Despite the clear assessment by the US intelligence community that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) continues to peddle President Donald Trump's conspiracy theory on Ukraine's involvement. CNN's Jim Sciutto debunks this theory. #CNN #News
Jim Scuitto fact-checks Sen. John Kennedy’s Ukraine election interference claims

What a relic! Louisiana, cmon!
CNN Prove it or shut up.
CNN Prove it or shut up.
@Eric Larsen Your grasp of reality is hilarious, please continue I’m gonna start taking notes for future generations of people can read of your kind of malignant dishonesty.
@Donna Willams no need to explain, you are a troll. No wonder your husband faked his death.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party (Trump) is always right.”
— George Orwell, 1984
In George Orwell’s novel 1984, a Thoughtcrime is the criminal act of holding beliefs that oppose or question the Party. Thoughtcrime is thinking of anything that the Thought Police and the Party deem is illegal. Doubting the party line, or thinking anything contrary to the Party’s message.
Within Trump’s cult, he has a name for those who commit “Thoughtcrimes” against him, like questioning his actions, and calling out his lies, Trump refers to these people as “Never Trumpers.”
@Tamera Chance
@Tamera Chance you just Beclowned yourself
@Kelley L no one is trying to rewrite history but rather to stop the glorification of white SUPREMACIST traitors. Stonewall Jackson, Jefferson Davis, especially Robert E Lee and others led a rebellion against the United States for the preservation of slavery. That makes them traitors. Now, current white SUPREMACIST groups wave the rebel flag and honor the traitors to continue a legacy of hate. All of it should be burned and melted down to cleanse the American soul. Just like the nazi flags were banned after WW2 in Germany. Not to rewrite anything but to stop the use of civil war southern paraphernalia from continuing to push white SUPREMACIST philosophy. Or do you want to promote racist attitudes?
@Kelley L they taking down racist statues and streets changed, common sense says ya dont glorify anyone that was known for promoting slavery….the part of history that glorified death and horrible human rights violations so no, fucktard, its not fucking strange at all to non racist people….
@General Sanders no they trying to erase yours, trollboy
When is someone going to look into why Trump is trying so hard to protect Russia?
Because he won’t show anyone his tax returns.
Putin knows everything about trumps finances. Putin knows trump has been laundering money for many years. Putin has all the dirt.
SHAME, DANGEROUS, AND LIAR kennedy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@d fobroy learn Engrish! That’s how you spelled it! Lol! All Republican’s contradict themselves and a mind is a terrible thing to waste! Lol!
@Jacqueline Milton dumb learn sarcasm, it is something you liberal twits use instead of facts. and yes its a shame to see all those wasted liberal dork minds
@Jacqueline Milton you need dentures from what i hear
d fobroy BTW… Hillary is a retired grandmother,and?
Kennedy is certainly a credit to his corrupt party and the corrupt president they support.
That John Kennedy Senator looks like one of the characters on that old 60’s show, Green Acres!!
@Garry G reported for racist remark
@Arthur Schnapka racist remark, reported
@Garry G well we know about your mom and her racist preferences
Or someone lost his dentures… to distract from that wore his wife’s (if he has one) lipstick
@Herman you may wanna either rewrite that so its understandable, or learn engrish for trolls. besides your mom takes out her dentures when shes working the porn arcade gloryhole
He sounds like someone stole his grits….
And is growing tits.
DarthSailorMoon explain??? I just meant I love cheese grits!
Hillary Clinton did
@Uncle Ed What ? – Stole his Grits ?
Does senator Kennedy work for Russia?
Trump works for Putin and the GOP bows the Trump, he is their King and master.
Russian phobia is real and you idiots have it
@Texas-7111 lol
@Texas-7111 Did you learn that at Trump University or from a old KGB beginners course!!
Senile John Kennedy is a RUSSIAN asset who JUST met with Putin in Moscow last week.
The most stupidest thing I have ever heard, LOL
typical leftists talking points, using Russia as the bad guys. But you didn’t mind Obama great relationship with Putin, so much he let Russia invade Crimea and eastern Ukraine.
. Hypocrite! 
Russian collusion was a hoax
@Uncle Ed LOL. You are so terrified of brown people that you are willing to publicly state that you believe a syphilitic serial sexual assaulter. Shame you lack the courage to just admit that you scared of the collapse of your country’s empire.
Well, Mr. Kennedy, it could be a 400 pound man sitting on his bed! I heard that from somebody.
@d fobroy
I suppose that would be some sort of insult if i was what you think i am.
Yes i like bacon. I like eating a bacon sandwich as i watch republicans squirm when they are caught out lying on camera and have to back track.
@Fatma Ramadan good then eat some bacon, sleep with an infidel, if you can find one drunk enough and remember that democrats all practice taqiyah just like the other slimes
@d fobroy
Kennedy lied for trump, got called out then back tracked. It is there in front of the cameras for all to see.
Not sure what a bacon sandwich has to do with anything…… i haven’t heard anything that sounds like it’s going to save trumps bacon
@Fatma Ramadan oh bullshit, wanna get into a democrats lying session ? lets talk about schiff now thats a liar, he just sucks at it, kinda like you and your comments
This guy looks like a Crystal Meth addict

I trust Fiona Hill over Cult Member Kennedy any day of the week!
@Charlie Gomez whose turning their heads knowing Trump bribed Ukraine. You are! Lol! What a fucking contradiction!
@Randy B your white you know nothing of my world. Your demo paid websites & fact checks are garbage like your choice in voting
that’s a no-duh…
Stop using the word meddling. It was an attack.
Yes, what Hillary, the Dems and Ukraine did was an attack on America. Thank God it didn’t work!
Let check the servers. Where are the f%$@ servers? CNN how do you know it was Russia? Hey by the way what are your top 3 Wikileaks revelation sunk Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign?
When you are interviewing them you need to call them a liar to their face. Stop being polite.
They’re not being polite, they’re being litigious.
oh yeeah and when a liar is pointed out, the media dfends that liar aka a democrat
d fobroy good call…if either side is lying someone needs to call it out.
Randy Powers Lol. But then not only would they not come back on the show, their Fellow colleagues that are watching won’t come on. CNN has a difficult time getting those GOP law maker liars to come on the air.
Senator Kennedy looks like the inbred brother of Mitch McConnell.
Andrew Hawthorne You mean Moscow Mitch they sound like they come from the same farm trying to back Donald Trump this is sad
@Angela Davis ^ Russian phobia
@Texas-7111 troll get facts
GREAT SCOTT! … you’re right! OMG
. I knew there was something odd looking about Cocaine Mitch.
LA, we feel sorry for you with such a clueless representative. There is no way to fix stupid. He sounds more like a Putin apologist than a congressional member of an American state.
Most of the GOP is either involved or aware in the Russian attack.
Last year that seemed crazy, too wacky to entertain. Now here it is- Russia involved in American politics through the greed of the GOP, led by the most corrupt president ever. It still doesn’t seem possible, this is too insane. BUT HERE IT IS. CLOSE YOUR EYES OR TRY TO FIGHT AND SURVIVE.
How can someone who talks like that be intelligent

@Michael Mc molesting young college students? oh yeah that thing clinton does. and Epstein Didnt Kill Himself, Hillary did it
d fobroy
No you slipped up there sad girl I’m talking about your favourite wank star gym Jordan remember
@Michael Mc what afraid of the facts ya sad basement dweller, i wont call out yer gender which isnt male, but could be one of the 9000 other genders you liberal idiots say are real
@Michael Mc too many facts for you soy whatever ?
His voice

I can’t 

When someone blinks that much while talking, you know they’re lying…
Or his make up powder got in his eyes.