Americans put an end to this in the November election. Unfortunately, the Republicans aren’t the least bit interested in democracy (as demonstrated by their vote against impeachment and Moscow Mitch’s refusal to consider legislation to tighten up the electoral process already passed by the House). Consequently, the Republicans will be using every filthy trick in the book (with the help of the Russians) to swing it their way. The Republican senate are traitors to the country.

    2. What are you talkin about how can Trump end up being a dictator you don’t make any sense what do you think he’s going to take over the government by force it’s a stupid comment

  9. Benedict McDonald’s is far past wanting Russia to help him steal the election, he’s helping them do it. The GOP is helping him help them do it.

  10. Trump will definitely do his best to obstruct investigative queries into Russian meddling. He has always chosen Russia over American intelligence.

    1. Trump even favors Russian journalists over American, as when he joked with Russian leaders in the Oval Office, and only allowed one reporter on the scene, ……a Russian.

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